Ailean G. Raeven Celosia is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Ailean G. Raeven Celosia (745491)"The higher I get, the less I give a fuck ¯_(ツ)_/¯"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 16:23
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VIP/VIP+ Days41 / 9
Game Age478
Karma+/Verve+33 / 55
Game LocationSpring Valley
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles11 (+2%) See All
Missions R/P/S170/1/15
Battle Record35,918/4,963/30
Win %88%
Last KilledClara Delacroi ...
Last Killed ByLacey ~Vykos S ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent22
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Le tueur violent (50)
Coven VirtuePorter (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 860k+



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Rank 100+

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1k+ Power

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Married to Lavender Raine Raeven (748521) for 94 days

12 Family Members

Vitality 400    Charm 1
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VIP Member Lavender Raine Raeven
VIP Member Mythrí Celosia Dominor
VIP Member Meona Draecei
VIP Member Dizzi ****kin` Sainte

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Ailean G. Raeven Celosia's average rating out of 31 rates is 6.84/10


Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-06-19 02:25:18

She kissed him back with love and held him tightly. "I am happy to have you in my life. I am very happy to be your wife." She giggles softly and kisses him again. She whispered in his ear. "Always your little dragon."
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-06-17 03:10:04

My dearest Ailean,

I was very hesitant opening my heart to anyone, even tried getting to know others. Most just wanted to use me, but then you came into my life so fast and everything changed. You helped me over come my shyness and helped me find myself.

I felt instantly connected to you, and very safe with you. Something I haven't been able to feel at all. I look forward to our future and our adventures we will have as a unit. I love you!

Cassiopeia. (747856)

2024-05-26 20:50:44

I'm the best sister you've ever had lol I hope you're okay! pppqqqppp All jokes aside, you're amazing.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2023-06-30 03:33:01

NEPHEWWWW! [3][3][3]
Meona Draecei (745071)

2023-06-22 23:35:22

My Sweet Boy Spawwwn (OMG)
Spirit (750202)

2024-09-17 05:17:29

My big bro, I have so many siblings, and dang aren't I thankful for yall! ♡♡

I may be goofy, and I really try to put a smile on a face, but there's a fine line between my goofy self and my annoying self, and the fact that you put up with all my antics means so much to enough with my cheesy self, you need chocolate! [i]Shoves a choccy bar into your mouth[/i]

With love and tackles,
♡𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓪 𝓢𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮♡
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-17 04:27:26

She nuzzles him back happily. "I love you!"
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-17 03:52:36

"Mine forever. I will bite whoever tries to steal you." Lavvy smiles innocently.
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-16 01:11:53

91 days actually." She giggles and kisses him.
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-11 02:07:01

"I love you to the moon and back!"
Balkroth (751989)

2024-09-08 04:27:05

😘 thanks!
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-05 17:08:49

80 days! 80 days it has been since Lavender became one with Ailean. She was so happy, and he has been everything she had hoped for. Even with him gone for so long, she made it clear she was forever his and that he was stuck for her forever too. She smiled big and jumped in his arms. Giggling that he was still covered in the glitter she tossed at him earlier. "I love you Ailean. To many more days together!"
Lavender Raine Raeven (748521)

2024-09-05 03:25:31

Lavender was bored, so she made a few glitter bombs. She ran up quietly behind Ailean and then she tossed the glitter bombs and watched them explode all over him. A mixture of purple and pink with a hint of gold and blue. She ran off laughing. "I love you, Ailean!"
Alpha Killa Sainte (736878)

2024-09-02 21:01:28

[i]She giggles painting all over his wall with pink glitter. “Nimmie was here daddy!”
Erra Sainte (747818)

2024-09-01 17:16:30

Another month, Another rate[3]

You have given Ailean G. Raeven Celosia a rating of 10.
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2024-09-01 13:58:30

I was missing that one, I was looking left and right for it! Thanks!!! [roll]
Vulpea Razboinica (306922)

2024-09-01 04:17:11

We are, your in Hokulani, yes?
Alpha Killa Sainte (736878)

2024-09-01 04:15:31

[i] Giggles as she leaps up on her father giving him a big hug before running away skipping. "I got the snackies, thank you daddy." The halls of 404 echo and she screams.
Vulpea Razboinica (306922)

2024-09-01 04:02:52

*stares blankly* yes?
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2024-08-31 13:32:56

[i]She rounded to see a plush bear and a bunch of roses after her coffee was poured. Grinning, she took them both and hugged them close to her heart. She tucked the bear away for safety and put flowers in a vase before strolling over to her son's page. leaving a Red Bull and a variety of treats. Content, she departed with a few [3] [3] [3]’s.

My darling son. qq

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