Lutalea Liya Ve`ina is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Lutalea Liya Ve`ina is currently jailed. They've got 96909 days left & has had 51 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Lutalea Liya Ve`ina (703837)"The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Last Active: 2016-04-24 23:26:20
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age3,108
Karma+/Verve+61 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record1,609/12,338/7
Win %12%
Last KilledRedDestiny37
Last Killed ByBloodlust
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Elven Girl (32)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 38k+



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Name: Lutalea Liya Ve`ina

Mortal Age: 16

Actual Age: 2,000

Race: Elven

Appearance: Long rosy blond hair shimmered in the sun`s bathing light and her soft tan skin almost seemed to glow with a supernatural radiance. She wore a light brown silk outfit similar to that of a one piece swimsuit but with three large sections missing from the sides, the first was at the hips the second at the base of the ribs and the third at the chest stopping just before the nipple. The skimpy outfit also had a V-neck which also revealed a fair amount of the young elf`s cleavage, her arms were bare with the exception of light brown fingerless gloves that reached just above her wrists. Her legs two were unclothed except her matching light brown leather boots, these were of a strange design as they were tight fitting from the knee down but only covered a small portion of the top of her foot the rest of her feet were left completely bare. She had painted her finger and toenails a Forest Green the colour worn by her people

Nature: She seemed a normal adventurer except for her brilliant light blue eyes. Every Wood Elf had green eyes with the exception of some priests who had white however the only thing eyes like hers could mean would be that this beautiful young elf was indeed a Death Knight. Many feared her for this whilst others harbored resentment however even in becoming a Death Knight she was still the same person she had always been, she was still as inquisitive and playful as before if not then more so.

Demeanor: She Can Be Very Violent If People Mess With Her Forest As She Protects All Living Things Be It Animals Plants Or Trees.

Brief History: She`s charming, reliable, intelligent and perhaps a little too immature. But there`s more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with her position. She was born in a successful family in a small village. She lived free of trouble until she was about 13 years old, but at that point things changed. She gained responsibilities and was slowly improving upon existing skills. With amazing, new friends, she enjoys life in a amazing world. But with her persistence and capability, there`s nothing to stop her from going beyond expectations. She could quickly become a person of (great) importance. However, she is currently still learning, exploring and discovering. She feels like there`s more to experience in this world. Luckily she has a great family to support her.



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Lutalea Liya Ve`ina's average rating out of 15 rates is 7.87/10


Kyril Reeve Mayers (702945)

2016-04-25 15:30:49

99977 keks
+antiX_Xdepressant+ (66455)

2016-04-03 23:40:58

Charlotte Nex (690958)

2016-04-03 13:15:05

[url=]And another one bites the dust[/url] [dance]

Cheerio Cordelia, hopefully this time you will get the idea that your multis are going to get caught. qq
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2016-04-03 03:57:30

I was looking through websites and found a small tiny piece of code, stuck it to my profile, and it worked.

2016-03-30 03:09:53

Hi :-)
Spectre (121609)

2016-03-30 00:01:01

RWBY for the win.
Vincent DeKiller (703395)

2016-03-29 23:12:03

I love the back ground, one of the best pages on here
Zonin F. Blackhart (449911)

2016-03-29 03:04:58

Thank you! My mother does good work. ;)
Graham Blacksoul (65182)

2016-03-28 23:57:30

Like the rain by clint black.
Ravana Stone (700624)

2016-03-28 18:43:22

~Runs round her aleading muddy paw prints~
Ravana Stone (700624)

2016-03-28 18:31:58

~smiles softly~ sure
Ravana Stone (700624)

2016-03-28 18:29:03

yays CX meow!
Dakota Gray (583182)

2016-03-27 03:11:21

Hey. Still continuing the rp?
Charlotte Nex (690958)

2016-03-26 13:10:59

I noticed that you applied to QoTD staff so Imthought I would wish you good luck. qq I loved the questions you posted with your application as well, very original [y]
Airabeth Moon (147278)

2016-03-23 01:45:53

You have given Lutalea a rating of 10. thank you for the 10

the song is the Ambassadors - Unsteady
Ligeia (648620)

2016-03-22 05:35:58

You have given Lutalea a rating of 10. Love the music. Welcome on RoB!
Nora Hildegard™ (695103)

2016-03-21 00:45:18

Hey :)

I'm looking forward to reading that history. Make sure you tell me when you add it to you character!
Loki (301656)

2016-03-18 21:08:19

Thank you same for you.

It is called the wolf.
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2016-03-18 03:27:24

You have given Lutalea a rating of 10. :q
Marcus † (672507)

2016-03-18 01:52:04

Beautiful & calming profile, Rated 10. ..think I'll stay here a while & listen to the melodies..

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