Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia (735383)"the dreamer awakens"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 18:01
I'm Online
VIP/VIP+ Days665 / 640
Game Age1,553
Karma+/Verve+5,046 / 2,575
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles138 (+25%) See All
Missions R/P/S719/6/34
StatusAlive (28779433 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779433 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record864,912/71,443/46
Win %93%
Last Killed †Deathslayer† ...
Last Killed By<::Violet:: ...
Wins/Blood Today507/1,948,644
Avg. Blood3843
WP Spent1516
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Fire Bull Warrior (75)
Coven VirtueAncient Gold Dragon (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1bil+



List 12

Rank 4k+

750k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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Married to The Birthday Girl (743792) for 675 days

1 Family Member

Vitality 22470    Charm 3654
RP Posts 25    Coven RP Posts 38
House Beastie Bar   House Belle Morte  
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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VIP Member The Birthday Girl

Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia has 55 friends View All Friends




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Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia 's average rating out of 280 rates is 8.31/10


The Birthday Girl (743792)

2024-03-28 07:53:16

Married to Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia (735383) for 500 days

Look at us!

to the moon and back....
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2024-03-27 10:35:34

Today's Weather Is hot wife
Submitted by Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia

*sizzles all over your profile*
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2023-03-26 15:26:40

guess who is soooooo HAPPY!

*big smile*
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2023-02-21 13:49:05

My Love,

100 days of marriage ....100 happy days

Everyday that we have been together has brought such happiness to me. You are everything to me. You are so patient and kind even when I am spinning like a top, so gentle and understanding even when I am being unreasonable. I love you so much for everything you are and do.

You were brave and took a "Leap of Faith" for us, you believed in us no matter what others said or did. And here we are 100 days later. I feel like today is the first day, I am more in love with you than when we first married. It is deep and true and forever.

~love you always to the moon and back~

your wife..
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2023-01-24 14:37:55

another day that I share with you my love
you make every day so special ... I wake looking forward to being together


~I love you to the moon and back~
Aiden R Fidela (309260)

2024-09-04 22:23:38

Oh I will... :D RL took me away for a while... I always look at making someone's list as a compliment. So thanks for noticing me :)
Aiden R Fidela (309260)

2024-08-10 06:20:34

Thanks for giving me my 12th... now I can finish the daily [party]
V (254441)

2024-08-08 10:17:34

Lol XD
V (254441)

2024-08-08 10:14:26

Sure, so happy for your progress qq
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-06 17:02:56

Yes brother I am back,

It was a rough road filled with anger and darkness but I kept remembering the very words you told me before I was gone, Is to remember who I am and what made me deadly and strong.

Love me or hate me, I'm still going to kick ass for DAS

And also my streaming life has been going on well twitch so life is good i guess.
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-06 14:57:25

You have given Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia a rating of 10.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-08-03 23:30:22

5 of us (DAS!!!) in Top 10! *hangs on with claws and fangs...*
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2024-07-16 11:54:40

I don't want to do that again

*hugs* so happy to be back
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2024-07-06 01:14:53

Married to Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) for 600 days
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-06-29 14:58:17

(AAR) You have given Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia a rating of 10.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-05-24 05:15:46

List #12 WTG!!!
Syndel Fuego (739771)

2024-05-24 01:41:24

Way to go, Tauvros! Nicely done on List 12!

Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-05-24 00:55:19

Congrats!! (AAR) Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia (735383) has just completed achievements list 12
The Birthday Girl (743792)

2024-05-21 02:03:17

Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia (735383) won 740 battles yesterday

congrats baby! I am so proud

*beams & smiles*
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-14 06:48:41

A joy to have you the winner in the current Vaden Hill most feeds, placing number 3. I'm currently at no. 2.

I Love you from Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792)
Happy Birthday from Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) - and many more...
Happy Birthday from Sunshine Birch (353331) - Hope you find extra happiness today!
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent Mistletoe to hang above your favorite spot....
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent white roses.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent 4-Season Give`r Gloves.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent Burberry Check Cashmere Scarf.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent Tiffany Toile Mug.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent Teakwood scented candles.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent map of the united states.

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