Alexstrasza De Locura™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Alexstrasza De Locura™ (710204)"Leaving."

Last Active: 2017-02-08 18:36:15
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Battle Record6,614/12,316/21
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Last KilledFrankCastle
Last Killed ByKodiak Sainte
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TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae

Alexstrasza De Locura™ has 17 friends View All Friends


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Name: Alexstrasza LaRouge Kornear Sæbeorn™
Age: 23/190
Sire: Tizzie LaRouge
Bloodline: LaRouge
Spouse: Warcloud De Locura
Species: Vampire/Sorceress
History: Alexstrasza was born March 23, 1826 in Nagyenyed (today Aiud), a town in Romania. She was a Hungarian inhabitant born to a wealthy aristocratic family. Her childhood was normal, she spent many hours studying and reading. Her parents were determined she would become something great and developed into a smart, successful woman.
She grew and at the age of 23 her whole world changed. On January 8, 1849 her town was attacked by the Romanians. For two days they set the streets on fire, massacred, and tortured her friends and neighbors. They destroyed the town brutally murdering everyone within the city.
Alexstrasza`s family was included within the 600 victims. She watched as her parents were tortured and then killed by Romanians. They then set there attention on Alex. She endured hours of pain and torture. In the end they stabbed her and in her last moments she crawled towards her parents. Dead bodies scattered like leaves in the street. She curled up next to her family and braced herself for death. She would at least be with her love ones. As her eyes started to flutter a red headed woman appeared. She was pale and beautiful, a woman by the name of Tizzie LaRouge.
This woman had heard news of the massacre on these Hungarians. Being so that she was a vampire she naturally flocked to Nagyenyed in search for a safe place to hunt. She noticed the bright crimson haired beauty laying in a pool of blood. Even in death her aura shown brightly and Tizzie wasn`t sure what it was about her but she felt the need to save Alex.
As she faded out she felt the woman pick her up from the ground. Alex could do nothing but lay during in her arms. She began to lose her hold on life, clenching to any hope of living. But in the back of her mind she wanted to let go and join her family. Tizzie would not allow that to happen. She saw something special within Alex and gave her a new life.
Death. This is what she thought was coming but in fact she awoke in a new place. Laying in a pool of silk sheets and a crackling fireplace in the corner. Art decorated the walls, which were like those of a castle. That mysterious woman had returned to her side.
At first she wasn`t aware of what she had become. She slowly began to feel the hunger. Tight like a ball of knots in her. The woman slit her wrist and allowed Alex to drink from her. This freaked the girl out at first but she could not ignore the gnawing urge to sip the crimson droplets.
This is how she became what she was, a vampire. The events that she had been through had changed her. Visions always and forever reminding her of that time. Years would pass and her heart became cold, sometimes she was even cruel. This was a direct product of her last day as a human.
Tizzie was her savior, her maker, and her mother. She protected and taught Alex all that she knew. Alexstrasza had found her place within the family of LaRouge and has always been very greatful for her mother, Tizzie. She will never forget those events and she would reek havoc on all of humankind. This made her feel slightly better, at least for the time being....



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Alexstrasza De Locura™'s average rating out of 31 rates is 8.52/10


*Butterscotch~Moonshine* (710059)

2017-10-22 11:12:14

Missing my sweet baby sister!!
WarCloud (375195)

2016-12-13 14:03:45

Oh Mrs. Alexstrasza what a wonderful way to make me smile [3] [3] [3] Sweet lovings for you too my wifey. Always yours qq
Weylon A. Kallistratos (699969)

2016-12-12 22:35:49

Congratulations on the marriage, beautiful! I wish you both many happy days together [3] [hug]
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2016-12-12 22:03:04

You can come to me if you wanna know his secrets lol :d
I really do hope this makes you both happy [hugme]
Shadow SevenFold (575824)

2016-12-12 21:54:06

You have given Alexstrasza Elora LaRouge a rating of 10.
Congrats in the marriage to War. Keep him happy qq
Jacqueline Maeve Enigma (154144)

2016-12-09 21:31:26

You have given Alexstrasza K. Sæbeorn™ a rating of 10.

Beautifully done Dara! [3]
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2016-12-05 19:14:10

You have given Alexstrasza K. Sæbeorn™ a rating of 10. :)
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-05 07:28:41

Good. Don't want to worry about my sweet daughter not getting in her Zzz's
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-05 07:02:21

Go to bed young lady or mama bear will get her paddle out -k-
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-05 06:52:12

-Whiiiines- but baby giiiirl :(
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-05 06:42:50

I'm gooooooood qq But very very tired. I'm legit trying not to fall asleep but I have orders to fill xD
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-05 06:32:35

How's my beautiful baby girl going?
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae (127113)

2016-12-03 10:43:32

Mommy loves you!![3]
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-11-30 11:07:31

the Uncle is doing goodqq
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-11-30 04:58:50

[kitty]love the new profile, Niecey[hugme]how u doin?
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-11-30 04:53:43

Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2016-11-27 23:07:21

You have given Alexstrasza LR Kornear™ a rating of 10.

So pretty and red. qq
Elijah Asher Shahar™ (179572)

2016-11-18 10:08:25

You are the light of my life dear, I love you so very much [3]
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-11-14 16:18:18

you're most welcome, Piper[hugme]
Peter Hale (432904)

2016-11-14 06:10:16

kitty in[] [kitty]

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