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Armand... (748683)"Here lies Botticelli's Angel..."

Last Active: 2024/06/27 12:30
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Game Age92
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationItaly
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Missions R/P/S27/1/4
Battle Record2,665/1,157/68
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Last Killed BySage
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Coven Title (Rank)The Vagabond Angel (29)
Coven VirtueFresh Lungs (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 174k+




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Profile Code by Diana (714847)

This account belongs to Armand, known as Alessandro among humans. I am a real vampire and a sanguinarian. I drink wine and blood... all real vampires are welcome to talk to me.

The pictures above are both of myself...



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Armand...'s average rating out of 5 rates is 10.00/10


Savannah (736305)

2024-06-26 13:49:00

It had been a few nights since she encountered the coven of strange Vampires.

Cali sat back under the moonlight beside the waterfalls just outside Paris, as she leaned back dipping her feet in the cool refreshing water. Kaz was beating at her mind wanting to be free to run around in the water. Cali chuckled softly "Behave my lil beast and feel the water on our skin this night."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 14:17:14

As Calico rolled her radiant, sapphire-blue eyes, she treaded softly through the enveloping darkness of the night, swiftly making her way back to the shelter of the forest. Despite the urgency of her steps, the echo of his voice lingered in her mind, a constant presence that fueled her determination. In her heart, she vowed that she would not allow this Santiago to claim her; she was prepared to fiercely defend herself against any attempt.

"No man nor Vampire will ever take me, Armand," she murmured with unwavering resolve, the words reverberating through the still night air.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 13:41:21

As Cali, with her long, sleek, black hair tumbling down her shoulders like a glistening river, gracefully pivoted to face him, they emerged from the theater into the refreshing night breeze. Her slim, delicate hand reached out toward him with a poised and graceful movement, reminiscent of a ballet dancer's elegance, embodying every inch of her grace and poise.

" You need to keep them in check," she implored urgently, her words carrying an undertone of desperation, "as they wanted to put me in the coffin. I will return."

With that, she ventured out into the misty night, pulling her hood over her head, and gradually vanished into the remnants of the night.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 12:56:57

Savannah's eyes remained fixated on the women before her, her hands moving with astonishing speed to encircle their throat with a vice-like grip. As she turned her gaze towards Santiago, a low, menacing growl rumbled from within her. "Oh, I wouldn't do that. You would hurt my host," she warned. "As for your question, I have been feeling her pain for the past few days."

Suddenly, in a swift and almost unnatural motion, Calico reappeared, visibly drained and struggling to catch her breath after the intense possession. "Please, stop," she pleaded. "She doesn't mean any harm. She is a part of me. Centuries ago, I saved her from hunters who had taken her life and bound her soul to mine."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 12:27:42

Savannah's laughter echoed as she tossed her head back and studied the picture in her hand, her eyes carefully tracing every detail. Gradually, a sense of calm washed over her. "No, this isn't it. Who is this vampire? I have no memory of them throughout the centuries."

Her thoughts then wandered into the depths of Calico's mind, where she felt a profound sense of vulnerability. She staggered, momentarily forgetting that the process of soul-swapping was sapping her strength.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 12:12:04

Calico's eyes drifted away from the picture, a weight settling heavily in her chest. A slight tremor ran through her as Kaz's plaintive voice urged her to free their mate from the torment inflicted by the cruel humans. "Kaz needs to be liberated. These malevolent vampires are causing her to relive memories she shouldn't. We cannot allow this to continue," she thought.

Suddenly, a shift in the room signaled the arrival of another presence, a formidable vampire. The atmosphere crackled with the entry of the new figure. "Enough with the interrogation of Calico. She will not discuss that vampire any longer. I am Savannah Dubrinsky, and I will not tolerate your ignorance," the powerful vampire declared.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-25 11:31:24

Calico narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized the room, a deep sense of suspicion emanating from her gaze. Her sharp canines peeked out from beneath her bottom lip, adding a fierce edge to her expression. She had always treasured her privacy, and now, the idea of exposing herself to anyone filled her with unease. Yet here she was, surrounded by these vampires.

They sent chills down her spine, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. As she turned her head towards the one called Santiago, she couldn't shake the sensation that he was prying into her thoughts, provoking her inner beast to growl.

"You are curious, aren't you? I used to be a Queen, ruling over my people. Now, I am the only one left, and I have come to Paris to take in the sights. Yet instead, I find your Master, as you call him, intruding on my solitude."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 18:46:20

As her anxious gaze swept through the dimly lit room, her eyes, a deep shade of crimson, seemed to glow even brighter - a distinctive family trait that always drew attention. She sensed the weight of their stares, which made her feel confined and exposed. In that moment, a low, guttural growl rose from deep within her, a reflexive response to the oppressive tension in the air.

