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JackieRips (732533)

Last Active: 2022/11/26 03:10
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Game Age1,745
Karma+/Verve+56 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles17 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S297/1/17
Battle Record49,632/44,320/5
Win %53%
Last KilledElijah Asher S ...
Last Killed ByPayne Maharet™
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent32

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Jackie Rips and Malikoi

The Ascension

Once a warlock of the Black Sanctum coven, I fell to betrayal of my once close friends. As my power grew, they became afraid. Afraid of what was to come upon my Ascension. On the night that sealed their fate, I awoke in a circle. Bound by my coven. They chanted as I lay in agony. Blood was pouring from every pore on my body. As my life faded, I made a promise. "This is not the end, I`ll return and burn you all. With my return I`ll bring Hell with me. I`ll BURN THEM ALL." And that was when I drew my last breath of mortal life.

As I arrived at the gates of Hell a hooded figure stood just in front of the gates. I approached, "Come with me Jackie, We have been awaiting your arrival."

Hells fortress

As we walked hell fire burned, souls screamed. Just ahead there was a fortress. The Fortress of Hell. I had seen this place many times in visions. I knew who sat upon this throne. As we approached the entrance of the fortress, 5 guards surrounded me. They were 8ft tall, had armor made of pure gold. Their blades were made of Hellfire. Lucifer`s knights. They escorted me to the throne room.

"Ah, Jackie. I’ve been expecting you." Lucifer sat upon the throne looking down at me. "The prophecy has been fulfilled my child. The son of Lucifer himself, slain from his human self. You will go back to this Dead City and fulfill your purpose. I shall release what you have held inside for so long. The power Black Sanctum was afraid of. You see, I planted knowledge of who you would become, once your Ascension took place, to the High Priest. He ordered you to be killed before the Ascension. I never told him of this prophecy. Now my son, Ascend. Ascend into the God of Destruction you were meant to be." As he spoke these words I levitated into the air. My back started to tear open and my eyes began to burn. Wings of flame ripped from my back. My eyes turned to Hellfire. Hellfire began to course through my veins.

"Your purpose is to burn this world. Kill them all. Once my time here is done, you shall have my throne. But not before the tyrant king’s people burn. Vampires, Lycans, and Humans - all enemies to you.”

I had ascended. But this ascension was far greater than that of what was to become of my Human flesh. I`ll rise. Grow stronger with every kill. I`ll seek out my old coven. They will look into my eyes as I burn them from the inside. They will pay for their betrayal.”

”I`ll Burn Them All, and The Whole World With Them.”

Hellfyre Eyes



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JackieRips's average rating out of 50 rates is 7.98/10


Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2023-01-10 00:41:42

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10. I love your profile!
Romeo (738718)

2022-11-22 06:34:48

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10.
Vlatka Cage (738701)

2022-11-22 02:08:59

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10.
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2022-11-21 15:53:37

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10.
Liam Angelino (719410)

2022-11-21 03:04:26

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10.

Well deserved 10. Profile looks great.

Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-20 05:31:17

I bet you do, cheeky man.
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-20 05:25:33

Well.. that emote didn't work. :D
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-20 05:25:14

Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-20 05:22:45

I don't just like it, babe. I love it.. very much. Like I love you. [hehe] [3]
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 23:28:43

Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 23:25:52

Such a handsome man [3]
Cae Stryker (257958)

2022-11-19 06:57:28

Congrats on your marriage Jackie, I’m happy for you! ❤️
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 05:41:36

Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 05:36:31

Day 1 couldn't have been any more perfect, babe.
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 05:34:57

Here's to many more days with you, handsome. Day #1 down! [hehe] [3]
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-19 05:09:37

Hello gorgeous man [3]
Cae Stryker (257958)

2022-11-18 07:24:11

Glad to hear it! I'm still alive and kicking, just about lol
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-18 04:57:48

Here's to many days beside you, My Jackie [3]
Kyrell Mercer (744075)

2022-11-17 22:24:33

Good morning you [3]
Cae Stryker (257958)

2022-11-17 20:08:41

You have given JackieRips a rating of 10.Hope you're doing well Jackie

Anara S. Aeron Xííí™ (720042) sent Merry Christmas.
Shyael Fae`un Aeron (649201) sent Merry Christmas Sonling.
Elijah Aeron (532071) sent Merry Xmas.

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