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DontWannaBeIdentified (716745)"*Shevenly* taking over this week--"

Last Active: 2021/06/10 09:27
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DontWannaBeIdentified's average rating out of 24 rates is 7.83/10


scærlet (621812)

2017-09-01 19:18:02

[lmfao] Yeah yeah it happens to me as well.:P But mostly when I'm spamming people.[hehe] Maybe I should spam you with all of my love one day, as well.[;D] [;O] :P

:D Yeah I do change profiles quite quickly, tbh.^^' That's why I have a bet over my head to keep the current one for 3 whole months.[dead] Ofc it can be for free silly! [hug] haha No need to beg me, cupcake, I'm more than willing to teach you.xD But I do believe you should go to someone more experienced and better than me.xD I only do crappy graphics for my own crappy profiles.:P I shouldn't spread my crappiness all over.:P But I can always make you a background.xD I think I'm good enough for the backgrounds.xD

Oh no no no, it's a no-no.[tch] -k- You should do one thing at a time, cupcake or else you'll be dead tired.[dead] Trust me, I used to do that as well until I got fed up.[nod] One thing at a time.xD And since you need more breaks and time to unwind, planning is your best friend.[y] Plan everything, step by step and your life will get easier! [grin] <33

That's great to hear!! ^_^ Never give up unless you try hard, is my motto, so! [y]

I'm so glad to hear you're such a strong person, lovely Sky.<3 Just take care of yourself, you're more important than anything else in your life, don't forget that yeah?? :)

haha See you soon, cupcake!! Have fun, take care and don't lose yourself, I guess!! [hug] [3][3][3][3]
†Amelia Bluemoon† (692033)

2017-09-01 10:10:19

you welcome [3]
Victor `Pain` Graves (543284)

2017-08-31 12:20:24

Welcome to RoB! [welcome]
scærlet (621812)

2017-08-27 21:27:13

:d I think it was too scary and depressing but I'm really glad someone out there liked it.[hehe] You don't know how happeh you makeh meh, lovely lady.[hehe] :P I don't generally make profiles but I can make an exception for special friends, I guess.^^ But srsly why destroy the awesome background you've got for a crappy one I made?:P And it's free for friends, no worries.xD Keep your money for something more important.<3

Hey hey, RL always comes first and ofc I'll wait for you, cupcake.[hug] <3 You're a good friend, so I understand.<3 Just keep being healthy and sleep as much as you can ok? I worry.<3 Hoohooo, that's wonderful to hear! ^^ Oh, you go with a bodyguard?? That sucks.:( I really hope you gain your freedom and achieve your dream soon, sweetie!! [hug] <33 Don't give up easily, that's right.;)

haha Don't worry about being online and messaging people, silly marshmallow. [poke] :P Just keep your real life in order along with your schedules and have fun.<3 I miss you too, Sky hun.^^ I also wish you a wonderful day and an even better week.<3333 See you soon, friend-o.[hug] <3
Eidolon (650330)

2017-08-24 16:11:57

You have given FallenSkyAngel® a rating of 10.
scærlet (621812)

2017-08-22 22:51:33

:D Thanks sweetie!! :333 I did put some effort in this one tbh.xD It's my first time using this kind of style as well.xD I was hoping I could pull it off.xD
Love yours btw. <33

How've you been hunnie boo?? [hug] [3] Hope all's going well for you!:3 How's school? Or wherever you go to become an air force pilot.xD Hope they're treating you right sweets.:3
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-22 18:07:13

will see
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-22 18:03:42

i know somebody will
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-22 17:53:56

i mean it nd dont delete it agn
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-22 13:54:08

hbd sis:k [3] its party time[dance]
Luric (686225)

2017-08-21 05:38:31

Power 420 Your
scærlet (621812)

2017-08-19 15:52:45

Oh my..That's awful! [hug] I can't even imagine what you went through.<333 So young yet you've seen so many bad things. :( I really hope you'll only find happiness in your way from now on, 'cause you deserve it.<3

Don't thank me, sweetie, just promise me you'll be careful and most importantly healthy and happy.:) That's all I ask of you. [3][3][3]

Woot woot, that's excellent news!! [hug] <3 Oh my, don't worry about me or anyone else, just go and follow your dream!! <3 Good luck, sweetbuns! [hug] [3][3] May the force be with you.;) And be careful ok? <3
scærlet (621812)

2017-08-18 10:51:57

Oh my, this is awful!!! [hug] Did he have anything? I mean, an illness that caused him to pass away? I'm terribly sorry for your loss.[hug] How long has it been since then? I mean, if it happened a looong time ago, you should slowly but surely let go of that guilt, sweetie.<3 It's not good to keep such negative feelings inside for so long.<3 I know why you're feeling that way but what happened, happened and you can't really change the past.<3 It's time to look at the future brightly, right?? [peck] <3

haha Were those tips?? :o I was just stating my opinion but thank [i]you[/i], cupcake, for being wonderful and listening to my long monologue.[hehe] <3 True, true, that's true.[nod] Hope you have amazing friends in real life.[3][3] You more than deserve them.[nod] <3

Nope, unfortunately he didn't get in. You see, you only become that by giving exams at school and you have to score certain points to get in.[nod] It's a complicated educational system.xD Well, however it's like, I hope you'll get there someday.:) <3
Katrina Nightshade (716613)

2017-08-18 03:38:42

Love the profile sweetheart [3] rated 10! :)
Nicolette Liviascus (716323)

2017-08-17 13:51:36

lol I'm renovating so it doesn't quite match everything yet. Glad you like it!
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-17 13:42:34

shit, i died[)
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-17 13:13:16

love u sis :k [3]
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-17 13:02:22

yes i will
scærlet (621812)

2017-08-17 12:32:41

Awww, aren't you a wonderful little lady?? [hug] [3][3][3] But you can call me however you want, sweetie, got no prob.xD I even listen to potato, so.:P I'm open to anything, don't let a game restrict your imagination and all that.;) The pleasure is all mine, hun.:)

Oh my, this does sound like a lot.[nod] Hope you're managing just fine and don't forget to rest okie dokie? [hug] Hmm, when chosing for your career you need to choose wisely and be 1000% certain, cupcake.<3 I mean, it's your future not your parents' or whomever's.[hm] I really wish you the best along the way and hope you'll achieve your dream.<333 A friend of mine wanted to be an airforce pilot, he really likes planes and all.xD Don't let your dream die out, sunshine.<3 haha Thanks, you too.<3 [hug]
CrAzY_Qu3eN (716864)

2017-08-17 12:11:28


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