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Grimm (716555)"bck 4rm skool yay"

Last Active: 2023/06/24 02:52
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Last Killed ByErra Sainte
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It`s the year 1768,Grimm back  then called Kamsi was cleaning his dad`s stable when he was called in side `Hello` says a masked fellow `what is your name ` Kamsi` I say `well then Kamsi go up to your room and stay there` I obey silently as I look at my parents bound on the floor. In my room I hear screams and shouts so I creep and watch from a hole in d floor as the masked men beat them up `well Adam u think u could get away from me u took every thing from me when u passed me that judgment u ohh in jail I got power u could never comprehend Wat do u want to do run even if u where on a horse I would catch u or do u want to beat me I could break down ur house if I wanted to now u watch as I take back what u took form me` then he kissed my mum on d neck but when he pulled back and I saw two holes in her neck I suddenly realized what he was I jumped from my window and stared running thinking about all the angry mobs I wanted to take part of when they kill Ed people they thought were witches or vampires but I suddenly realized how wrong they were then he was there  he wasn`t there a minute ago how the hell??? he grabbed and then we were flying  the distance I covered in about 2 minutes was covered in half a second `but however` I said as we entered the house `simple` he said laughing `I ran` turning to my dad he said `so Adams what can u do ur son is going to die everything u have is going to be burnt including u and u will lose I told u when u sentenced me to death for murder I will come back and hv my revenge` `please please my dad said don`t harm my son please am begging u` my dad cried `it`s true killing him is too merciful am going to turn him into one of us` he said as he cut his arm and put the cut at my mouth forcing me to swallow The last thing I remember was the pain as the fire burned my throat and spread down my body and my dad screaming nooooo!!. I wake in a dark room as I feel a thirst I hv not felt before I get but hit a wall as I look back at where I was before half a second I think this is not happening `I am a vampire` `yes` says a voice from the shadows `you are and u are now a member of the league of  assassins` `I thought they where a myth` `No there are real they are a group of legendary vampires dedicated to killing no the art of killing` `U can`t make me do this` `Ooo but I already have` he says laughing `take him to the pit` I jump at him claws and fangs extended but I am pulled back by strong hands. I`m taken to an opening surrounded by a tall fence `Don`t try escaping it`s blessed` `Wat the hell do u mean` as I turn back I hit the fence they just closed as I touch it the pain is so intense I almost faint as they walk away laughing I shout curses at them `don`t bother u just only waste your strength` `what do u mean` `I mean we are fed only once every 10 days meaning we hv enough not to die but not enough to quench our thirst but don`t worry be` says as he stands up `Am David but they named me FEAR` `who is they` `the elders who come and monitor us and they will be coming soon to maybe name u and introduce u` as he said this I now look at  my surroundings and I see that the enclosure is actually circular  there are various equipment around and there about 40 to 50 boys watching a blur and as my eyes adjust I realized that they are two boys fighting. The fence gate slowly opens and as a dark hooded figure enters he raises he hood as he enters the middle of the fight it stops and I look at him and see he is old `I thought vampires don`t age` I whisper to fear who is at my side `we do but very slowly he says `but very slowly a year to us is about a hundred years to humans`. As he slowly turns to us he calls me out and tells me to introduce myself `My name is kamsi am 13 am an orphan orphaned by u` I say pointing at him and then I lunge at his face but he hits me so fast I didn`t see it I hit the floor `well well` the elder says `it seems we have a fighter all the more fun breaking u and from now on your name is GRIMM` and with that he turns and walks away and as I walk back to fear he tells me he once like me but after 50 years he found out there is no use as there is an announcement that training has started as we split off into groups I`m  grouped 2 with other boys and a trainer comes up and says `there are two ways to go here up or down up is go to a higher group and down is u are killed` `how can we die` i say `for your safety u are all told when u graduate` he takes us to the equipment and we start 235 years pass and not much happens but fear who has graduated about a hundred years ago comes back as am about to graduate to visit me `I just found a new city dead city we can escape` `wait fear can u tell me something` `What is it Grimm?` `How do u kill a vampire` `OK it is not easy though you have to cut out the heart and then put it in holy water or burn it if it is destroyed the vampire is destroyed` `let`s do it` I say grabbing a sword As we escape I branch by the person who killed my parents and make short work of him as we approach dead city I ask fear how the city is he tells me it is a city controlled by vampires as we enter  I ask him how do I look he says `u look 15` `how am about 250 years old` `I told u age slowly a hundred years for every vampire year` he says `fear` `yes` am going to stop hunting humans` `why` fear says `I know how they feel` I say darkly as we reached fear`s house



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