Daeva Essie Hjarta is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Daeva Essie Hjarta (745271)"Alive but dead inside"

Last Active: 2024/01/06 23:33
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age509
Karma+/Verve+348 / 620
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles6 (+1%) See All
Missions R/P/S64/1/8
Battle Record13,973/10,379/617
Win %58%
Last KilledEmeric Terring ...
Last Killed ByKaos Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Baby Bunnie (50)
Coven VirtueLearning To Hunt (2)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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Rank 100+

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1k+ Power

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NightsBlood Pointe du Lac
VIP Member DarkAsh
VIP Member †Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon†
Yager OG Darkpaw
Raimo Doukas
Herrscher of the Void
VIP Member Lacey ~Vykos Sinister~
VIP Member David_Bugsy
VIP Member Dile Sainte Hazashii

Daeva Essie Hjarta has 15 friends View All Friends




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Daeva Essie Hjarta's average rating out of 45 rates is 7.93/10


Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-09-03 22:18:11

Bunny Love! [3]You have given Daeva Essie Hjarta a rating of 10.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-05-26 04:51:31

Happy Birthday [cheers]
Lucia Villanueva Satanic (690837)

2023-09-02 22:06:57

[c=#6ceb87][I]The woman would come in doing some cleaning getting rid of all the negativity by burning some sage and lavender. Before she would put all kinds of silky pictures of the two of them and also some with a few other people they both hold dearly to them, before she would leave a little note on the bedside table. It would read:[/]

[C=#89cff0]To my sweet princess,

I will love you always my dear child. No matter what I will be by your side. I will be your rock to lean on when things are difficult, the shoulder to cry on when it seems like you're all alone, the listening ear when it feels like no one is listening, your armour when you feel like everyone has started stabbing you in the back, and most importantly I'll be the super glue to hold you together when you feel like you're falling apart. Always remember to do what makes you happy, and don't worry about whoever gets mad at you for doing what is needed for you, it's not selfish to put your happiness first, it's actually selfish to put yourself last. I know that it can be easier said than done or even easier said than to feel like it's not being selfish, but f**** what others think. Always follow your heart and your gut, especially your gut because 99% of the time that gut feeling is right. I will always be in your corner rooting for you. I love you to the moon and back, and more than all the stars in the galaxies.

Love always,
Your momma[/] ❤️‍🔥
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659)

2023-08-31 20:39:03

anytime :)
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2023-08-17 03:34:46

You have given Daeva Essie Hjarta a rating of 10. ;)
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-08-14 06:09:50

Congratulations on your marriage.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-08-06 05:24:25

Thank you :)
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-07-22 13:08:29

You have given Daeva Essie a rating of 10.

Leaves a feather.
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2023-07-16 21:01:36

*paws the 10 button*
You have given Daeva Essie a rating of 10.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-06-23 09:46:21

You have given †Valrie†Roseheart† a rating of 10.

Leaves a feather.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-05-30 20:02:38

You have given Valrie Renae Roseheart a rating of 10.
[hug] Best Wishes to you as you choose a new coven. Please keep us in mind, should you wish to return. If you need to talk about anything at all...ever, just send me a BL. [3]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-05-26 04:56:13

Happy Birthday [cheers]
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2023-05-02 03:45:17

[i]You have given Valrie Renae Le Doux a rating of 10.[/i] Welcome to the game! qq
Countess ValeriaDuskborne (707235)

2023-04-29 13:57:10

You are welcome my dear. I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-04-28 17:48:22

How lovely to meet you Valrie! Welcome! [hug]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-04-28 09:08:03

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything, just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
Countess ValeriaDuskborne (707235)

2023-04-28 05:35:50

Welcome to the game
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2023-04-28 04:11:43

You have given Valrie Renae Bloodstead a rating of 10. Welcome to Reign of Blood!!

Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent glowing glitter rose body wash.
Kiara Roseheart Dax™ (736878) sent 100,000 COOKIES.

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