Reokan is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Reokan (73133)"gone for now with the wind that blows so sweet"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 19:35
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,874
Karma+/Verve+59 / 5
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationFinland
Collectibles128 (+8%) See All
Missions R/P/S370/8/11
Battle Record601,071/148,542/530
Win %81%
Last KilledAshlinn G. B. ...
Last Killed ByThe Birthday G ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent309
CovenTolgalen di Sin
Coven Title (Rank)Anarchist Panda (90)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 77mil+



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nae king, nae quin, nae laird, nae master, I willnae be tied doon.

melek fae (574637) has sent you A Kilt and sword. No proper Panda should go without a Kilt, he`d be naked.

For my sweet are wonderful just the way you are, NEVER let anyone say anything else. funny_panda_01-1

"Come little children the time`s come to play here in my garden of Shadows."

"The odds are good, but the goods are odd"

I am not a hard person to approach, I just have some rules that apply in encounters with me. If you have hard time combining anarchist and rules in same sentence, I suggest you just move along.

I am not the kind of people who makes friends easily. My friendship will be bit harder to gain than with `Hi, do you wanna become my friend?". It may last longer though than you`re willing to understand. If that is a problem to you, move along.

I am not going to explain my actions to anyone, if I`ve done something there is a reason that makes sense to me, and that`s all that matters. If that isn`t allowable by your rule...yes you got it.. move along.

If you`re still here, I have few more things for you. If you`re proposing me for marriage, don`t. You are not the one to catch me, I know you aren`t and that should be only thing that matters. For those more stubborn, I have a blog about this, go read it. If you`re selling your coven to me, read the blog. If you`re just looking for new friend, read my blogs. They are there to let you know about my views on issues, and draw very broad rules of engagement.

If you are trying to get me to join your coven...have I got a thing for you...I am willing to make your life easier, just read this through. If you`re going to approach me with a letter which goes along the lines
`Hi, I am [insert-nick-here] from [insert-coven-here]. I see that you are without coven and would want to offer you the chance to join [insert-coven-here]. We offer [insert-stat-boosts-here] and [insert-equipment-boosts-here].`

My answer to you is:
`Dear [insert-vampire-nick-here]. I am glad you pointed out the fact that I am not in any coven, I hadn`t noticed it myself. I am honoured by your interest in my humble person, I had no idea I could be considered worth of [insert-coven-here]`s attention. For now I can only say, that if you are left to read this in my profile do not feel discouraged, it is just that I am b!tchy old b@stard who goes on egotrips by completely ignoring hard working honest recruiters. Feel free to ask someone else to join, I am sure they are much less anal retentive about how they are recruited. Go holding your head high, you`re not the only one I have ignored...`

If you feel like starting `Hi I am [insert-nick-here] and you are one of the people I was told to approach...` Don`t. Just don`t. If you don`t understand why, go and ask from someone adult what are the odds of such approach being succesful with any grown up. They will probably be able to tell you why too. If not, then find an adult. No hard feelings though, I am sure you are doing the best work you can and one day you too will learn a valuable lesson of respect and how it isn`t shown.

Let`s face it, I am old and I require more personal touch than what you get from copying your coven`s generic recruiting message. I am not saying I won`t join your coven, I am saying that if you right now feel like I`ve left you here looking at this text without any answer to your recruiting message, you didn`t do it right. If that makes you feel pissed or annoyed...yes, you know the drill...move along.

If you are one of those bright thinkers, who think that attacking me, posting results to my profile comments and or BL them to me...I am sure it felt like a good idea, just wait until you grow yourself a braincell and think about this: I am killed within 2 minutes anytime I am revived, not counting the 15 minutes immunity after being attacked. Do you really feel so special that I will notice it was you who killed me? Do you really believe I give a damn when I am killed by someone? I can tell you that you gain 3 things from that approach: blood, satisfaction of killing me (hands on the table where we can see them) and a spot on my blocklist. Have a happy life.




