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Theo™ (703607)"28/11/19 You were an angel in the shape of my mum"

Last Active: 2024/08/29 16:19
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Married to Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) for 213 days
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Scarvel Kuolema Sainte©
Achlys Masalis
Elizabeth Pavlis

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Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2024-08-21 01:01:19

Happy birthday to the kindest and gentlest soul Ive ever met. Another year older and wiser baby, you are so beautiful and sexy and hot and gorgeous. And intelligent. I love you so much..

Happy birthday, baby!
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2024-08-13 15:24:10

[i]Like an ever so charming wife would do to their husband or even their wife, she hummed softly as she began decorating the spouses page. Setting up twinkling lights, putting out roses and sunflowers. She got to work on organizing how the pillows will look just for her to nod her approval. And that’s where she left a teddy bear holding a bundle of those realistic looking flowers since she knows her husband wouldnt be back in time. Making a soft clicking noise with her tongue, the woman placed a note within the flowers just for her to turn and depart from her spouses page.[/i]

[c=#004263][i]Dearest Theo,

Everyday has been a true blessing with you. Theres not a day that doesn’t go by where I dont fall more madly in love with you. For the past five months of being together has been truly magical. You brighten my world with just a smile, you make everything melt away. I love you with my very being..

Yours truly,
Your Baby.[/][/i]

[i]Forgetting she needed to add a second note to her lovely collection, she turned and made her way back. Soon enough she tucked the second note right beside the first one. With another hum and a nod, she departed once more.

[c=#851F47]Dearest Fiancé,

To the love of my life.. I love you so much. Everyday with you is a day I know I can survive. Waking up to hearing your sleepy voice and falling asleep with said sleepy voice. Hearing your giggled and your chuckles, seeing your face and your smile. It brightens my day, making it so much better. I can’t wait to have you for the rest of our lives..

Because you my dear.. You are stuck with me permanently. I love you more and more every single day. You are my soul and my beating heart.

I loved you nine months ago. I love you now. I’ll love you in the future. I will always love you, my sunshine queen.

Forever and always.

Always and forever.

To infinity and beyond.

Yours truly,
Your fiancé.[/][/i]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2024-07-10 05:59:53

I know we talk everywhere else but actually on RoB…

But you are the best. I love you every single day we’re together, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my world and my soul. You make me smile and laugh every day and being able to call you mine has been a true blessing.

Im so madly in love with you that a day doesn't go by where Im not day dreaming about my RoB spouse and my future real life wife.

I love you x infinity and beyond.

Always and forever, baby.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2024-06-17 03:32:47

Daaammnnn who’s that sexy beast I call my spouse? [hehe]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2021-05-03 14:50:15

Its been a hot minute since I seen you active. I love you, my darling.[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-11-11 04:35:47

Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2020-10-31 04:35:03

eeeeyyyy, welcome to the club, bruh!
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-10-09 00:28:33

[i]Glancing around as a super suspicious person would, but she cleared her throat and grinned wickedly as she set the basket down on the husband nightstand. Admiring the basket then his room as well before she cleared her throat and turned to disappear back to the study. Well of course after stealing something of his.

Within the basket sat a teddy bear with a silver chain necklace and a note. With several pieces of candies and rose petals.

The note read as followed:


In the past, I don't know how many days now has been nothing but pure bliss for me. I wouldn't want to spend forever with anyone but you. You have been my rock, my sun, and my saving grace for the past 10 months. I know we don't always see eye to eye involving a lot of things but honestly, that's apart of a normal relationship.

Here's to eternity more days together. I love you, my Sun.[/][/i][3][3][3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-07-15 04:21:40

I love you to the moon and back, Mon amour.[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:22:43

Shhh we don't mention that skank. [3][hehe]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:20:09

I love you darling and I love how we once again forgot our anniversary. Happy belated six months together.[3][3] And to many more.[peck][love]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:18:32

[i][b][u][c=red]M. I. N. E.[/][/i][/u][/b] qq[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:17:52

[i][b][u][c=red]M. I. N. E.[/][/i][/u][/b] qq[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:17:19

[i][b][u][c=red]M. I. N. E.[/][/i][/u][/b] qq[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:16:42

[i][b][u][c=red]M. I. N. E.[/][/i][/u][/b] qq[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-23 06:16:05

[i][b][u][c=red]M. I. N. E.[/][/i][/u][/b] qq[3]
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2020-05-20 20:02:38

Haven’t seen you around in a while—saw your name in chat and got nostalgic! Hope all is well. ❤️
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-09 20:02:43

[i]As she read over his note, tears sprung to her eyes. Happy tears of course! With a smile, she began writing him as well.[/i]

Dear my absent minded husband,

Never apologize for being busy. Any wife of yours would know you get busy just as much as I do. I miss you severally everyday you are away. Of course I will be patient with you, my love. You deserve it and a loving home. I love you as well.

I would like to say thank you as well for being by my side even when I often withdrawn into myself. You became a blessing for me, so your welcome my love.


[i]A big watery smile danced across her lips as she went to sat the note down after kissing the front of it, leaving it for him to find.[/i]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-04 04:50:46

Happy very belated 5 months together my wonderful spouse. I couldn't of asked for a better partner in life, I love and miss you dearly. [3] I'm always thinking about you even if I haven't been as active as I would like to be lately. :e But you are always on my mind, maybe thats why we're both so exhausted lately. ;) Hope you get on soon so I can have my cuddle partner back.[3][3][3]

Your Wife/Husband[3]
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-03-29 23:39:22

Oh baby ;)

Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent You’re favourite imagery.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent red roses.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent black roses.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent white roses.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent Birthday balloons.
Happy Birthday from Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) - Happy birthday, sexy!
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent a teddy.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent A bundle of Roses and Sunflowers just for you..
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) sent Spicy Nudes from your favourite Blonde ;).
I Love you from Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288) - I fall more in love with you everyday, baby.

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