Vodris is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vodris (696146)"back to square one..."

Last Active: 2024/07/15 18:02
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,366
Karma+/Verve+19 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles10 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779894 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779894 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record1,066/10,843/77
Win %9%
Last Killed Xavianna Lucc ...
Last Killed ByAcid Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Amourtia (33)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 33k+




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2.5k+ Power

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VIP Member Demoness Rinny Kazekishi™
Emberz ~ Sainte
Lilith Marie DeAvalon
Leviathan L. D. Danheim
Raven Nyx Hades
Malia Romanov
Scarlett F. S. Neverbane
Odessia Maeve™
VIP Member DarkAsh

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  • Lamb: "Are you there dear wolf?"
  • Wolf: "I am little lamb."
  • Lamb: "Are you sad?"
  • Wolf: "How old are we Lamb?"
  • Lamb: "Far older than those whose footsteps have long vanished."
  • Wolf: Many years then.
  • Lamb: And I remember them all, dear wolf
  • Wolf: "How long will we be together?"
  • Lamb: "Forever more dear wolf. Never one without the other.."
  • Wolf: ""I see water"
  • Lamb: "They are called tears."
  • Wolf: "Wherever lamb goes."
  • Lamb: "Wolf is sure to follow."
  • Wolf: "Lamb, tell me a story."
  • Lamb: "There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely."
  • Wolf: "Why was it lonely?"
  • Lamb: "All things must meet this man, so they shunned him."
  • Wolf: "Did he chase them all?"
  • Lamb: "He took an axe and split himself in two right down the middle."
  • Wolf: "So he would always have a friend?"
  • Lamb: "So he would always have a friend."
  • Lamb: "How does hunger feel?."
  • Wolf: "Always there. I want the tender-thing. Does it see us, Lamb?"
  • Lamb: "Yes, but it must choose. Feed the Wolf, or embrace the Lamb."
  • Wolf: "I want to chase again, little Lamb."
  • Lamb: "Patience, dear Wolf"
  • Wolf: "Chasing is the best game in the world. And I always Win!"
  • Lamb: "There are always more,” she whispered. “Until the day there is only Lamb and Wolf "
  • Wolf: "And then will you run from me, little Lamb? "
  • Lamb: "No. Never one without the other, for we, are..."
  • Wolf: "..Kindred."
  • Wolf: Is it time already?
  • Lamb: We will soon awaken from this pale slumber.
  • Wolf: Is this what it feels like to end?
  • Lamb: I do not know, for this is not our end.
  • Wolf: Do others come back?
  • Lamb: Those who do, wish they hadn`t.
  • Wolf: They break too easy!
  • Lamb: They laughed.
  • Wolf: And screamed.
  • Lamb: And danced.
  • Wolf: And fled.
  • Wolf: Have they forgotten us yet, Lamb?
  • Lamb: All still know us, though they try to forget. Soon we will remind them
  • Wolf: Follow their tracks. None can hide.
  • Lamb: Though many try.
  • Wolf: The next one will be easy
  • Lamb: And if not?
  • Wolf: More fun. Can`t wait for them to flee. All who run are mine!
  • Lamb: Those who run from death....stood still in life.
  • Wolf: Hurry, Lamb. Faster. I smell their fear. I smell prey!
  • Lamb: Those who dread us grant us the most power.
  • Wolf: The hunt begins!



       Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











    Vodris's average rating out of 37 rates is 8.97/10


    Odessia Maeve™ (742529)

    2023-09-12 02:09:11

    You have given Vodris a rating of 10.

    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2023-09-11 19:16:14

    Im doing well wolfy thank you hehe
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2023-09-11 18:50:03

    Hello Sir, i hope your well
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2023-01-02 16:36:01

    It was thank you Sir :)
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2023-01-02 16:31:07

    Hello Sir i hope you had a good Christmas and New Years
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-26 15:35:09

    Im not talking to people through BLs right now Sir
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-26 15:27:19

    hehe just thought i would say a quick hey thats all Sir...not wanting to bug you
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-25 22:19:01

    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-13 01:56:02

    I figured you wouldnt call me that since im not yours anymore and yes dont let my blood drip onto the ground Sir
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-13 01:11:45

    You still call me that eh? Hehe did my blood taste the way you remembered?
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2022-05-12 19:07:22

    Hello to you too Sir lol

    2021-07-04 19:25:04

    You have given Virit Wyrd a rating of 10.
    Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

    2021-04-29 15:31:23

    A 10 for you qq love the profile
    Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

    2021-04-23 17:17:16

    You have given Virit Wyrd a rating of 10.

    For the lamb and the wolf. qq
    Trinity Xiii (708694)

    2021-02-08 19:56:50

    You have given Virit Wyrd a rating of 10
    Lorrana Reveaux (713788)

    2020-11-07 16:12:36

    35 more days. :) Thank you again for doing this!
    misty (731011)

    2020-08-18 01:43:03

    Wolf and Lamb. Perfect Duo. Especially with the Spirit Blossom event on now. :)
    Shae (733326)

    2020-07-17 05:54:57

    10/10 sir
    Luna Rose Maximus (301501)

    2020-06-23 19:11:01

    You have given Amourtia NeverBane a rating of 10.
    Luna Silvertongue (705389)

    2018-05-03 00:57:00

    Congrats Sir

    Rhaella Tyrell (649659) sent black roses.

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