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Reokan's average rating out of 236 rates is 7.52/10


Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-04-02 01:25:16

[c=#686868]"[i]Even if someone might have stopped your cheesecakes delivery onna road and used some phrases like 'Stand and deliver or yous gunna gets it. Hands over 'em cheesescakes' yous has no evidence it was poor ole me.[/i]"[/]

Panda dear.. First, have you been listening to Metallica recently? [i]*shakes off the question*[/i] Nevermind. Did you know that police officers are now equipped with body-cams? This is, as we all know, for their safety. With that said, picture this.. it was Sicily, 1912, when the Great Cheesecake Heist took place. The only thing they found was a single black and white piece of fur. Naturally it was preserved in hopes that one day, they might be able to discover a proper clue. Well, in 1912, there was no such thing as DNA testing and forensics, so it was simply a future idea. You'll be pleased to know, all Cheesecake Delivery Specialists are now put through a rigorous testing course before they are appointed their own trucks and dangerous routes. The end "boss", as the kids say now a days is, as you might've guessed it, a hungry Panda! (they are bred especially for this reason. The Panda's, not the delivery drivers)

Anyway, the point is, our CDS's are equipped with body-cams. I have a sneaky suspicion that, if given the footage (that is stored in a very large, well guarded database facility), I might find out -exactly- who had ambushed that poor unprepared CDS and know the guilty culprit! you want to rethink your plea?
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-04-01 18:53:43

You have given Reokan a rating of 10. (bluerose)
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-02-02 17:16:25

You? Innocent? :o Who has been filling your furball head with lies?!! :s I shall have to right this injustice! [i]*shakes fist*[/i]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2023-12-22 14:10:41

[c=#3579dc]“Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.”[/]
[c=#555555][i]― Kung Fu Panda [/i][/]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2023-08-02 17:07:28

[i]You have given Reokan a rating of Cheesecake.[/i] (AAR)
Little teeth (574637)

2023-06-13 17:31:23

I miss you my love. X
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-05-18 06:02:02

Good to see our irreverent Panda logging in to the Dead City! I hope you have been well Reo! [3]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2023-03-15 22:57:48

Hmmmmmm... I can see how you might argue the situation, even with semi valid points, however you see.. the cameras that caught you on tape might tell of a slightly different story. Like how an unnamed Panda might have pounced on the poor defenseless cheesecake as it awaited a bus ride to Dairy Church where it often confessed it's sin of being every so sweet. And someone CLOSELY resembling you, in a not-so-creative mask snuck right up behind it and ate that innocent little cheesecake in one big, hungry gulp!

[hm] Do you have any idea who that mighta been?
Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849)

2022-12-02 18:23:18

Hiya! If I happen to see him I will happily throw a sandbag right at your head. No need for thanks I aim to please.

I am good, just blessing the world with my presence until, well, I don't.
Raina Marie Adaleiz (605849)

2022-11-05 19:59:30

*pokes her head in and looks around the page a bit* Hope you are doing well old friend. [3]
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2022-09-24 23:10:44

poke poke poke
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2022-08-21 00:27:18

Lydea Mey (292043)

2022-04-18 21:20:28

[i]You tore out Reokan's heart[/i] [hm] Ooooh.. ingredients!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-02-28 08:26:02

You have given Reokan a rating of 10. qq [clap] [cheers]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2022-02-20 09:25:31

I will absolutely drop a few lines periodically [hug]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2022-02-20 09:14:47

It has been far to long. I'm back for good now though. Things were pretty rough for awhile but getting much better now qq I hope you are well!! I miss talking to you!!
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2022-02-19 08:22:55

You have given Reokan a rating of 10. [hug]
Little teeth (574637)

2021-12-09 14:23:28

I have loved your hairy arse since day one and will do until my last. Even though you have no idea what is good for you!
Lydea Mey (292043)

2021-07-15 21:05:36

[i]*pounces el Pando with huggles and furry face slobberings*[/i] Thank you, my furball friend. (blueheart) I've not sent you your quarterly Cheesecake. What kind do you want today? [hm] Nevermind, I shall decide for you.. [i]*wanders off to pick wild berries and gather mud*[/i]
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2020-09-26 01:04:03

Sneaks behind you and pokes you :p

Lydea Mey (292043) sent Multi-tier flavored Cheesecake.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Furball Heart Cheesecake.
Lidda hoards Pancakes (292043) sent Snow Cherry Cheesecake.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Turtle Cheesecake.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent RumChata Cheesecake.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent a 10lb bag of Macadamia Nuts.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Macadamia crusted cheesecake..
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Lemon flavored Cheesecake.
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Crème brûlée Cheesecake.

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