Illawarra`s Mawat is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)"Obviously I offended you in some way but since you’re a man who can find an insult in a bouquet of roses, I’m not sure quite how...."

Last Active: 2024/09/15 04:28
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VIP/VIP+ Days133 / 82
Game Age629
Karma+/Verve+744 / 2,240
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles24 (+11%) See All
Missions R/P/S369/3/40
Battle Record144,037/17,861/290
Win %89%
Last Killedopheliasgrave
Last Killed ByMythrí Celosia ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent127
Coven Title (Rank)Fleur De Lis (45)
Coven VirtueShaman Intern (10)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 16mil+



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Married to Kit Blackthorne (744006) for 18 days

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VIP Member Annika Thorne Le Doux™
VIP Member ~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~
VIP Member Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros
Dobromir Kruk
VIP Member Serenity A. Aerinil
Beth Turner-Duvall

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No matter what any immortal or mortal in this realm says, these two have been here for me since my human days. Day and night in my dreams and in my stars. Nothing can part us. Even if all of us were to part, I would search the waves of time for them again. The three of us belong together. Always.

To my only children who I love dearly.
All I can say is this year has brought great heart ache and turned some of my favorite people into my hardest lessons. However, on Mother`s day. It gave me the greatest gift of all. Us all together again.
To my partner in my immortal life. It is no secret that I have lost some as well as won some. Loved and lost. You however... unlike anyone else. See the malice that drips in my soul... You embrace the worst parts of me the best parts of me. For that I am thankful. Aug 29-2024 He leaves a note : "Tell me every terrible thing you did, and let me love you anyway. " ---Edgar Allen Poe Kaz-


It is not truly known how Homer came to be in Coraline`s possession
as Wednesday Addams was his original owner, but it is said he is a
giant large white spider having long braids, that used to fit in a box.
His name is Homer after the Greek poet who wrote the Odyssey. Homer was getting to be a very old spider. As his white curly hairs began to fall out he met with Coraline in her beloved gardens. He was willing to give his old life force to try to hatch an ancient Northern Sami egg. It was gold and red in color. When the small thing hatched it was healthy with all four of its legs and fire in the air. The small dragon whispered to her. My name is Murdoch. I am a Haldi sprite whom will always care for you as you hatched me. Only a day old he was ready to fight yet not quite big enough to use his ` pools of acid ` weapons from his fire glands.

Also Goes By: Morgan Vincent
Fleur Bella
Violet Eyes (by only a few) sometimes Violet Eyed Minx
Catori - a Cherokee name in origin meaning powerful spirit.

Sámi Scourge Raven

Coraline`s Story

Coraline was turned a short time before the French Revolution by a cousin of King Louis the Sixteenth. This was after being branded with a Fleur-de-lis as a consort for the king with his many ladies. This was due to her sultry voice and beauty mark under her eye. Cora is one of seven vampire siblings of a very old aristocratic vampire "family". Of the siblings, it is believed that only few remain alive. During the 18th century the French citizenry had discovered the existence of vampires and revolted. During The Reign Of Terror these vampire nobles were hunted down and beheaded. To pass as human and escape the guillotine, Coraline`s bloodline developed the Mortal Cure. It is an organic compound of native plants that makes vampires temporarily human. Each dose can last around six months. Some of the plants used to make the "cure" have gone extinct and there is only a small amount left.

There is much controversy over the cure as there could in our modern times again be a vampire revolt. Thus far even in modern times there has been none one to successfully re create the compound. So the coven`s siblings have always taken turns with slumbers in the catacombs to protect the bloodline. Five awake Two asleep that is the way it has always been. Coraline being the only female of her siblings blood line has always been one of the awake. She has only experienced the catacombs as prolonged punishments.


Coraline is often found singing, goes out of her way to make others happy or smile. Spending hours in her exotic gardens full of the world`s deadliest animals and plants. Inside is a old world exotic frog breeding room as this is her favored pastime. It is mostly made up of tree and dart frogs. Bubbly. Sassy. Loud mouthed. A piercing smile gives away an old charm, with dimples. Prone to sadistic tendencies, she is a text book Paraphiliac. Opheliac. Dark. Sullen. Morbid with a secret kind nature.
Coraline`s weakness is her blood lust. She can`t help but he attracted to dark things, It often gets her in trouble and she is often punished in the catacombs for having ripper-like binges once in a while. Still, she does love her family and she would do anything for them.


She likes to hang out with Mischievous Faeries, Poisons, Hexes, The dark arts, The forbidden curses, Frogs and Blue African Macaws, Headless Dolls if the doll is not headless she will burn it), Constellations, watching sword fighting. And The Ocean near volcanic mountains. Coraline prefers to stay in Egypt and Australia over her home country of France. Though in both countries she cannot go out during the day during the summer months as the sun is to strong even for an Elder like herself.

Some people seem to view her as only a manipulative, cruel woman who wanted to toy with Mick at every turn just for her own enjoyment. Coraline is often misunderstood and has had to learn to do dastardly things to get what she wants out of life as a necessity of survival. She had a very difficult life, wealth or not, out of necessity Cora learned how to use her looks and her wealth to get what she wanted out of life, and that she simply didn`t know anything else. The elder vampire loved Mick because he showed her empathy and compassion, something from her world she had forgotten after her need to just survive. With her time in America Coraline always found she could blend in with the indigenous tribes the Inuit had been familiar with in the coastal parts of France.

