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VIP Vampire Savannah (736305)"She faced an uncertain future as she bravely embraced the challenge of raising her unborn child on her own...."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 14:31
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VIP/VIP+ Days19 / 10
Game Age1,465
Karma+/Verve+124 / 65
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles20 (+6%) See All
Missions R/P/S310/2/32
Battle Record69,412/39,523/191
Win %64%
Last KilledKingSeraph
Last Killed ByAcid Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent11
Coven Relentless
Coven Title (Rank)Black Mamba (60)
Coven VirtueSpirit (2)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 4mil+



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Savannah`s Story

In the heart of the Carpathian mountains, Savannah, a young woman exuded regal grace and a dignified presence reminiscent of her father, the formidable ruler of a hidden mystical realm. Her flowing dark hair, accented with fiery crimson highlights, danced like flickering flames in the gentle mountain breeze. Despite constant threats from her father`s adversaries, he fearlessly ventured into their territories to ensure the safety of his beloved daughter. .

At the age of twenty-one, Savannah strolled through her cherished forest to her favourite secluded spot, where she spread a cosy woollen blanket and immersed herself in a captivating book. As the sunlight dimmed, a tall man with striking white hair approached her, radiating a commanding presence. Apologising for the interruption, he inquired about the way to the Dark Prince`s abode. She graciously guided him and watched him depart with a warm smile before returning home. .

The next morning, she overheard voices in her father`s study and entered to find the guest from the previous day. Her father dismissed her, indicating that they would discuss matters later. The mysterious man regarded her with intense curiosity, his desire to know more about her apparent, but her father refused. The man`s departure was punctuated with his vow to seize the opportunity to claim the girl if he saw her in the forest again. .

As the enigmatic and imposing figure strode through the softly illuminated laboratory, his every movement exuded a sense of purpose and authority. His piercing gaze was fixed intently on the new group of women escorted in by his guards, their eyes filled with a mix of terror and resignation as they realised the cruel fate that awaited them. These unfortunate individuals were about to become unwilling subjects of merciless experiments, all in the name of creating a formidable new cadre of hunters to combat the vampires that terrorised the world.

The failed experiments of the past lay scattered throughout the laboratory, their lifeless forms serving as haunting reminders of the gruesome trials that had taken place within those walls. Despite the array of potential new test subjects before him, his mind was singularly consumed by the image of the Prince`s daughter. With swift and chilling determination, he issued an order to his men: capture her and bring her back unharmed, or face dire consequences.

Retreating to his office, the Master sank into the embrace of his grand, oversized leather chair, the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of his fingertips against the smooth, polished surface of the sturdy oak desk creating an ominous and tension-filled atmosphere within the room. .

As the weeks turned into months, the harrowing tales of women mysteriously disappearing from the village continued to spread, casting a shadow of fear and unease over the inhabitants. These distressing reports reached the watchful Prince, prompting him to swiftly assemble his loyal warriors to address the alarming situation. Urgently, he ordered them to comprehensively investigate the puzzling string of vanishings and bring those responsible for these deeply troubling crimes to justice.

Concerned for her safety, Savannah`s father earnestly warned her against venturing outside without the company of the warriors, highlighting the lurking dangers within the village. Savannah, yearning to experience the refreshing touch of the wind on her skin, leaned against the open window of her bedroom.

One night, she defied her father`s warning and stealthily made her way through the forest, staying close to her home. In the distance, she spotted five guards observing her, murmuring among themselves about whether she was the one their Master sought..

Savannah`s heart pounded in her chest as she observed the guards becoming distracted, providing her with an opportunity to sprint towards the safety of her home. Frantically seeking help, she reached out through the unique mental bond she shared with her father`s warriors. She could sense her father`s powerful efforts to locate her in the immediate area. Suddenly, she felt a strong hand covering her mouth, muting her attempts to scream and resist against her captors. She could hear the sound of cursing coming from one of the guards as she bit down into his hand, fighting to free herself. As Savannah`s eyelids grew heavy, dizziness overcame her, likely from the influence of the substance they had administered to her. She was then bound and placed in the back of a van, ensuring that she remained restrained and unable to flee.



My husband Jermer









jermer1 (748812)

2024-06-30 02:42:17

Seeing the stunning woman walk through the forest a grin covered his face, he followed her for a while before stepping out of the shadows. "Well hello there darling."
Balkroth (751989)

2024-09-16 02:47:29

Thank you! 😊
Remy (740872)

2024-09-01 04:35:10

Thank you
You have given your feedback. [3]
Max (120555)

2024-08-31 06:52:47

Thank you and rated yours 😊
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2024-08-30 16:19:54

Congratulations on raffle.
Ritsu Kazekishi (751435)

2024-08-25 07:42:52

You have given your feedback.

Thank you kindly, you have a lovely profile.
Claire Elizabeth Hexbane (709874)

2024-08-17 16:10:13

Thank you
Mallorie Sainte (747043)

2024-08-14 15:46:14

Thank you! Profile isn't finished the process of designing it but thanks.
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-06 14:56:34

Thanks for the karma gorgeous 🤙
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-05 12:55:02

You have given your feedback. ❤️
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-08-04 09:29:42

No, thank you for thanking me for thanking you, Mrs. Savannah. Wait, I’ve confused myself... either way, thanks!
Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)

2024-08-02 23:12:07

Savannah, thank you for your kind welcome, I truly appreciate you.
Anara (720042)

2024-07-30 13:21:33

It is lovely
Anara (720042)

2024-07-30 13:17:21

Hey babygirl
Liam Angelino (719410)

2024-07-20 12:04:41


Thank you & Good Evening. I return a well deserved rating "You have given your feedback. (69)" very nice home you have.

-K.B. Hargreaves
Aodh Drakenbyrn Sainte (639122)

2024-07-17 22:03:37

Thank you, tis the same a true ten for thee
Bloodraven (742394)

2024-07-14 13:50:49

You have given your feedback.
The good one.
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-07-08 06:52:24

I appreciate it. [nod]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-07-08 06:34:18

Thanks for the Charm. qq [3]
jermer1 (748812)

2024-06-30 14:49:34

He kisses her back softly before he sits down next to her dipping his feet in the water. "Now we're back together here again, as it should be."

Happy Birthday from Dahlia LeFleur (444089)
Ryo Whispers Du Lac (731415) sent chocolate.
Ryo Whispers Du Lac (731415) sent black roses.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent All The Love In The World.
Dahlia LeFleur Amadeus (444089) sent bracelet.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent A Kitten Basket w/ Ribbons for Little Luna.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent Hot Chocolate and A Small Basket of Pastries.

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