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Sapphire Darkheart Night (726443)"Rebuilding"

Last Active: 2021/05/02 23:39
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age2,108
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S8/1/0
StatusAlive (28779912 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779912 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record2,758/7,263/80
Win %28%
Last KilledAlaric Fahrenh ...
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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-- D A R K --
Kira Maire Caecilli
VIP Member DarkAsh

Sapphire Darkheart Night has 3 friends View All Friends


The year was 1565 in Greenwich, England; 7 years into the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. I was one of Her Majesty’s ladies, Greer Frances. The Queen was very strict when it came to her ladies, you had to be chaste, you had to be properly dressed, you had to have perfect etiquette in any and every situation; basically, the epitome of perfection.

I took pride in my ability to stay in good standing with Her Majesty (as did my family). My father was given titles and lands and a place at English Court. In turn, that gave him more power over whom I should marry when the time came. Of course, he had to also have Her Majesty’s approval of any suitor, as I represented her most importantly.

It was a brisk fall evening at court on 17 September, 1565. As I poured the Queen more wine, she stopped me. “Lady Greer,” she said and I instantly dropped into a curtsy. “Yes, Your Majesty.” A warm smile crossed her regal face and she touched a finger under my chin, instructing me to rise.

“This is Charles Seymour, Duke of York.” She said as she motioned her hand towards him.

“Your Grace.” I dipped low once more. With my head still bowed, I was able to peer up at the Duke of York and caught his charming smile. I returned his smile, hoping my Queen did not see. As I rose, Her Majesty informed me that the Duke was wishing to court me.

After a whirlwind courtship, the Duke and I were strolling along a lake on the castle grounds. The moon was high and bright. “My Lady,” he began to say “I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed our time together.” Red flushed my cheeks and reciprocated his sentiment with a kiss on his cheek.

He then stopped and crouched down on to one knee, my hand in his. “Would you make me the happiest man and be my bride?” With a squeal and a kiss, I said yes. We were wed within the next couple of months. And, as with every wedding night, came the consummation. No one watched us, as they did with kings and queens. Though, I wish they had.

The Duke had over-indulged with his wine. I asked if he wanted to just rest this evening and we could trying another time. Well, that infuriated my husband. “You will do as I command, wife!” he bellowed and shoved me to the floor. He continued to undress me against my pleas to stop. I could hear a deep snarl coming from him. “You may want to get use to this, my sweet. You will be with me forever.”

I thought he bent to kiss my neck, but instead I felt a burning, piercing pain. I screamed and he just covered my mouth and he began to….drink. He pulled away and I could still feel the warmth of my blood running down my neck to the floor beneath me. I watched in a paralyzed state of terror. With a sigh of satisfaction, I saw him bite into his own arm then. “Drink.” He commanded me. When I did not comply, he shoved it down onto my mouth and forced me to taste his blood.

Feeling victorious, my husband decided to go to bed and left me to run to the powder room and sob alone. Hours and hours had passed, it was now morning. In my looking glass, all I saw was red…all I felt was rage. I peered at him on the bed through a crack in the door. Sound asleep. What a coward and a brut, I thought. The more I thought, I more my rage increased, I deeply exhaled and stormed to the bed where he lay.

I originally intended to just throw a punch. Instead I punched through his chest and tore out his heart. Painless. As I held his heart in my hand, hunger stirred within me. I hurried out into the halls, since our quarters were at court. People were everywhere, I could…smell them. But where? Out back in the passages?

Found you. I said to myself. And in an alley at English Court was where I took my first human life. Shaken, I walked to the gardens to try and calm down. All of my senses were so intense! I didn’t know how to handle it! The green grass felt so neutral and soft under my bare feet, and I fell to my knees to touch it with my hands.

Just then, I heard a loud scream for help. Someone must have found the body in the alley. I let out a long sigh and looked up to see the sky a deep sapphire blue.



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Sapphire Darkheart Night's average rating out of 1 rates is 10.00/10


Teada Moon Night (159671)

2019-07-21 10:03:37

I've been good thanks 😊 Hope you have too. More and more of the older players are coming back now. It's great to see so many old friends come back. I was gone for about four years myself. Been back for a while now. The game has changed a lot, but it's still fun.
Teada Moon Night (159671)

2019-07-19 14:19:15

Wow!! There's a name I haven't seen for a long, long time! Good to see you back Sapphire :)
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-12-12 17:49:22

Oh that’s the pits. Same thing happened to a friend of mine last year but she ended up being able to recover her account via Ash? Hope he can do the same for you!rnrnI’ve been well. Lots of old bones rattling in the city. Good to see you among them.
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-12-12 17:45:56

Sapphire! Holy moley it’s been forever! Did you get locked out of your account???
Isabella V Hexbane Night (80510)

2018-12-12 07:52:05

Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. So wonderful to see you back. Welcome to CA. If you need anything at all, just holler!
Dreamweaver (248485)

2018-12-12 04:36:14

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2018-12-12 03:31:44

Welcome back Sapphire! I remember you. qq So nice to see returning players check back in. [dance]
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-12 01:20:58

Let me know if you need anything, love. Once family, always family. (Night)
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-12 01:10:26

Maybe... if you'd never gotten VIP, or were before that system went into effect, maybe. Either way, it's so nice to see you! Lots of oldies finding their way back. I was gone for 6 years... just came back in the last few months. Alu convinced me. ^_^
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-12 01:06:32

Holy shit! Sapphire!!!! I KNEW it was you! *pounces* How crazy after all this time! I'm Dark August Night. I was Lady of Obsidian and Stormhaven. ^_^ So nice to see you back. Couldn't access your original account? Maybe talk to Ash and see if he can help you?
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-12-12 00:57:10

... I used to know someone of that name... long, long ago... Night, as a surname, has some meaning 'round here. *wink*

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