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Novalee (716563)"In the end...everyone leaves"

Last Active: 2019-01-13 14:10:45
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age2,607
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S10/1/8
Battle Record2,558/5,225/20
Win %33%
Last KilledVampir
Last Killed ByZoroark
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Novalee's average rating out of 25 rates is 7.72/10


Alpha Ian BlackThorn (695084)

2017-11-25 08:10:02

And to many more with you my love no matter what it takes I will never leave your side
Dianthe MacComhghaill (707809)

2017-09-24 08:14:56

I LOVE J.J! Haha. New profile is looking awesome. [hug]
Megumi Ryser (185660)

2017-09-23 23:28:03

You have given J.J. a rating of 10.

Love the pics and background.
Hal Caruso (690639)

2017-09-17 19:43:44

Oh! Thank you, love. [hug] I already 10'd you a while ago. [peck]
Alpha Ian BlackThorn (695084)

2017-09-15 02:20:17

Happy one month my darling and many more to go
Hal Caruso (690639)

2017-09-03 16:46:01

It's the WOTD, girly. [roll]
Hal Caruso (690639)

2017-09-03 16:37:42

You Scooby Dooed Sara Jean (716563) [hehe]

You have given Sara Jean a rating of 10. [hug]
Amara Black (716993)

2017-09-03 06:49:36

That's one of the things I love, the fact it's finally becoming ok. It's taken long enough. -k- My husband has a sleeve on one are and then a few others just randomly (but tastefully) on his other arm. A lot of people treat him differently for it until they see the dog tags and suddenly it makes it ok to them. [hm] Which I'm happy for, especially because then they actually talk to him and get to know him then realize he's not what they thought he was. :D
Amara Black (716993)

2017-09-03 00:39:11

Oh! Fun stuff. I don't know if I could handle a sleeve. I've thought about it though. My next tats I want are going to be on my wrist and my forearm so that'll be different for me. Either one will be my first easily visible tattoo. I'm just thankful my boss doesn't care if I have them.
Amara Black (716993)

2017-09-03 00:14:29

It's the worst I'm telling you! [cry] My tattoo artist moved too so I'm having to find a new one. I'm super picky about you does any work on me. How many do you have? I have three technically. Two sets of 3 black roses on my hips/lower stomach and an outline of Texas with a star over the area I live in and a bluebonnet going through it. "Just enjoy the ride" is also in the outline on the Rio Grande rive side. I didn't realize how bad that sounded to others who don't know Chris LeDoux but it's the lyrics to my favorite song by him, not something perverted. :e :D That tattoo covers my left side on my ribs.
Amara Black (716993)

2017-09-03 00:06:54

You have given Sara Jean a rating of 10.
Love your profile graphics and music! Makes me want my hair back to my natural color and my ink fever spike. [3] :D
Nicolette Liviascus (716323)

2017-09-02 07:32:16

You have given Sara Jean a rating of 10.
Beautiful portraits!
Dianthe MacComhghaill (707809)

2017-08-31 11:12:17

You have given Sara Jean a rating of 10.

Looking good, Sara. [hug]
Asema Z. Cytes (171992)

2017-08-28 04:35:04

You're welcome lovely
Asema Z. Cytes (171992)

2017-08-28 04:33:41

You have been given a profile rating of 10. Love it!
Omen Armageddon ™ (594019)

2017-08-25 03:18:33

You have given Sara Jean a rating of 10.
Rosalie (184345)

2017-08-17 20:20:55

Of course. qq
Rosalie (184345)

2017-08-17 20:17:41

[3] Thank you :e Going to redo the background later
Hal Caruso (690639)

2017-08-17 07:31:40

:D Thank you, it's an ongoing project. Wifey did the header for me. qq

Hope you have a good night, Nova. [hug]
Hal Caruso (690639)

2017-08-16 21:22:01

[url=]Congratulations, Nova![/url]

Hope you have a long and healthy marriage and I wish you so many days of happiness! [hug]

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