Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel (70829)"You could hide beside me, maybe for a while. And I won't tell them your name."

Last Active: 2022/05/12 14:32
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Game Age5,884
Karma+/Verve+22 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles5 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record21,802/98,141/431
Win %19%
Last KilledLouis
Last Killed ByDizzi ****kin` ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Married to Edenausray Loquil (76745) for 4523 days
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About Doc About Giesel Family

Being of Two Lives

There are two entities that belong to this profile. "Giesel" who`s story is told in the blog story. And "Doc" who`s the Head of the Help team and Owner of the Provincia Gentis Panthera Coven.

Doc is something of a enigma, at times wise and at times sarcastic, and other times hard and unforgiving. This inconsistancy is mostly intentional, to keep people guessing what they`re going to encounter when we meet. I know it`s not nice, nor is it fair. But hey, we`re vampires, deal with it.

I am in this game because of a friend that I value greatly. She told me of this game and I joined so we had a way to do something together though we live hundreds of miles apart. Since joining I have made quite a few more friends, many that I will value for many coming years.

Doc`s career started as a member of the Buds Coven. When I joined, Buds was a good place to start, they offered very good bonuses, and the people were very helpful and welcoming. Over time, the leadership of the Coven became distracted and uninvolved. In so doing, they left the care of their creation in the hands of someone that was completely unqualified to be in such a position. As a result, several of us decided to take our leave and form our own Coven, which was named the Black Roses.

The Black Roses had a strong and promising start. We formed a Council that was supposed to be a guiding force in the Coven`s growth. We had an Owner and Co-Owner that had ideas and goals centered around the group. We set about establishing ourselves, as a separates identity, apart from our origins. However, once again there was proof of the addage that "Power Corrupts". The leader of the Black Roses turned into a power hungry tyrant that was more concerned with his own advancement, and how much power he could wield through that Coven. So, my friend and I created our own family place. The name may change a few times until we get it right, but it`s still our home.

Please look to "Family" for more.

Theodore Solomon Giesel

Giesel was born in the Greater Boston area, the grandson of German Concentration Camp survivors. He was raised in a traditional Kosher family, one of five children, of which only three survived to adulthood. These losses at an early age caused Giesel`s faith to waiver. After all, what kind of God claims children so.

Due to losing two of his siblings to childhood illnesses, Giesel`s ambition was to enter the field of Medicine and focus on the care of children. After graduating from Medical school, Giesel decided to specialize in Pediatric Oncology. It was by achieving some degree of success with a patient from the Kennedy clan that Giesel earned a reputation as a talented Doctor, and secured his position at the prestegious Children`s Hospital in Boston.

This reputation turned out to be both boon and bane to Giesel. It was because of it that he was sought out by the families of some of the most severe cases on record of childhood cancer. For as many patients as he saved, there were as many that he could not help, and this tore at his soul. One such case led to his being brought into the world of Vampires against his will.

The patient`s name was Timmy, the last name being unimportant. Giesel accepted the case but soon discovered that the child`s cancer had spread to too many systems in his body, the proagnosis was grim. Giesel determined that the only course of action was palliative care, concentrating on making the child comfortable in his final days. Timmy was only eight years old, with little chance of seeing nine.

While explaining to Timmy`s mother that there was nothing that the current state of medical technology could do for her son, Giesel noticed some odd behaviors from who he assumed to be the father of the boy. Turns out he was wrong. Timmy`s mother was involved with the underground, covert Vampire society, dating a particularly nasty Vampire named Sebastian. It was after trying to console the grieving mother that he was approached and threatened by Sebastian.

Unfazed by the threats, and the showing of fangs by Sebastian, Giesel reported the situation to Child Services in an effort to break the mother free from what he thought was an abusive addict/pusher relationship. This only served to anger Timmy`s Mom, and drive her to resent Giesel, and accuse him of not caring to heal a poor black child because he was a racist.

The Hospital, after reviewing the case and coming to the same conclusion that Giesel had, supported his actions and petitioned for a restraining order against the mother and her paramour. Child Services determined that while his mother was under the influence of the social structure she had chosen, she was unfit to act as Timmy`s guardian. Shortly after this, little Timmy succumbed to his illness.

The three cardinal rules of the Vampiric society are:

  • Do not draw attention to the members of the society. In order to maintain a low profile and avoid a war, the Vampires must not
  • Do not convert anyone that is not ready. Do not bring anyone who is unwilling or unstable across as this makes them unpredictible and uncontrollable.
  • NEVER convert Children!
  • In her grief, Timmy`s mother implored Sebastian to bring her over to being a Vampire in order to get her revenge. Sebastian, having a rebellious nature, agreed because of Giesel`s defiance. It appeared that Giesel had angered Sebastian by daring to stand up to him, so he brought the grieving mother into the fold, converting her mere days after young Timmy`s passing. But he was sloppy about the process, and she was damaged.

    So, driven mad by the loss of her child coupled with the loss of her humanity, she followed Giesel and attacked him in his home, a high rise apartment. Due to the restraining order taken out by Giesel`s hospital administrators, and some special attention from a certain powerful political family, the police were on scene to rescue Giesel just as she was making her attack. When she failed to release her prisoner, dragging him back towards the windows of his twelth floor apartment, they pursued. When she bared fangs and sank them into his vein they opened fire on her ripping her away and forcing her out the window. As she plumeted to the pavement her head was severed when her neck struck a Guy wire for one of the flagpoles on the front of the building, destroying her instantly.

