Brutus D. Maundy-Kross ™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Brutus D. Maundy-Kross ™ (726804)"Some People Never Fade Away"

Last Active: 2022/03/03 17:18
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Game Age2,078
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles7 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S92/1/1
Battle Record10,378/4,289/63
Win %71%
Last KilledAdrasteia`s Fi ...
Last Killed ByKarma Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent2
CovenThe Mafia ™
Coven Title (Rank)The Godfather (100)
Coven VirtueThe Don (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 15k+



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Eliana Ellie May F.Lozano
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Evangeline Agares-Fidela
TIzzie LaVey Phuri Dae
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VIP Member Ryssa V Phuri Dae

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Brutus D. Maundy-Kross ™'s average rating out of 20 rates is 9.55/10



2022-12-26 06:04:01

A soft whisper came from the shadows as blue flowers bloomed with each step of a delicate step. "Do you remember who I am?" Her voice gentle and light like the petals of the flowers she spawned.

2022-03-11 20:05:31

Flowers full and blue like the sky bloom as the female smiled softly, arms extended and if she were able...her breath hitched in her chest. "I have been waiting for love. "
Ryssa V Phuri Dae (179328)

2022-02-16 01:39:17

Thank you. A 10 in return
You have given Brutus D. Maundy-Kross ™ a rating of 10.

2020-11-10 21:37:55

A bleeding heart that still beats pulses the blood that I hope will draw you back to me. pppqqqppp33

2020-08-30 04:39:54

I shall wait for eternity for eternity is all we have...*wraps her arms around him and kisses him lightly*

2020-06-16 07:09:53


2020-04-02 08:10:05

The female bit her wrist, crimson blood falling from the wound as she inspected her fang marks. Moving to his form, the rare blue-eyed vampire allowed his still frame to drink from her. "I figured that you must be hungry after that long time away. Also, it's a little something for you to take with you...from me." Renata kissed his icy lips with her own that were just as cold...but when they touch, it ignites a desire she has no intention of resisting. Gods, she loves this man. Laying back down beside his sleeping frame, Renata smiled and linked their wedding band-clad hands together before allowing her eyes to close. They are together, now and forever. "Death is no boundary... together shall we be."

2020-03-26 05:00:15

Mila held out her arms, beckoning to her husband like a flame tenderly calls a moth. No words needed there. A hand stretched out, her silent heart aching for his return. The blue eyes begin to soften, remembering that he said they would be together one day soon. Standing up, Mila began singing a song to the ground by where her husband should enter. Putting her hands flat out as she smiles again, in the place of barren flowers began to bloom and brighten up his entry way. The song, a spell she cast. A spell to let the flowers remain in eternal bloom. Wedding ring of the purest gold sparkle in the moonlight.

"My love... I know not where you are, but I do understand that I will NEVER leave " Her voice was gentle, slightly accented with an unknown language. The white dress she wore billowed around her slender body, revealing her curves to him.

2020-03-09 21:01:47

*Kisses his cold lips, remembering the feeling of blood rushing to her face when she had mortal physiology* I miss you, Brutus. May the light and shadows carry you home to me.

2020-02-11 03:17:57

All times, the love is from me my darling husband

2020-02-06 16:51:33

The female gave a giggle as she placed 60 loves all over his face. "I love you so much...may we be together forever."

2019-12-29 16:40:27

Hanging up the last of the mistletoe, Mila curled into her husband's arms. "We live forever...and that's what I will do with my love as well. We will be a part of each other, now...til the end of eternity. I love you so much Brutus. Always have...always will." Her kiss was gentle, much like her personality. Though a powerful being...she was a kind and gentle femme. Keeping her beloved as close to her as she possibly can.

2019-12-25 01:49:59

Merry Christmas to you and your family my darling husband ❤️. Please know that I am always here for you and happily waiting with open arms. *The blue eyes batted, pulling him to her and kissing his lips delicately.*

2019-12-20 03:15:27

The beauty of the hybrid was almost ethereal as she often appears to the male in his dreams, Musa hopes that even a small reminder that someone is here, waiting for him and loving him no matter what happens, can help him through anything he is facing "Would that I could be there by your side, I can only hope that you are doing well. Please, never forget that I am here for you, now and forevermore."

2019-12-19 14:51:24

But extreme happy for you and me love 💓💞💞💓💓💞♥️💗💗♥️

2019-12-18 04:02:40

Happy 13 days to you my true love. Thank you for being with me. (:

2019-12-15 03:27:47

I love you so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰

2019-12-07 03:33:47

Marion slid to his page, placing down a sapphire colored heart made of blue diamonds. Lifting her gentle gaze to him...her icy features seemingly warm. "Greetings my love. This blue diamond is nothing compared to the jewel I have the honor of being married to." Smiling as the blue eyes further sparkles like the stars. "Dear Brutus."

2019-12-06 19:56:25

Thank you so much for being with me 💓💗💗💕💕💗💗💕💕💕💖💗

2019-12-06 04:26:19

Beloved 💗💗💗

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