Dewb~SLeighin is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dewb~SLeighin (719401)"~Always~"

Last Active: 2021/11/26 10:09
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age2,448
Karma+/Verve+486 / 55
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationNorway
Collectibles86 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S587/1/66
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record903,046/74,753/204
Win %93%
Last Killed- : -
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent1536
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Dewb (93)
Coven VirtueGanja God (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 445mil+



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Rank 2k+

750k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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1 Family Member

Vitality 105935    Charm 3320
RP Posts 944    Coven RP Posts 1
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Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2024-04-19 17:17:26

Dang my Doobie ....hats off my brother (todos)
Nero Ironbourne (716947)

2023-07-09 09:13:16

Hi brother... it's me again. Just wanted to say hi. I am. Still fighting cancer and trying to win but it has gotten difficult.. I come here and all I get is coven bls... hardly anyone to speak to... it sucks.. anyway hope you are resting in peace... see you soon.
Angel Hellsing (230121)

2022-11-21 23:53:30

Never forgotten ❤️
Angel Hellsing (230121)

2022-06-24 13:27:16

Well it's your birthday happy birthday and I miss having you to talk to and yep even you annoying me at times. 🥰💖
Nero Ironbourne (716947)

2022-06-10 08:15:52

Hi brother... just came on to say hi... even though your gone I will start to come here and leave a message, miss the competition and the push you gave my fire is gone... I don't have it in me anymore... feeling just drained.. and like if I'm falling in a dark hole again.... wish you were here to at least say something that made sense and yet funny.... hope you are resting well...
Rose Xena Agares Malone (720051)

2022-02-21 07:22:03

Just came back and was getting ready to message you only to find out that you're gone. RIP my friend
Asael Demethys (217776)

2022-02-17 04:13:52

I just came back and found out....Dewb we had gotten pretty close, talking everyday. I am so sorry hun, my heart breaks. I'll miss you buddy!
Nero Ironbourne (716947)

2022-02-11 23:07:38

Walking in here now seems too depressing for me… we could not stand each other one bit, we went after each other and even blocked each other… then became friends. I got to see you were not that bad after all… and I am glad I got to see that before you left us… I actually miss your silver lining with things we spoke about… I am thankful for that and will always hold that dear to my heart… guess I will be seeing you soon after all.. but I gave it a good fight… see you soon friend.
Blissful (703651)

2021-12-19 17:06:30

Rest in Peace Dewman. [cry]
•Maverik•F•Shìffyr• (715642)

2021-12-07 12:46:48

Feel for you bro.
Gonna miss yah.
🤙 Dew be good to em up there yeah.

Tine Darkheart (725648)

2021-12-04 13:45:12

RIP man you are missed by many including the wife.
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2021-11-27 10:03:56

Angel Hellsing (230121)

2021-11-27 03:14:52

You will be missed Dew. [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-11-26 20:25:48

[3] I hope Heaven will be peaceful, pain free, and bring you happiness at last dear Dewb. We will miss your name atop all the charts, and your ever present humor and clever word plays.
NightsBlood Pointe du Lac (728887)

2021-11-26 19:02:32

Didn't know you Dewb, but rest in paradise
Veronica Claire Sangrian (716285)

2021-11-26 18:47:45

Rip Dewb. I just found this out this morning. I was Very sad when I heard this. You were a killer and a fantastic brawler for Buds and a good friend. You will be missed.
Alphalfa (731610)

2021-11-26 17:45:15

Dewb, I'll smoke a big fat bowl for you. (weed) You shall be missed, you've left a hole in Buds. You will always be remembered with a smile. 🤓
Rest in peace man.
scærlet (621812)

2021-11-26 16:53:25

It is shocking to find out that you're gone.. I still can't believe it cause I would expect you to be around for a while more, to be honest, despite our not so good relationship.

Rest in peace Dewb.
Bux (8544)

2021-11-26 10:31:52

RIP buddy ... u were one helluva killer! I will never forget you. November 21st .. Sunday ... brawling and kicking ass one hour ... gone the next ... 1000s of miles away ... I could feel u were gone :(
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2021-11-07 01:02:06

What up doobie? [hi5]

Happy Birthday from Angel~Amazed (230121)
I Love you from Angel~Amazed (230121)
Thinking of you from Angel Hellsing (230121)
Angel Hellsing (230121) sent Love you always Dew.
Katherine Rose Pierce (740338) sent bracelet.

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