Arietes de Vogel is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Arietes de Vogel (711105)"I've seen ghosts brighter than her soul."

Last Active: 2024/09/18 15:55
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age2,857
Karma+/Verve+900 / 200
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles32 (+4%) See All
Missions R/P/S325/26/46
Battle Record152,009/64,914/91
Win %71%
Last KilledDark~Avenger
Last Killed BySyndel Fuego
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent30
Coven Clockwork of Nightmares
Coven Title (Rank)Drengr (10)
Coven VirtueSnapdragons (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 346k+



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Rank 500+

100k+ Wins

10k+ Power

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Married to Krampus de Vogel (726649) for 814 days

13 Family Members

Vitality 2635    Charm 42
RP Posts 5    Coven RP Posts 0
House Shadows` Nocturne   House of Night   House House of Night: Reborn   House Belle Morte  
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Krampus de Vogel
VIP Member Orinthia Edelstein of Riot
Sebastian Koa
VIP Member Nightshed

Arietes de Vogel has 46 friends View All Friends


♥ My Love ♥

2022-06-27 Urien de Vogel (726649) has proposed to you with the message: Be mine-again?

You have accepted Urien de Vogel`s proposal, you are now married.

And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul


Name: Arietes LeClaire Night de Vogel
Alias: Arietes de Vogel
Species: Deer Shifter
Sexuality: Straight

RoB Status

Marital Status: Married
Bloodletters: Open for friends
Coven: Tremere Domus
Family: LeClaire | Night | Hightopp | de Vogel
Creation Date: 2016-11-22



• Blood Letters: Open • Comments: Open • Roleplay: Open •
• Profile: Myself • Model: Elle Fanning • Information Box: 714847 - Modifed by me • Profile code: 714847 - Modifed by me•









Krampus de Vogel (726649)

2022-09-05 17:07:05

evening to the most beautiful and amazing woman I have ever known. Love ya, doll face
Krampus de Vogel (726649)

2022-06-29 01:43:10

Love you, doll face.
Krampus de Vogel (726649)

2022-06-27 02:40:40

I'm the luckiest guy to have a woman like you at my side.
Sebastian Koa (691680)

2021-05-26 23:13:55

Best Kiddo ever [3][3][3]
Zaelia (513412)

2021-05-16 17:02:24

I'm so lucky to have an amazing daughter like you. [3]
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2024-07-23 02:15:38

[3] your face!!
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2024-04-08 02:14:42

You have given your feedback.[3][3][3][3][3]
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2024-01-03 21:32:10

Gorgeous profile darling!!
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2023-12-02 17:03:52

Apologies for the late reply!

Thats all we can do, the best we can. I hope the next year has more ups than downs for the both of us. I’m glad you’re still around on here, despite what goes on in life. It’s good to have an escape to something that isn’t stressful and reality qq

Hope you have the happiest holidays this year ❤️
Cara Fidela Shìffyr (75781)

2023-10-05 01:18:22

Hope you are doing well, Ari qq
Ailean G. Raeven Celosia (745491)

2023-07-05 03:29:32

You have given your feedback.
love the page as purple is my fav color, am learning to do profiles myself so this is very awesome!
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-07-01 17:05:27

[c=#600d26]You're more than welcome, of course! Aaaand sure thing!! qq [3]


Please enter the following number[/] [c=red][b]666[/b][/] [c=#600d26]into the text box →[/] [hehe]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-07-01 16:22:37

[c=#600d26]Welcome to CoN (Clockwork of Nightmares), dearest Grand-Deer! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to either me or any of the other staff!! qq[/]
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2023-06-10 17:43:37

Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2023-04-03 04:25:11

Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-02-20 19:55:48

Love you too, sweetheart.
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2023-02-19 15:04:04

[i]You have given your feedback.[/i] [3]

Love the profile Ari! qq
Velenna I. Duquesne (714620)

2023-01-05 16:31:01

[i]You have given your feedback.[/i] [3]

Monthly lovings! qq
p e s t a (710465)

2022-12-30 19:27:23

Ari! [3] Hope youre well and happy end of the year!
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-12-29 19:55:55

You are entirely too sweet. [cry] Thank you for the kind words and thank YOU for being my friend as well. My life here is a brighter with you in it. [3] qq [3]

Thinking of you from Aislinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) - my lovely Grand-Deer
Urien de Vogel (726649) sent a star.
I Love you from Urien de Vogel (726649) - Happy 75 days, doll face
Urien de Vogel (726649) sent goblet.
Urien de Vogel (726649) sent necklace.
Urien de Vogel (726649) sent bracelet.
Urien de Vogel (726649) sent white roses.
I Love you from scærlet (621812) - You make me the happiest <3
Ryo de Pointe du Lac (731415) sent ring.
Ryo de Pointe du Lac (731415) sent black roses.

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