Boink the Destroyer is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Boink the Destroyer (732382)"bokbokbok B'KOK!"

Last Active: 2020-06-28 21:21:22
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age1,760
Karma+/Verve+-459 / 20
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles31 (+11%) See All
Missions R/P/S389/86/45
Battle Record46,723/65,247/89
Win %42%
Last KilledArisen Sainte
Last Killed ByLucifer Mornin ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent90



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Rank 250+

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Married to Boink the Destroyer (732382) for 1645 days
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Vitality 2375    Charm 39
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Whargoul Necrosov
Cahira Sainte
Princess Pancake
VIP Member Sinene Dietrich~Angelino
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The original Boink was a half-fiend orc bard who lived in the sewers of the capital city of Varnya, a holy theocratic empire. After razing half the nation to the ground and beginning a quest of mass deicide to wipe out entire pantheons with his compatriots, Boink split his soul into countless shards, each tasked to live a different life so that he may truly know everything upon his ascent to becoming a greater deity.

The Boink you see before you was cast into this dimension, living a near-identical existence to the prime Boink, save for the orc being turned into a vampire shortly before adulthood. He lives in the sewers of Spring Valley, preying on the church`s parishioners who imbibe too much sacramental wine and accidentally stumble into the wrong alley. He enjoys torturing the livestock held at Vaden Hill with song, accompanying his profane death metal ballads with horrific illusions. He is also fond of desecrating the corpses at Greenwood, leaving their bodies set in obscene poses that make even the strongest stomachs retch. He is also the one who digs latrines into the graves of the Ghost Town graveyard, tormenting more souls into malevolence.

Boink the Destroyer joined the Genetic Laboratories so he could further his knowledge about the various species which reside here, mostly through vivisection while they are still conscious. Most of his vampiric specimens are gathered during his shopping trips to Dead City, typically the rare survivors of his intoxicated rage fueled rampages slaughtering hundreds of innocents for no reason. Boink`s many minions were specifically programmed to assist in finding new things to experiment on. The combination of his wallowing in filth and the toxic natures of the curiosities he`d craft from flesh left his coven to dub him a Biohazard, unleashing Boink into the fray in their countless wars, sometimes sending him alone to face the hordes.

Some point after "accidentally" releasing viruses he had "borrowed" from the lab, Boink`s coven decided to rebrand itself Memento Mori. Boink was pleased with this coincidental title shift, as he had been using, "Remember that when you`re dead!" as a battle taunt for ages before. During the internal upheaval which led to the current state of affairs within his coven, Boink was exiled to the depths of the Dead City underground. Whether it was as a punishment for unknown reasons or a trial to prove somethingorother (the fruit, potion, and bats were tasty), the only thing that was made certain upon Boink`s return was a refreshed fighting spirit within the coven. The bloodbaths are to die for.

Boink married a pancake simply because it turned into a snake-girl giving him a cup of coffee. Even Boink himself questions whether his breakfast pastry naga princess wife is an intoxicated delusion or reality.



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Boink the Destroyer's average rating out of 27 rates is 6.70/10


Tristan (727026)

2020-02-14 11:46:50

You have given Boink the Destroyer a rating of 10.

Many thanks for the love, good sir.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Parasitic (242932)

2020-02-08 03:23:02

Quests get changed or deleted ever so often I cant keep up. :D
Parasitic (242932)

2020-02-08 03:16:26

Did you get the ug quests? At least I think they still exist.
Parasitic (242932)

2020-02-08 01:57:21

Nice work on UG. That was some crazy shit
Lainey (726082)

2020-02-08 00:20:55

I can not tell a lie. NO. I had was under the impression that a person could only attacked 1 time in 10 to 15 min and was hit back to back within 2 min of each other. So I zapped the second person.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2020-02-07 21:07:04

In your opinion which if correct should probably be recorded in a multi-volume autobiography; however, in this particular setting it leads to being unread.
Valentine (95136)

2020-01-30 23:17:50

Stay outta my coffin :o
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2020-01-28 23:09:03

Y U CHARM ME? 8-) TY.qq
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2020-01-26 20:05:25

[clap] Good luck in the UG quests. The efforts are worth it!
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-20 21:02:04

You did pretty awesome with that 5k+ vigor [clap]
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-18 04:20:28

Ah, cool. Then you can just post that you are done in the thread so people stop [hehe]
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-18 04:13:22

Will help you with zaps after BT is over :q
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-12 06:22:36

[clap] good luck
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-12 06:15:03

What do you mean last time clocking in?
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-09 01:04:15

Hehe. I see people love to hate you. :q
Tristan (727026)

2020-01-06 12:08:25

Your stats are making me soo jealous! :D
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-03 21:12:28

I did feel a tiny, tiiiiny twinge of remorse when I got you :q
is it Mildred? (725074)

2020-01-03 21:11:16

[nod] indeed. Mercenary is my middle name. [3]
Whargoul Necrosov (732765)

2019-12-30 07:25:08

Nice try, Whargoul cannot die!
Tanasi (732384)

2019-12-23 03:20:50

250... Congratulations

Eat Crap from Boink the Destroyer (732382) - You have been Blessed by Boink!
Princess Pancake (732517) sent Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Dicks.
Eat Crap from Princess Pancake (732517) - I Love You!
Tristan (727026) sent .
Eat Crap from Princess Pancake (732517) - You Suck!

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