So she found Lakota, as well as Apache , Vampires ingrained in both cultures she was able to learn the languages, ways and ingrained in and out of culture as long as she respected tribal treaty rules. Coraline was given the second name Catori and was known and an immortal war-force. as her body did not age through the rubber ball bands of time. Along her way this was not her only coven She also sound RavenHall to be a second home and earned the tittle Sámi Scourge Raven

Coraline fought in wars beside them for their freedoms even. In the 50’s everything changed. Coraline truly loved Mick with everything in her that could love. She risked her freedom for it in the 50’s when she turned him without persimmon into the protected bloodline and was put away in the catacombs for it in 2007 for 16 years. This was done with a wooden steak made from a tree in France, since it was from her place of turning it was the equivalent of a human in shackles. Until her best friend whom she had sired Cynthia, risked her life to free her early from a 200 year punishment.



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Illawarra`s Mawat's average rating out of 126 rates is 9.53/10


Kit Blackthorne (744006)

2024-08-29 13:34:31

[c=#a92204] He leaves a note :

"Tell me every terrible thing you did, and let me love you anyway. " ---Edgar Allen Poe

Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-07-14 17:34:10

My sweet girl you are so precious to me I may not have a way with words like you do but I want you to know that I will forever be by your side to help you with the struggles and the good times [hug] [3]
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792)

2024-05-08 11:38:34

*opens the windows*

let the it go sweet lady, and gain your freedom it is there for you... step into it.

*lights some sage and goes to a corner*
Beth Turner-Duvall (748278)

2024-05-08 08:45:28

My mom whom I love here and someone I consider a best friend off of here
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2024-04-09 08:04:45

Funny enough I don't give a fuck what people think about me, I have a few friends here a few acquaintances and then you have the fuckwits that I don't care if they breath or not .

You are my granddaughter and anything you need you just need to shout, don't let the fuckwits ruin your game and if you ever need a place to relax just come home .

Love you lil GD xx
Ryssa V Phuri Dae (179328)

2024-09-14 16:11:11

Thank you so much [3]
Kit Blackthorne (744006)

2024-09-12 17:46:37

[c=#a92204] Kasper walks in and leaves Cora's favorite flowers with a note...

"Happy Two weeks Mi Amore, I'd follow you to the depths of Tartarus just to make you happy. I love you."

Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-11 14:11:51

aww...we ran out?
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-09 18:33:24

I like minx
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-09 18:32:30

Ooh i definitely do need to be reminded alot pppqqqppp just not been having a good time recenrly...and usually I am better than this. Loves yous.. i will get back to my old self soon..
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-09 18:25:36

I am no longer gonna apologise for me being me, and who I anyone. Not to care to what's think and just do my thing the right mind set...
Thank you for that!!

I'm a badass !!

I'll put spike next to rambo and spot and see what happens... [lmfao]
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-09 18:18:17

I had to look i see the other ones

I got 2 other smaller ones aswell called rambo and spot... could be them!!
Apate of Mesopotamia (51876)

2024-09-09 18:09:57

aww they even have a baby drago in the piccy together... i wonder if thats my shortbread baby and your murdoch is bringing them food...? oh I agree, they would look cute together heh heh... ~snuggles
Neon Joe (748462)

2024-09-07 04:59:10

[c=teal]It's the kinda itch that last longer than cold sores, and leaves a person yearning for the yelp. Yelp YEM Yoik! Puppy Punisher Posse. Leave 'em something to whimper you by! He-Yump- Gang Gang[/]
Neon Joe (748462)

2024-09-07 03:56:33

[c=cyan]Happy Happy Happy 2nd Wedding again! Yay Sis.
Body Count=Massacre[/]

[url=]touch me... paaweeeese!🙋‍♂️[/url]

(Def. Listen! 😆)
River De Clairmont (749778)

2024-09-04 02:36:55

You have already rated this user. Cannot rate you again this month. However I will be adding Josef Kostan to my line up soon.
Annika Thorne Le Doux™ (676141)

2024-09-04 01:24:33

You have given Violet Eyed Minx a rating of 10.

You deserve more than a 10 my dear I love you always [3]
Doom Le Doux (209640)

2024-09-03 23:26:30

You have given Violet Eyed Minx a rating of 10.

Hope you have a wonderful month
Silas LC Le Doux (746158)

2024-09-03 02:54:31

You have given Coraline Duvall~Xavier a rating of 10.

Be well, dearest little sister. [hug]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-31 16:00:43

[c=#600d26]I'm extremely glad to hear such, then! qq[/]

Vivien Vixen sent Im a Survivor by Reba xo to me.
I Love you from Bamboozle of Mesopotamia (51876) - too my friend...your gift was cute as anything!!!
Dobromir Kruk (748622) sent Raven sculpture commemorating the July 2024 Apache.
Veronica Mars~Violet Eyes (744350) sent Forehead kisses to me !.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343) sent A big bucket of Love mixed w Understanding&#128152;.
Dobromir Kruk (748622) sent Miód.
Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) sent She`s Got Style, She`s Got Grace floral arrangeme.
Thinking of you from Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) - and I know better days are ahead...
Thinking of you from Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) - sending hugs and healing
Thinking of you from Vladina PhD Whispers (477343) - We miss you ...

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