Sebastian is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Sebastian (733329)"Greetings."

Last Active: 2020-03-16 21:22:57
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Game Age1,675
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record1,049/4,262/41
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Last KilledAzykin
Last Killed ByNicholas Knigh ...
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Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Avid Roleplayer (10)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
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Welcome, Traveler. I am Sebastian, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Considering your lingering presence here, I might as well satisfy your slight curiosity with a couple of details surrounding my personal self. 1). I love roleplaying. Yes, it is indeed, a shocking confession. I am very well aware. However I tend to gravitate towards more than simply gameplay. I happen to adore writing. I am interested in many genres revolving around legends, mythology, fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, romance, and science fiction. With preferred settings that date around the medieval, renaissance or victorian eras. Surely, I love a good story that centers itself around ancient, modern and futuristic lore, though anything of what I listed above is where my main interest is held. 2). With good storytelling also comes a series of complex characters. What I mean by that is, it is extremely important to create a story where characters tend to be relatable, or become so incredibly real, that in the very moment you read about them, you forget all about the fiction part of it. It`s not easy. But writers like that exist, and I happen to be on a quest to search for them. I have designed a multitude of roleplay characters throughout the years I have been roleplaying. And I do intend to continue. 3). From what I previously stated, each and every one of my characters have been designed to engage in combat. Specifically T-1. In other words, I heavily enjoy writing about battle. And having our characters clash with one another. To anyone familiar with this tier, please, do feel free to inbox me about any challenges you have. 4). You will never see my characters posted. This is to avoid metagaming. If you desire to roleplay with me, first meet the criteria, and then message me. * At least a paragraph of writing per reply. (Five sentences minimum. Very simple. If this is something you cannot handle, do not bother messaging me about roleplay.) * Proper grammar and punctuation is essential when writing roleplay with me. With exceptions of certain disabilities or not having English as your first language. Otherwise, it is best to remember knowing your shit, as opposed to knowing you`re shit. * Have a plot or two ready. I tend to become extremely discouraged when I`m faced with a roleplayer who has no plan or idea of what they would like to write about. * Be at least 16 years or older. It bothers me to roleplay with anyone younger. (If you are younger than 18, I will not engage in any sexually explicit roleplay with you. Lying is also not appreciated. The truth always surfaces. And therefore I will find out. Best to stay honest with me.) * Have a Discord account. (This is optional. But, if you don`t have one, I suggest making one. That is if you still want to roleplay with me. The reason behind this is because I will more than likely forget this place). 5). If you wish to engage in some conversation with me, here are some starters for you: -I enjoy listening to music (rock, alternative, metal, instrumental, k-pop, and more). -I enjoy gaming (my consoles include PS2, Nintendo Wii, X-box 360, X-box One, and PS4). -I`ve got quite the interest in genres that include yaoi, yuri and also straight romances. -Feel free to ask for my social media, but only after getting to know me better. -My favorite films involve Labyrinth, Strange Magic, and anything related to Disney, DreamWorks or Pixar. That should be enough to strike up a conversation with me. That is to say, if you`re still reading this. Have a wonderful day, and farewell~.



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Sebastian's average rating out of 4 rates is 10.00/10


Kenina S. Draecei (713238)

2020-02-20 23:23:52

Welcome to RoB qq
Valndrisa (732469)

2020-02-19 19:06:52

You have given Sebastian a rating of 10.
Venus Maelstrom (722804)

2020-02-19 06:06:04

Welcome to RoB!
Dreamweaver (248485)

2020-02-19 05:22:46

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
Zaelia (513412)

2020-02-19 00:43:22

Welcome to RoB

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