Kit Blackthorne is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Kit Blackthorne (744006)"The Wolf inside is breaking free"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 02:57
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days8 / 0
Game Age680
Karma+/Verve+9 / 50
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles6 (+1%) See All
Missions R/P/S11/1/10
StatusDead (28778553 mins) ?This vampire has about 28778553 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record24,847/10,015/1
Win %72%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed BySapphira Mydny ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent37
Coven Clockwork of Nightmares
Coven Title (Rank)Soulflower (30)
Coven VirtueSwitch Knob (3)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+

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Married to Illawarra`s Mawat (744350) for 21 days

Vitality 1535    Charm 102
RP Posts 95    Coven RP Posts 2
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Kit Blackthorne's average rating out of 29 rates is 9.86/10


Coraline Duvall

2024-09-13 14:03:18

Coraline smiled brightly for a brief moment as she let her immortal fingers trace over the scarlet petals of the pitcher plant blooms they encased just one single lavender stalk. She loved them nearly as much as [i]sundews. [/i] Kasper knew her well, at times he knew her better than herself. For that she was thankful she went to place them in some sunlight so that they may live as long as possible. It was her reading window she spent long nights in. Happy for the two weeks of the start of a new better for them both. Now, she began to plot. A surprise for him as well.
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 03:21:47

[c=violet]The creature was in a fine linen dress that was nearly see through and blue as the temples of the walls of Het-heret's temples in Dendura. She slipped the ring upon their finger with ease, love and care. She cut her palm of her free hand and used the blood smearing her lovers cheek.

" You have my blood vow, to honor and cherish you , to be loyal to you. as well as to never take you for granted as long as you are mine.' She kissed her lovers lips now with the sweet gentle brush of a breeze. The taste of honey and lavender lingers there and she holds them close. [/]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-18 05:05:45

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." - Stephen King.
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-18 03:09:26

Thank you for the rating, Kit. Right back at you! qq

You have given Kit Blackthorne a rating of 10.
Orinthia Edelstein of Riot (606515)

2024-09-14 02:07:14

Thank you!! I'm still working on it as well. [dance]
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2024-09-05 18:33:34

You have given Kit Blackthorne a rating of 10.
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-09-03 05:16:40

< 3 Love the new face < 3 Happy you are happy in anything you do < 3 Thank you for your time , the trust , and faith. It means a lot to me.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-09-03 03:34:41

Thank you for the profile purchase!
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-09-01 01:33:19

[c=green]You have given Kasper Xavier a rating of 10.[/]
Happy September ! Painted doll season is coming up!!!! soon soon! [/]

[url=]Daisy Gray - Wicked Game [/url]

Coraline snuck into his office it was [i]all too dull[/i]. It had taken her a few days of hard work among esteemed auctions and now with esteemed pride she laid the 2 million dollar bottle of The Emerald Isle Collection Irish Whiskey on his work desk. Closing her eyes she smells the lingering tobacco in the air. Those violet orbs flash open and she leaves a back of full flavor crowns for him. [/]
Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter

2024-08-31 03:34:05

[c=yellow]A strange man approaches you with your new spouse with a boots-and-pants-and-boots-and-pants vibe. His rythmic nature is doused with oversaturated celebratory intention. "Hey there you gorgeous couple! I have a couple of mighty bright sips for you. Congratulations! and may you sustain happiness in this forever afterlife!!! Compliments of[/] [c=limegreen]Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter[/] [c=yellow]!!!" He sings you a[/] [url=][c=blue] song-a-gram [/][/url]. [c=yellow]"Too-Da-Loo!!!" he clammers as he skips off into the evening.

Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-30 00:51:22

[c=cornflowerblue]Coraline went to his office and put a bleached out vampire skull on his desk. She then proceeded to fill the eye sockets with sunflowers and well as veratrum a type of wolfs'bane. She left a black kiss mark on the forehead and left a little love poem. The whole time she was softly humming Ludo's horror of our love to herself.


[b]In shadows deep,
Where silence reigns,[/b]
You found me,
Broken, lost among the stones.
A wild Fleur De Lis,
Fierce and free,[/b]
You led me,
Out from the catacombs,
To light, to life once[i] more.[/i]

Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 21:46:04

~runs to go find it leaving a trail of sunflowers and poppies in her wake ~
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 17:50:31

[url=]In the midnight hour Billy Idol[/url]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 16:44:15

[c=cornflowerblue] Coraline woke up from her ice baths to find the note on her make up stand she pinned up up in the mirror as she painted her face with care. She glances over at it often. Thinking of the[u] only [/u]immortal besides her children who embraces all the carnage within her soul. She quickly goes over to the old style home phone and calls up to their office to arrange Irish whiskeys and cigars from Cuba sent to his front desk to thank him. [/]
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-08-29 11:20:10


"Hello, Kasper. Congratulations on marrying my cousin~ truly, it seems everything works out in the end. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter.

Au revoir,

River De Clairmont"

Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 05:05:06

[b][i][c=#6495ED]In the quiet cradle of eternity, I offer you this Fleur de Lis,
a symbol once wild, now tamed,
like the storm that once raged within my heart,
now calmed in the haven of your embrace.

Through nights of endless hunger,
when the world turned to ash and blood,
I wandered, lost in a maze of shadows,
this was the place in Kemet you found me , a garden in Aswan
in the ruins of what was, and called me home.

You, aged in the dark amber of time,
with the taste of whiskey and death on your lips,
you are my sanctuary,
where the scars of a thousand lifetimes fade,
and the weight of ancient sorrows lifts.

This gift is but a whisper of gratitude,
a way to say that in you, I found my peace,
a solace deeper than the words we say,
for in your arms, I am free,
and in your love, I am whole.[/][/i][/b]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-29 04:37:55

[c=violet]Kretari slipped into his being and his arms. She had not been loved in so very [I]long[/I] It was a deep sentiment she rather enjoyed. She let the words roll back on her own lips like a dance aged with light and brimming things only seen behind closed doors. [b] " Love simply must move over, time and fate had us dance around but we have found each other still." [/b]Her chin rested on their shoulders.This was a place she trusted had trusted for sometimes and to her trust was much more meaningful than love. [/]
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-08-29 03:28:54

Congratulations on your marriage to my daughter I wish you both many happy days ahead of you [3]
Xixilma (750491)

2024-08-26 00:17:52

contrats on rank up
Xixilma (750491)

2024-08-19 04:27:40

Treat it well, you break it you buy it

Coraline Duvall~Xavier (744350) sent Lule Sámi Wedding Joik with Chaplet of Lillies.
I Love you from Coraline Duvall~Xavier (744350) - A tamed Fleur De Lis for safe keeping Aug 28 2024

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