Alice was lost until she found refuge in many places at the age of 19, she was to be wed to the richest man on earth... until the night he changed her into the monster she hates the most...A vampire, a demon, a creature that thirsts for blood, she watched her village fall at the hands of her "husband-to-be" yet she stood by him since he created her, since he turned her to be with him for all of eternity. That was 330A.D. She soon came upon Dead City, where she met many people, people she trusted, those who betrayed her. She met family, family who left her she met kingdoms fall at her hands in anger. She met her doom, destruction, her chaos all in one person. She met her mother Tizzie N. LaVey Sinclair™ (127113), she met family she could count on from her time in The Original Vampires she met loyalty wherever she went, she had husbands and wives, she met her children, her daughter Sephone Malice (714620), and her daughter`s husband Malanark Malice (714628)She met peace for now. Until the next chaos follows her.
She just wants to fully be happy in her immortal life, instead of having eternal misery...
†Alice†Cullen†'s average rating out of 35 rates is 7.37/10
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