Morpheus DarkShadow is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Morpheus DarkShadow (70224)

Last Active: 2015-02-23 01:01:37
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,894
Karma+/Verve+6 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationAfghanistan
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780128 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780128 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record57,674/174,286/144
Win %25%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByLethean Nex Sa ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenCrimson Empire
Coven Title (Rank)member (0)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 0+



List 3

Rank 250+

50k+ Wins

10k+ Power

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5 Family Members

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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Kem`Falla Katyonak
Dream Circe Oneiroi
Lacey Deathspirit
Juliette Astraea Sinister
Isabella V Hexbane Night
Sweets Darkshadow
VIP Member Bear Ecje Night
Tweetly Durkee

Morpheus DarkShadow has 37 friends View All Friends




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Morpheus DarkShadow's average rating out of 97 rates is 7.80/10


Makaria Aestus (498427)

2014-08-27 05:30:57

Hurry and return love <3
Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

2014-07-16 10:44:08

Aurora DS DarkShadow (446415)

2014-06-03 03:10:31

Hiii Daddyy <3
Jamie Price (508506)

2014-02-14 19:28:09

Happy Valentines Day Morphie!!! Hope you and your wife have a great day xxxx
Makaria Aestus (498427)

2014-01-23 17:01:01

I love you handsome
Makaria Aestus (498427)

2013-12-24 17:14:26

Merry Christmas, my love. I couldn't ask for a better gift than your love <3 -grins all cheeseball like -
Makaria Aestus (498427)

2013-12-12 17:50:33

Happy 31 days of marriage baby To many many more. Thank you for being the best husband ever. I love you so so so much and am so thankful for you . You can take the turkey off your profile now too, btw, silly
Makaria Aestus (498427)

2013-11-19 01:26:06

Makaria Aestus (498427)

2013-11-13 14:49:20

Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam Wife Spam
Makaria Aestus (498427)

2013-11-03 06:10:14

Saedrissa (85523)

2013-10-04 20:43:01

Where is my hubby?
SEN (234561)

2013-09-28 08:42:16

Welcome back Morphy! You know the drill lol If you need anything just let me know. Great to have you back with us
Titania Darkshadow (64950)

2013-09-15 23:14:34

Welcome to Arcadia. We are pleased to have you among us. Feel free to explore the forums and familiarize yourself with the coven basics. Should you need anything, contact any of our staff via BL.
SEN (234561)

2013-09-12 04:37:08

!!!Morphy Welcome to Porta Inferni !! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Welcome Home!
Vivienne VonStriker™ (640026)

2013-08-29 05:15:58

your welcome
Vivienne VonStriker™ (640026)

2013-08-29 05:05:55

Didn't want you to feel left out so here you go! EDEN
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2013-08-25 20:17:47

Gramplague! I love you.
Saedrissa (85523)

2013-08-19 14:52:30

Kinshi Firefox (570500)

2013-08-13 18:53:03

Hi welcome to the aslyum, Check out our forums for contests and anything you want, if you want me, I' m Cobra, room 369 in the physco section
Rinnie Aspicio (321449)

2013-08-13 15:20:44

Welcome to the Asylum! Please check out the forums for help and any questions you might have. If you have time, join us in chat, or ask any of the staff here regarding any questions you come up with. Let me know what you would like your coven name and color to be. I hope you enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you around. Have fun!

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