¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥ (71016)"maintaining..."

Last Active: 2011-04-20 14:22:59
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¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥'s average rating out of 424 rates is 8.37/10


†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2024-02-18 11:40:29

I miss you
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2024-02-18 11:40:02

I miss you
Mad Cat (200461)

2022-11-04 01:26:44

It has been many years since I had seen you grace this place last. There are still times when I hope to catch glimpses of you here. But I know they just in my head. You are so dearly missed. I do hope that you rest well in peace and that you are watching over those of us who continue to come here to fondly remember those that we've lost along the way.

Here's to seeing you again one day. pppqqqppp
‡Lord Fang Darkfire‡ (695625)

2021-10-03 02:35:42

Ivy...you were...such a good friend. Not a day has passed that I haven't thought about you. You were one of the only people here who actually treated me like a person. I haven't been the same since you left. Honestly, I don't think any who knew you have been. I miss you...but I know you are at peace. I will always have the fondest memories of you. No matter what I do, my mind always wanders back to you, and though I'm sad that you're gone, I smile, because I got to be friends with such an amazing person.
Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2021-08-18 10:20:02

-Graceful tendrils of shadow flowed like mist along the earthen beds of the cool ground below, not disturbing even the lightest speck of dirt in it's passing. The ebony mist continued to dance above the ground for a time before slowly reaching upwards to the moon, dark fingers bending in two pairs to form a dark oval the height of a standing adult. Before the tips of those fingers could even interlock properly, a figure breezed through the opening on light and flowing steps.

A mane of raven-black locks billowed out from behind his shoulders, seemingly endless as their locks continued to leave the shadow portal long after his steps had taken five. Light, flowing pants mirrored the billow of his mane, though his upper form was comfortably contained within the dark folds of a tight fitting shirt. His pale skin showed most heavily in the being's arms, pearly tone bright under the touch of the lunar rays that fell from above. The only other form of light on his form was the bright silver crescent that lay protectively on the shirt beneath the shadow's lengthy locks, and the stormy gray irises that peered forward toward the building standing before him..

Though the abyss took his awareness of the physical plane and the running of it's timing, the male always had a sense of when he was late for this particular event. For as the male approached the aging house before him, the feeling of familiarity reminded him that he had been out of commission for much longer this time. Those bright orbs of light upon his face turned solemn for but a second, that second fading swiftly to return the cold burn of the usual steeliness. After all, his adopted Mother knew well that her son was not the most punctual of her brood. He had always left that to his heart sister Abbigale, she after all carried the flame of Ivy much higher than he ever could.

His mane of raven locks hung low to the ground, dancing in place despite the lack of any substantial breeze around them. Like the hands of an ethereal wind blew solely in his immediate zone. Such things barely registered in the mind of this being however as his steely grays fell to the old rocking chair sitting on her porch. With footfalls that made no sound, and shifted none, the male quietly climbed those steps, before turning on his heel and falling weightlessly into the rocking chair. In quiet comfort, the male let loose the weight that seemed to sit evermore upon his shoulders. As he did, a pair of loud caws crossed the skies above; signalling the entrance of two large, dark feathered avians that would come swoop down to land upon the rails before him.

Both of these large birds promptly folded back their wings, the larger of the two with a mastered motions whilst the smaller did so with a more casual manner. Though their sizes were far beyond their original designs, the two Crows were undoubtedly who they were as their heads danced from side-to-side; refreshing their memories of this place they had been visiting alongside him every annual visit since the passing of their Lord’s mother. The only other thing that set them apart, was that both had a single glowing gray eye. Left on the larger Crow, and right on the smaller. Both eye’s perfect reflections of their Master’s signature orbs. Without saying a word, they both sat and waited patiently. The smaller of the two, fidgeting only occasionally. Unusual restraint, considering her manner.

The male on the rocking chair however, gave neither of the two any mind though as he rested into the bend of his chair. His search had been very rewarding, but he had not been afforded much rest in the recent past. Without speech, or words of any form; the male did something he had not done in a very long time. He quietly fell asleep, rocking softly on his Mother’s old chair.

((Rest eternally, Ivy. May they above continue to gently soothe that beautiful soul. Miss and love you, always. [3] [3] [3] ))
Raine Orrina Blacksoul™ (720815)

2021-05-30 14:29:52

[I]Resting a small hand on the cool stone between the strands of Ivy, a tear cascaded down the femme's cheek.

