Zain Gray is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Zain Gray (698492)"I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stone"

Last Active: 2023/11/27 21:09
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,287
Karma+/Verve+69 / 45
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles18 (+3%) See All
Missions R/P/S125/2/9
Battle Record24,364/49,355/65
Win %34%
Last KilledCarmilla
Last Killed ByRyker Hokulani ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent5



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Zain Gray's average rating out of 41 rates is 9.05/10


Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-25 01:15:02

[c=#D87093][b][i]A rich man bought a Swan and Goose--
That for song, and this for use.
It chanced his simple-minded cook
One night the Swan for Goose mistook.
But in the dark about to chop
The Swan in two above the crop,
He heard the lyric note, and stayed
The action of the fatal blade.

And thus we see a proper tune
Is sometimes very opportune.[/i][/b][/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-13 20:42:54

[c=#D87093][i]The earth trembled as you passed by,
Turning everything sacred as you walked.
You set your eyes upon me for the first time,
speaking at me with the depth of the night a nightingale who doesn't need its wings to fly. [/i][/]
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-01-08 23:17:33

You have given Zain Gray a rating of 10.

Covenless? Oh my!

Have a great 2024! qq
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-01-02 17:21:35

Priest: This divorce has been requested. You have until midnight tonight to change your mind. well thank you for proving yourself all the rumors about you being a multi were true. and not others starting crap with me. your actions have proven it. YOU sought after me very hard then vanished once you had me . Lucky for me. In the midst of all the drama you all caused me and my losses I found someone very kind in rl who values me. Not much of a gamer but she is trying and did join for me. Thank you for teaching me how fake "true" friends can be. and reminding me real life is a precious gem. Even trolls can teach valuable lessons.
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-12-28 00:21:16

You have given Zain Gray +2 Karma.

You missed a ton of stats boots over the last Holiday of the year. Honestly a little worried at this point today marks a full month with out a log in to the game or word from you. I hope the Holidays were easy on you and that you will return safe and sound. With any luck and faith you are at least okay. Still planning on Duvall after the Rp event. [/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-12-25 06:55:31

[c=plum]Happy Holidays hoping you are safe where ever you are, with a safe return soon. Merry x mass.[/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-12-17 21:52:38

[c=plum]You gather up three snow balls and hit Zain with them , Each one has a color hidden inside it and a message.

They are on their way to Zain Gray (698492).

Here is to hoping December eases for us both and you return soon. Perhaps the baby swans will even hatch soon!
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2023-12-14 19:17:59

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2023! As usual, there is but one rule to this game.... You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-12-05 03:30:25

[c=plum] ---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2023! As usual, there is but one rule to this game.... You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!

[c=#C71585]Happy First holiday together Mr Duvall. I hope the baby swans hatch soon and give us a kind soft thing to nurture for the holidays. I hope you are well. [/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-26 00:11:03

[i][c=#D87093] "Mari toupre kč m. Se pou pi bon genyen zam lagč! paske nou sou ekip opoze. "

[b]The Kin - Together. [/b][/][/i]
Doom Le Doux (209640)

2023-11-25 16:36:39

Congratulations on marring my daughter
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2023-11-25 04:52:44

[i][c=#ff9999] Congratulations on the awaited nuptials, Monsieur Zain Gray.

You can have that stroll in between war kills and brawls with your Missus now. May every single brand new day, create fond memories and growth between you both. Embraced by compassion, empathy for one another and most importantly, kindness between each other.

And remember... NO RED RINGS!!!

“Marriage is like watching the color of leaves in the fall; ever changing and more stunningly beautiful with each passing day.”
– Fawn Weaver
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-11-25 03:32:09

Congrats on your marriage to my daughter I wish you both many happy days together 😊
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-24 17:10:16

[c=plum]For the spark of hope I thank you . Thinking of you sending you my good vibes and smiles at your swan like writings.[/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-23 14:43:04


With your hand in mine your love would be returned.
I implore my heart: "If my true love stays away tonight, I shall be like someone already in the grave."
Are you not my health and my life? How joyful is your good healthfor the heart that seeks you!
O my beautiful one, I am apart of your affairs, a wife.

With your hand in mine your love would be returned.
I implore my heart: "If my true love stays away tonight, I shall be like someone already in the grave."
Are you not my health and my life? How joyful is your good healthfor the heart that seeks you![/][/i]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-23 14:36:16

[i][c=#9932CC]You sir truly do know the way to a woman's heart. You pulled a trick from my favorite novel out. [u]11.22.63[/u] Just like Jacob Amberson asking Sadie to marry him over the phone. You wait till I am asleep and send me the most heartfelt thing I have had the grace of reading in a long time. You are very lucky, Such acts are charming and endearing. [/][/i]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-18 23:12:46

[c=plum][i]I wish I were your mirror so that you always looked at me. I wish I were your garment so that you would always wear me. I wish I were the water that washes your body. I wish I were the unguent, that I could annoit you. The band around your chest and the beads around your neck. I wish I were your sandal that you would step on me[/i][/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-16 05:37:54

[c=#DDA0DD]She’s floating on air
Hums softly swallows nectar
Dashes to her nest[/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-11-08 00:50:55

You have given Zain Gray a rating of 10. Happy indigenous history month
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-10-21 06:35:55

You have given Chosen a rating of 10.

Sami Sugar Plum Faerie (744350) sent Orphaned nest of Sámi Swans.
Coraline Catori ~Le Doux~ (744350) sent Lilly Of The Valley Silver Bells.
Coraline Catori ~Le Doux~ (744350) sent A rose gold ring made from a japor snippet.

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