    By interrupting the feeding process, which was done incorrectly to begin with, the police inadvertently caused her to bring him over into being undead. In the insuing months Giesel started to lose control of his mind and began acting in a most erratic manner. He attacked several people in a feeding frenzy, he destroyed property through reckless agressive acts. Because of his relative fame, his actions were tracked through the local news broadcasts and gosip columns. On several occasions this almost allowed for the exposure of the Vampire community to the general public.

    Marcus, the Prince of Boston, became annoyed with the situation and ordered Giesel to be brought before him. In an effort to normalize Giesel`s behavior, he fed Giesel off his own blood, effectively making himself Giesel`s Sire. The ploy worked, Giesel returned to relative normalcy. When he learned what had transpired, he became livid. Blaming Sebastian for the damage to Giesel, the publicity and near exposure of the Vampire society, and for breaking two of the cardinal laws of Vampiric society, he ordered Sebastian make restitution in the form of half his accumulated wealth to be transferred to Giesel`s control.

    This was cold comfort for Giesel, who felt extremely violated, his life stripped away. With the inclusion of Marcus` blood, Giesel gained the knowledge of the laws and customs of the Vampires. In fact, Giesel`s transformation was more than anticipated, he became a Vampyre, an elder of the species. Claiming the right of satisfaction, Giesel demmanded to duel with Sebastian, in order to destroy him. Marcus would have no duel in his city. After Sebastian transfered his punishment to Giesel, Marcus exiled both him and Giesel, stating that neither can be in the city if the other is there.

    For the rest of this story, please read the story in my blogs.

    History of the Family

    This Coven is formed of refugees that have taken their own fate into their own hands. We started off elsewhere, in the Coven known as Buds. We were happy for the most part there, part of something good, until those that would be our leaders decided that they needed to put their attention elsewhere, leaving some undesirable people in charge.

    Then things went bad, there was persecution, rejection of anything we attempted to make a good thing better, and op for even trying. When it became apparent that those in a position to correct the problem were disinterested in getting involved, we did what we had to. We escaped.

    We were forced to leave many a good friend behind, some even took our departure as a form of betrayal. We still miss, and mourn, them to this day. But we did what we needed to do, and forged a new home, with new leaders, new ideas, and new goals.

    Alas, this was not meant to last either, as we soon learned that the one we chose to follow had fallen victim to the addage, Power Corrupts. Again, we were subject to lies, deceit, and tyranny. We did what we could to salvage what we had, but in the end we were forced to abandon it to forge a new home.

    So we are here, in the Ascension. We have created a new way of doing things, we are still trying to learn the best way for us. We still mourn those that we were forced to leave, or chose not to follow, but our sights are on the future, not the past. We strive to meet the new challenges we face, and to conquer them.

    We welcome you. We offer what shelter and aid we can. We hope you come to treasure this as your home, as much as we do.



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    Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel's average rating out of 701 rates is 8.00/10


    Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

    2023-10-04 18:23:17

    Hoping You have and Yours have been well
    its odd most times with so many of us gone
    Charlotte Lolita (45459)

    2019-05-03 21:06:36

    I just came across your name... it's been years! I wonder how you are pppqqqppp
    Soul Stone (53627)

    2018-10-15 14:02:36

    It's been awhile. I hope you're okay:)
    Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

    2018-08-22 16:54:48

    Hello Doc. It's been a long awhile. I really hope you have been well! [hugme]
    Khalin (74653)

    2018-07-06 15:41:50

    Dearest Doc! Where have you gone? :( Your face is missed by all of us. We do adore you, sir. [3]
    Marja Bellator Sainte (100728)

    2018-06-30 14:33:08

    Khalin (74653)

    2018-04-03 03:17:36

    Khalin (74653)

    2017-12-18 22:47:27

    For what? My stellar status stalking skillzzz ?
    Khalin (74653)

    2017-12-18 14:25:51

    ... And the world will live as one!
    Vega (701704)

    2017-12-02 16:56:00

    ---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2017! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
    Vega (701704)

    2017-11-29 19:17:22

    You have my heart. Always [3]
    Vega (701704)

    2017-11-21 15:06:13

    Hello to you too my love. [3]
    Sunshine Birch (353331)

    2017-11-19 06:58:32

    I thought I'd leave some love [hug] and a rating for a friend from long ago. You have given Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel a rating of 10.[3] Still amazed to see you back. So happy to see the positive changes surrounding you.
    Vega (701704)

    2017-11-17 03:59:42

    And I'll be right by your side, holding your hand, as we take this path forward together. [3]
    Karina Nex™ (82837)

    2017-11-17 00:41:13

    Ready? [3]
    Karina Nex™ (82837)

    2017-11-16 17:58:35

    [3] I love you too, hon [3] [I]Kisses his forehead gently[/I] Everything will be fine, I promise. You have so many people who love you and cherish you, and you know you even have a home waiting for you. I promise you, you will never be alone again, least of all in your own home. I know right now its hard, and the past few months have been harder, but please try to have some faith in that. I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm proud of you.

    I'm always going to be there for you, Giesel, always loyal. Don't you ever doubt that, not for even a second, okay? [3] And don't ever worry about seeing my back turned, except if its to take a bullet. [3]
    Karina Nex™ (82837)

    2017-11-16 16:56:13

    Excuse my corniness for a second, but [i]Holds out her paw[/i]

    If you're taking the plunge, I'm taking it with you. [3] Always. [3] You never have to be alone again.
    Karina Nex™ (82837)

    2017-11-14 21:18:20

    Also: You have given Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel a rating of 10.

    I'm pre-emptively voting for the final product >.>
    Karina Nex™ (82837)

    2017-11-14 21:17:03

    You Jedi Mind Tricked Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel (70829)

    :o Whuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
    Vega (701704)

    2017-11-05 21:25:00

    Thank you [3]

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