Odessia Maeve™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Odessia Maeve™ (742529)"Time to come back <3"

Last Active: 2024/09/10 22:34
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age856
Karma+/Verve+106 / 2,070
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles7 (+1%) See All
Missions R/P/S139/1/13
Battle Record16,216/15,192/14
Win %52%
Last KilledFeyre Noir
Last Killed ByPaladin
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent11
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Bela Morte (30)
Coven VirtueLearning To Hunt (2)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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VIP Member Annika Thorne Le Doux™
Revella Áine de Vil
Lucia Villanueva Satanic

Odessia Maeve™ has 58 friends View All Friends










Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2023-04-22 08:12:48

As the last sweet heart on her list of people to love on, choosing to leave the best for last, the zombified, undead-looking tiger rubs herself all over the walls and furnishings of this space. Her thunderous, jet engine purr emitting with affection from deep within her chest. Her paws kneading at the ground whilst taking a moment to admire the decor before slowly blinking her one existing eye as a show of gentle affection.

She then makes her way to the scorpions and boops the middle one with a paw, a bit cautious because one never knows.
[i]You have given your feedback.[/i]
Finally, swatting at the karma button to dish out the last of the good vibes she had left.
[i]You have given Lyra LaRouge™ +2 Karma.[/i]

Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-03-12 17:24:07

I love you too Sissy I hope your having a wonderful day [3]
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2023-02-23 19:00:42

I love you my lil angel, so happy your my daughter [3] xx
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2024-09-12 08:07:48

Welcome back to the game lil one [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-09-09 03:46:55

You have given your feedback. [3]

Welcome back Odessia! [yay]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-09-09 02:24:14

AHHHHH my twinny is back!!!!!!!!
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-07-02 03:48:40

A [3] for my beautiful Twin sister [hug]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-03-30 04:51:52

Happy Birthday.

Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-03-30 00:04:15

Happy Birthday Twinny I hope you have an amazing one I miss you so so much [3] [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-12-25 12:57:02

Merry Christmas Twinny I miss you [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-11-17 16:16:51

I miss you Sis I hope you come back soon [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-10-31 16:24:54

👻🎃Happy Halloween Twinny🎃👻

I miss and love you [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-10-16 18:13:56

Missing my Twinny :(
Damon Le Doux (744868)

2023-10-16 16:21:17

Hi didn't get to talk to you but hope all is well with you too.
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-10-01 03:44:45

Congrats on the marriage Twinny!! [3]
Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2023-09-11 14:19:43

such a Lovely and hypnotic place here
I love this particular rendition of this song as well I've never heard it before
gave You a Ten but but You are so much more than 2 little numbers..
sending Love (hearts)
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-09-01 04:22:34

*tosses glitter all over her sisters space before banging the heart on her way out*

I hope you a have a good September Twinny [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-08-01 00:22:56

A [3] for my Twinny!!

I love you Sissy 💖
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-07-28 01:25:49

Thank you! I really like your FC picture. She's hella cute. qq

You have given your feedback. [3]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2023-07-15 15:30:56

Congrats on the marriage Sissy ❤️☺️

Thinking of you from Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141) - I hope you come home soon Twinny I really miss you
Happy Birthday from Rose Satanic LaVey™ (676141) - Happy Birthday Evil Twin < 3

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