"Every time my thoughts wander back to my first days here, there is nothing but a pain of missing you. Its been years however, my heart aches as if your departure was just moments ago. I remember sitting in the clearing in your lap while you fixed my hair and rocked me in your chair. Oh how I wish I still had that feeling of....safety and love. I miss you so much. I know you are watching over us though."
Lord Armand of Wolfsblood (15951)

2021-04-17 09:49:57

You are not forgotten. You are missed, so terribly deeply.
Kazimir De Pascal (179292)

2021-02-23 18:49:43

[i]A single rose, held in a solemn hand, ever strong, ever vigilant, never wilting. This was my vow to you, the day you called me your own. Forever beautiful, ever gracious, your heart was never filled, for it was too spacious, never lost, for you to guide me, under your wing, did you hide me, thanks to you I have grown so much, like a rose bush you pruned me, and I flourished under your touch.
Scarvel Kuolema Sainte© (350288)

2020-05-04 05:05:53

I haven't visited your profile in a long time, I couldn't bring myself to it without crying but here I am now. I miss you terribly my friend, its not the same without seeing you posting in chat helping someone new. Or simply watching people together. You helped this terrible fool at writing and becoming a better person on RoB after my terrible past.

I still love that about you, despite what happened you always helped someone out.

I love and miss you greatly, Ivy. Hope you are giving everyone a stern talking to up there.[3]

-Lemuna Bloodspell.
Isabella V Hexbane Night (80510)

2020-01-15 23:36:00

[i]It had been so long since she'd spoken to one of her dearest friends. She lay a bouquet of yellow roses across the ivy strewn memorial still perfectly intact, for the woman she called her twin soul. She smiled, an errant tear streaming down the woman's cheek as she hashed over the many memories the two women had created together. The countless hours of conversation, the laughter and the tears. The commonalities the two women had shared were far too many to recall, but it had brought them together and cemented a truly beautiful friendship between the two.[/i][c=yellow]"I relieved so many beautiful memories of you today, my sweet soul sister. I also relieved the pain of losing you in the most unexpected way. It's so funny how life brings people together and they find a connection they never knew they had. I am so very happy that that connection was you. Thank you for such a beautiful gift my friend. I will always miss and love you so very much."[/]
Vance Therian Denar (132830)

2020-01-15 23:34:33

You are still missed my darling friend Ivy. Rest well in the Embrace of the Goddess.

2019-11-24 14:52:12

You are greatly missed, My love.
Meriedi HelsUsi© (680310)

2019-11-08 15:51:39

~Waves and looks around~

Merry Meet Brightest Blessing
Dearest Ivy, been awhile........within the last 3 years a LOT has occurred in my personal-business also....I...lost a partner.....we were LDR only and hoped to expand virtual but.....that was unable to happen hes a R.O.B.er as well....I am working up the courage to visit his profile.....I hope both of you have
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2019-10-22 22:13:55

I still miss you. [3]
Hezekiah J. De`Caedes (273683)

2019-06-06 04:41:24

I thought of you today. I miss you still, Ivy.
¥Grimnir¥ (441016)

2019-05-27 03:21:39

- he sat there and for a moment reflected upon the memory of the woman he come to visit. A faint smile crosses his lips before pulling a small japanese flute from within his cape.- "For you, Lady Ivy" - he whispers before placing the flute before his lips; a haunting melody of shakuhachi floats upon a wind unseen; like phantom cherry blossoms upon a dark forest stream- "May you rest well, my friend. I did not know you well..but..you are worthy of respect." - he whispered once more before continuing to play for her; fading once more into the aether,as the sound of the flute echoed upon the breeze-
Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2019-04-04 19:58:17

-The male made his way in quietly, his flowing form almost gliding over the ground below. His mane of raven black locks that usually fell to reach his waist was on this night bound into a loose bun behind his head, and instead it was the signature black fur of his cloak that fell towards the ground. The dim glow of his silvery gray eyes lit up the shadows of his face as they gazed around, stopping only when they found a dusty old rocking chair upon which a long dried rose sat upon. His steps continued soundlessly upon this find, bringing his form to approach the solitary piece of furniture. When he reached it, his hand would fall to take the remains of that flower and move it on to one of the armrests. With that done his form would twirl before falling weightlessly into it's embrace, the chair rocking back and then forward again in the motion. Letting it settle, Phantom drew from within his cloak a pair of glasses and a flask, setting the former of the two upon the roseless armrest. In moments he had uncorked the flask and filled both cups with the steamy crimson blood tea within and returned the flask to the dark recesses of his cloak. In the hours to come, the lone Lasombra quietly drank from a single of these cups with the memory of his adopted Mother on his mind. Who knew how much time had passed by the time he had faded from this place, but remaining behind him was the second of those cups possessing the long cooled brew within and a new green rose on the spot where he had sat- "Rest well, Mother. A Crow will always return" -Were the echoes of the words he had spoken when he left-
Coyote (78564)

2018-10-09 23:44:24

Hello Ivy. It's been..a while. You probably don't remember me but I remember you. You were one of the first people I talked to on here. I hope where ever you are..things are better.
Lord Armand of Wolfsblood (15951)

2018-09-10 07:41:38

I still miss you, Ivy. Est nomine patri I hope you are in a better place.
Valterra Dominor (49577)

2018-06-16 02:50:49

[i]Places a single black rose blanketed in rich greenery; wild ivy, at the foot of what remains of a memory.[/i] "Rest well, my Childe."

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