~Hexley †LaVey† DeGrey~ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

~Hexley †LaVey† DeGrey~ (731556)"Someone should really take out the trash, she been stinking up the place since day one. :D"

Last Active: 2021/09/25 00:07
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age1,820
Karma+/Verve+-14 / 5
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationNorway
Collectibles11 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S111/0/7
StatusAlive (28779760 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779760 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record15,003/28,068/71
Win %35%
Last KilledFranny
Last Killed ByAilean G. Raev ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent19



List 0.5

Rank 100+

10k+ Wins

1k+ Power

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11 Family Members

Vitality 255    Charm 0
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House ~Little Blue Demon~   House ~The Chamber of Secrets~   City of The Lost   House LaVey  
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Arsenal Sainte

~Hexley †LaVey† DeGrey~ has 31 friends View All Friends


Hexley and Cara :









Arsenal Sainte (738475)

2021-03-07 17:46:38

You make my heart beat again, my sun and my moon, I'll always protect you no matter what. You are My Hell Fire and my Love. I'll be by your side always. [3]
Arsenal Sainte (738475)

2021-03-07 17:11:08

Oh I'll keep you busy alright ;) . There ain't no one else that I'd rather spend my time with here other then you my hell fire🔥
Arsenal Sainte (738475)

2021-03-04 04:07:18

My Hell Fire Best Friend
Rosie Misery (731722)

2022-01-16 22:02:24

Heyyyy [3]
Lacarabella (288598)

2021-09-07 00:56:33

I miss you too sweetheart [3]

And I'm really proud of you [hug]

Hope to see you soon [3][3][3]
Lacarabella (288598)

2021-08-29 06:10:49

Sending love because I miss you and hope you will return soon [3]

Always in my heart sweet daughter [3][3][3]
Romeo (738718)

2021-08-11 04:24:35

[i]Squeezes his twin for a hug[/i]

Missed you Sparkles!!! qq where have you been?!
Lacarabella (288598)

2021-07-15 21:39:32

Sending Momma love and hoping to see you soon my beautiful daughter [3][3][3]
Vanessa Nightshade (264137)

2021-07-02 17:59:02

I miss my sissy [3]
Lacarabella (288598)

2021-06-11 23:26:41

Missing my baby girl and sending Momma Love [3][3][3]
Celeste Godslayer (739128)

2021-06-03 10:49:09

Omg thanks you so much!! ^-^ and yes, I made this myself. I actually enjoy making profiles lol just haven't had time to make a new one as this one I pulled from the one im using on mr.. >.> I would be more than happy to make one if you ever need a new profile as yours is very gorgeous already! :)

And oh, i know lol Ash is always up to something xD
Zaelia (513412)

2021-05-28 01:13:52

I love you too. [3]

Poor next soul. :D
Zaelia (513412)

2021-05-26 18:13:25

Congratulations on your marriage, sis! [3]
Nova (739036)

2021-05-26 15:02:13

Aw thanks Hex❤️qq
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2021-05-26 08:39:14

Watch ya back littleone, and i hope he looks after you better than all his others [3][3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-05-25 20:18:43

Best wishes to you and Pagan! [hug][yay] Happy Wedding Day!
Romeo (738718)

2021-05-25 01:32:53

I love you my Twinny!! You better not leave me ever! Lol well unless you have to, then I understand. Keep that sparkle sparkling forever!! [hugme]
Pagan Warchild (695305)

2021-05-24 23:07:07

You rock to baby
Zaelia (513412)

2021-05-24 18:43:40

Thank you so much!

A 10 right back at you. [3]
Lacarabella (288598)

2021-05-21 07:21:27

You have given your feedback.

A new profile is like having a new dress ...looks fabulous! [3]

Arsenal Fallen (738475) sent My Eternal Love.
Arsenal Fallen (738475) sent I`ll Love You Forever.
Arsenal Fallen (738475) sent A Dozen Red Roses.
Arsenal Fallen (738475) sent Pineapple/Strawberry Margarita.
Elia Martell (649659) sent witch beauty set.
Thorrian Sin. Storm-moon (731536) sent The Skulls of our Enemies.
Thorrian Storm-moon (731536) sent Box of Chocolates and 1 Dozen.

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