Aetheria Lostheart is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Aetheria Lostheart (747236)

Last Active: 2024/09/19 09:49
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age257
Karma+/Verve+35 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles4 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S4/0/2
Battle Record18,058/3,113/22
Win %86%
Last KilledAlgirdas Randa ...
Last Killed By Ryssa V Phuri ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent20
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Angel Girl (30)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+




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Married to Sacred Gloom (746084) for 119 days
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Aetheria Lostheart's average rating out of 14 rates is 8.71/10


†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2024-03-11 12:25:20

You have given Aetheria Lostheart a rating of 10.

*paws 10 button* Always a 10 for my pawsome princess qq[3]
†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790)

2024-01-23 21:52:54

You have given Angelgrl91 a rating of 10.

*paws the 10 button* a 10 for my princess qq[3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-09-11 22:51:11

Jace Nightingale (748211)

2024-05-29 01:27:16

Smiles and say "Aetheria you are beautiful!"
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-24 06:09:56

Thanks for accepting my marriage request. I've added some incentive for Ash to delete my account though. Perhaps we could be married in the new one. All the comments should be deleted about what happened, I think. So I emailed support. I thought someone might be getting nervous wandering why it's taking so long, even though it's only been a couple days.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-20 03:56:09

I was just writing to you what I was thinking about. I changed my mind shortly after. It's what came to mind as I was looking at your profile.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-19 22:51:32

I found something else to do for the time being. I hope all is well with you and you enjoy yourself in whatever you do. Maybe after some time I will come back to check my messages / comments, see what's up with people. I have something else to do, but I can't say anything about it. I was remembering some times from the past today. One time, I met a girl online and it was during a time I was trying to do something. She wasn't the person she was trying to be. The messages were off, but I still tried to accept her and work it out, while I was doing what I was doing before. I was going through my papers and found the old page I wrote on - what I received in a text. It was deciphered there, amidst the other writing. That was from March 2023. I was going through my papers and shredding them. There's more of that to do. I'm on my last box of papers. I have something other in mind than what I was doing before, but it's something other than this. I'm appreciative of your reply. I'd rather write on people's profiles. Some comments on anothers' profile I saved for myself in a backup because they were important. I feel like I have what I need from that. If it was only a blog it might be selfish. To leave it with someone else might mean they delete it. Even if they did, it is something you wrote to them and you might feel better for the loss - like you were relieved of it if it wasn't acceptable. Still for others, there is a circumstance preventing them from participating, yet they are assuredly caring nonetheless. I came to a place and found what I needed to write. I'm not leaving permanently that I know if, but I'm leaving for now to do something and I hope you're okay and don't get lonely here in this game. That sounds in depth, but I guess it's actually a little shallow since we know more about each other than what is written in the comments. All be well.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-19 08:37:25

Thanks for your reply.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-15 15:58:28

Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-05-15 15:56:07

I've been doing good lately. How've you?
- : - (743066)

2024-03-13 10:02:07

Thanks for the karma

You have given Aetheria Lostheart a rating of 10.
Arsenix Leviathan Primevil (741228)

2024-03-06 20:58:42

You have given Aetheria Lostheart a rating of 10.

Nice profile!
Athena Runeia (743741)

2024-03-04 01:09:04

My Angel :3
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-06 11:55:20

You're still offline. Why are you waiting so long?
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 15:52:32

You're on the weaker vampires after I cleaned out some of the others from the list. Do you see me on there? My coven levelled up a little. Thanks for help getting that going.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 12:52:02

If we could get some hand drawn pics we could use them. We could even change the screen so that one pic takes up a large space and sub-images are clickable, activating an interface, such as in a house / church scenario. [url=][/url]
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 12:36:06

We'll have to draw some pics for the site [url=][/url]. Our marriage didn't go through as planned but we still need a wedding place. Aside from that, there's roads to travel on.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 10:03:37

We will have to avoid the record, though we cannot go through with our marriage proposal. Still, I think we should have a place to get married.
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 08:59:56

Where should we have wedding arrangements? We'll invite Sunshine!
Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-02 21:29:20

You have given Angelgrl91 a rating of 10.

†Kirito†Quinn†DeAvalon† (670790) sent Black kitten plushie.

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