Revella Áine de Vil is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Revella Áine de Vil (742887)"Thinking of returning full time. Hit me up with some BLs, I need people to talk to. (Shylie)"

Last Active: 2024/09/03 22:14
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age817
Karma+/Verve+1,215 / 12,615
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles9 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S160/1/9
StatusDead (28779740 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779740 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record66,599/18,685/248
Win %79%
Last KilledArisen Sainte
Last Killed ByLucifer Mornin ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent28



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Married to Taija (739378) for 491 days

8 Family Members

Vitality 1975    Charm 413
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Dalmation Dog









Taija (739378)

2023-06-28 16:40:56

*Scribbles out my and puts your.* [3] (wildflower)
Taija (739378)

2023-05-16 16:02:46

We've got each other. It couldn't be better. [love]
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-05-16 15:42:45

It's one thing to try and portray yourself as a goody two shoes, it's another to poke fun at something that is serious and that there are actual issues behind the thing she has to poke fun of.

I'm sick of people defending people that pretend to be one thing when in fact they are just as petty as any other human.

Just in case they come reading your comments, they can hear me say what I say.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2023-05-09 06:14:16

Exactly xD
And I feel like it was the Norns who wove you into my life, making it that much more special alongside my two daughters. Family… what I treasure the most more than life itself.

Really is amazing that I chose that one while looking through multiple quotes. I had chosen another before it, but instantly changed my mind when I saw that one.

*giggles* awwwwh.. and you’d still be beautiful if you did. Thank you, sweetheart xx
†Bettina† (229007)

2023-04-02 16:22:48

[i]Carves a message onto the pretty profile.[/i]
🦀&🐑= BFFL

You have given your feedback. [3]
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-07-25 21:56:09

[i]Been a while. How are you? Hows life? [/i]
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-07-17 10:58:27

[i]With her back turned Lovisa smirked the second a familiar scent tickled her sense of smell. She remained crouched, placing the last couple of mushrooms into her woven basket before balancing an affectionate zombie tiger on her back. Lovisa chuckled, holding her up as best she could while nuzzling back into her. After a gentle little kiss to the side of the tigers black snout, her fingertips tickle under her sisters chin. “Hello, sister. I’ve missed you.”[/i]
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-07-04 11:40:31

Like always I have thought of you, and missed you. Where are you hiding, sister? You have not graced me with your presence in such a long time. No letter, no call.. I hope you’re okay.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-05-25 02:22:56

Been such a long time it feels since we spoke, sister. I miss you and hope that you are well.
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-02-02 03:49:02

You have given your [3] feedback.

Happy month of love! I hope life treats you the best this month in particular. But also, every other month. ;)

[3] [3] [3]
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-01-24 13:20:02

And I think of you xD always xx just remember that I will always be here when you are ready for some sisterly company and love. But honestly, don’t worry if you are busy. Rl is hectic for me at the moment. I wont say too much here, but my nana had to be temporarily placed in a rest home yesterday. :(
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2024-01-23 11:31:16

I miss you, little sister. Imbolc draws closer xD
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-12-29 16:40:05

*blushes deep red* Why thank you, gorgeous. It's a very simple design with some animation. ;)
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2023-12-21 06:43:40

It sure is xD I wanted to do some things for it, but the weather is bad and my sisters chinchilla had to be moved into my room while she decorates her own, so no candles etc allowed. Hopefully he can move into hers today so I can light them tonight before Yule is over.

Blessed be, beautiful. [peck](tacklehug)
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2023-12-20 09:30:16

Happy winter solstice!! / blessed Yule, little sister. I love you with all my heart. May 2024 be good to you.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2023-12-15 03:28:30

Always remain your beautiful, strong, and amazing, funny self. [3]
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-12-13 04:44:42

You are fancy like that. ;) [3]
Meona Draecei (745071)

2023-12-12 20:33:03

You are very welcome!
Meona Draecei (745071)

2023-12-12 19:53:57

Welcome to Evigheden!
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-12-09 05:58:34

I spot you. ❤️

Thinking of you from Lovisa Sangrian (341667)
Lovisa Sangrian (341667) sent A protection charmed necklace.
Vita Bellator Kádár (459902) sent A flower vintage brooch.
Selen de Orrina (192423) sent a small stuffed zombie tiger.
Zin Acwellan (79044) sent Giant Cat Tree & Cardboard Box.
Thinking of you from Lovisa A. Sangrian (341667)
Lyra LaRouge™ (742529) sent [3]Just thinking of you [3].
†Bettina†DeAvalon†Merlo† (229007) sent Stuffed Velvet Sheep.
I Love you from Lovisa Sangrian
Happy Birthday from Dahlia Nadia LeFleur (444089) - Happy Birthday to my Gorgeous Rev Áine.

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