William King is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

William King (743014)"Who really KNOWS what they’re doing, ya know?"

Last Active: 2024/09/14 07:03
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age803
Karma+/Verve+7 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record594/2,780/0
Win %18%
Last KilledOliver Moonbor ...
Last Killed ByOliver Moonbor ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Coven Title (Rank)William (16)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 34k+




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Married to William King (743014) for 800 days

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Revella Áine de Vil
VIP Member DarkAsh
Eden K.A. LaVey
VIP Member Kai H. Sainte

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Full Name: William Allen King
Species: Vampire/Witch Hybrid
DOB: 31st of October, 1666
DOD: 13th of December, 1696
Personality: Cunning, Dangerous, Easily amused, Determined, Easily Angered, Manipulative

Smiley face

Smiley face

Smiley face



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William King's average rating out of 13 rates is 9.92/10


Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-17 20:55:03

*Starts bobbing to Jonas brothers because their music is catchy and feel-good, taking you down this weird rabbit hole with me* I'm all right. It took a heavy dose of tissue salts and some good music the whole day.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-17 20:38:18

*Shudders at the memory* Had a series of panic attacks before bed last night. Felt the tremors like the aftermath of an earthquake the morning after. Unfortunately, the surrounding people paid for it.
How have you been?
Revella Leclerq

2022-07-17 17:55:33

*Walks by and almost misses the random twin flame just sitting there by himself like a bum* Oops, sorry [i]mon flamme[/i], I've just been so busy.
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2022-07-12 14:39:34

You have given William King a rating of 10.
Cae Stryker (257958)

2022-07-12 09:30:08

You have given William King a rating of 10.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-12 08:53:15

*Perks up* Ooh, chocolate coated raisins. Keep up a steady flow of those and you're stuck with this pain in the ass. (derpyvamp)

A lot of people thought the same way you do. It's why he lost the case against them. Think it was a protest against obesity. But, this has got me thinking about Mama June after hot yoga. *Shudders*
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-12 08:17:00

*Pouts* Me. [i]I[/i] like raisins. Sure, they don't look appealing and shouldn't be cooked in anything. Ever. But they're perfectly fine as an alternate sweet treat. -k-

Morgan Spurlock is the guy who ate nothing but McDonalds every day for a month, sued them and made a documentary about it.
Spoiler alert: he's a vegan now.
Kai H. Sainte (727083)

2022-07-12 07:58:11

You have given William King a rating of 10.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-12 07:50:08

*Ponders it for a second, makes a move to lick your face and judge this 'I don't taste very good' statement for myself, then decides I better not* I'll take your word for it. My cholesterol is already reaching Morgan Spurlock levels.

You'd better not be lying and taste like raisins... or cinnamon. -k-
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-12 04:52:33

Oh, what the shit? No, I am not a *Mimics in a mocking tone* treat, a snack or just indulgence. I deeply apologise for my sister's matchmaking ways, sir.
Here's a 10 for your troubles:

You have given William King a rating of 10.

Again, [i]so[/i] sorry.
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-07-12 03:50:33

Perhaps. Perhaps not. I suppose time will tell if you stick around :D
Vanessa Nightshade (264137)

2022-07-12 03:20:08

You have given William King a rating of 10.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-07-12 01:37:22

[i] “Thank you for the congratulations indeed. Oh, the bimbos will come. Just give it a few more days. I did mention of an unspoken hierarchy though. Your observant nature should be able to sift it through in due time. Although, I might know of someone if unpredictability, a dash of stubbornness and yanking dead corpses, is your cup of tea. Tell Revella Leclerq (742887) that her sister sent you. As a .. treat , a snack or just indulgence.” [/i]
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-07-11 22:18:21

You're most welcome. I suppose I'll join Sunshine in clarifying after reading your previous comments :D
<--- Not a bimbo either. [roll]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-07-11 21:47:17

Just to be clear.[roll]

<———Not a bimbo :D

Thank you for the compliment of choosing one of my profile templates. It looks good on you! You have given William King a rating of 10.[clap]

And welcome!
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-07-11 21:33:26

Welcome to RoB! Hope you enjoy.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-07-11 16:19:11

[i] "Well then at least now someone's got a new template to match that gorgeous face, no? And thank you for returning the favor. This one appreciates it." She curtsies in mockery before laughing hilariously, the air of amusement lingering around her as she wave him off with the back of her hand. "Enjoy your stay in Dead City. Stay 'alive', 'dead', whatever that's to your preference." Her voice echoed in a sing-song manner as she leaves. [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-07-11 15:27:34

[i] "A bloody temper? I beg to differ. Let's just call it, 'creative differences' or 'a lasting first impression'. A smirk lingered along her lips as she watches him rub the side of his face. "I know it doesn't hurt...much. That was just for my nano second of satisfaction and amusement all rolled into one so thank you for that. As far as the template goes, I'll give you your first 10 rating on it before all the other bimbos come creeping around like vines. Shan't take long." She casually shrugged as she clicked on the said rating that was promised. [/i]

[i]You have given William King a rating of 10.[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-07-11 15:03:26

[i]"...Pet? Hell, no. Nope. Zip it." She had her forefinger and thumb, gently pinching the bridge of her nose as she fumed slightly, her foot tapping the ground as she stood there. "Dont. Ever. Call. Me. That." Without hesitation, she clenched her fist, curling her fingers tightly as she gave him a sucker punch to his cheek. "Quite clean and simple is an understatement. It's literally a grey screen.. honey." A smirk laced her lips at the 'cute-like endearment'. "Like death served cold eh, that endearment? Don't ever do that again." [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-07-11 14:47:02

[i]*Raises a brow* "Love? Tsk tsk.. there's an unspoken hierarchy here in Dead City if you linger and stay 'alive' or 'dead' long enough, depending on your preference. But here, have another $50k from me, for a template change. This one's on me. Knock yourself out, vamp."[/i]

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