"I am Queen Calico. Stay clear of me. I am curious to know why you are so interested in who I am."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 17:03:15

Cali let out a low, menacing growl as her piercing eyes fixated on the boy, surveying the surroundings with keen awareness. The mere thought of a child being targeted filled her with disgust. In her culture, children were honored and treasured, destined to be nurtured and provided with the chance to flourish.

"I refuse to take sustenance from an innocent child. The thought of harming him turns my stomach," she declared, enveloping herself tightly in her cloak.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 16:11:04

Calico could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the remnants of adrenaline still coursing through her veins after the exhilarating kill. As she stood at the entrance to the foreboding catacombs, she couldn't shake the sense of impending danger. These catacombs were home to vampires of all ages, each wielding their own unique and chilling powers. Santiago had been cryptic about the mysterious "gifts" possessed by these creatures, leaving Calico feeling unsettled and bewildered. As she steeled herself for the upcoming confrontation, she couldn't help but wonder what could possibly make these formidable vampires eager to meet her.

"I am nothing but a simple woman who can transform into a beast. What reason could these creatures have for wanting to see me?"
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 15:48:56

Her primal instincts stirred inside her, the rhythmic beat echoing in her mind before she let out a powerful roar. "Release Kaz, free to rid the world of the evil," she transmitted through their mental connection, ready to join the battle. Yet, to her frustration, Cali found herself unable to do so, having already quenched her thirst for the night.

With a gesture, she indicated to the vampires around her to feed, then she turned her gaze to Armand. "I have had my fill tonight, and if I hadn't, you all would have gone hungry."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 15:21:52

Cali let out a soft chuckle as she disappeared from view, only to reappear suddenly behind a man. She sensed the tension in the air and delved into the man's mind, feeling the unease growing within her. As she tapped into his thoughts, her large canine teeth were bared, and she could sense Kaz's presence trying to break into her mind. The situation made her increasingly uncomfortable as she uncovered things she didn't like.

With one swift movement, Cali grabbed hold of his hair and sank her canines into the throat in a feeding frenzy. Blood dripping from her lips with hunger as she looked around the stage.

"He was a bad one and deserved to die this night"
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 14:39:42

As she moved through the crowd, her eyes took on a deeper intensity, and a shiver crept down her spine. She approached the first person she encountered, the very same person who had addressed her moments before.

Ignoring the voice in her head, Cali shut out the world around her, consumed by the darkness of her thoughts. A fierce instinct emerged within her, and she growled menacingly into the woman's ear.

"You've made a fatal error by coming here tonight. They won't spare you, and neither will I."
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 13:54:35

As Cali was ceremoniously guided onto the stage by the women, a palpable sense of unease began to envelop her. Despite her undead state, she still retained a beating heart, a fact that never failed to puzzle those in her presence. Tilting her head slightly, she emitted a low growl, her piercing gaze locking onto the individual who had spoken.

She closely observed as the individual swiftly moved away from her. Cali couldn't help but smirk as she peered out at the audience, grappling with her fear of being paraded on show for all to see.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 12:49:49

She eased into the seat, unraveling the hood to reveal her cascading dark brown waves settling gracefully around her shoulders. With a sense of intrigue, she fixed her gaze on the enigmatic figure who suddenly emerged in front of her.

Calico could feel the heat rise to her pale cheeks as he looked down upon her. Sliding her hand to the throat as if he was trying to read her thoughts and blocks him .
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 12:15:08

Calico looked up at Armand with a puzzled expression on her face as he suddenly materialized in front of her. "Why yes, I have to make it back to the forest before daybreak," she murmured softly, her voice barely audible. Her eyes drifted to his outstretched hand, and after a moment of hesitation, she tentatively reached out with her own. "Where exactly is this theatre located?"
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 11:00:41

Her piercing bright blue eyes, reminiscent of a cat's, cautiously emerged from beneath the hood as she closely observed the man standing before her. A single wisp of hair, the color of midnight, gently framed her porcelain-pale skin, while her slender hand gracefully slipped out from the folds of her cloak.

"I assure you, it is yours. I am Calico, the last remaining descendant of my people," she uttered with a mysterious smile, before elegantly turning away and fading into the obscurity of the night once again.
Savannah (736305)

2024-06-24 09:02:56

Once again, she emerges silently and gracefully from the depths of the shadows, her figure enveloped in a billowing, midnight-black cloak that conceals her form and seems to drink in the surrounding darkness. The hood rests low over her head, casting a veil of mystery over her features as she reappears, adding to the palpable sense of intrigue that surrounds her. With an almost poetic elegance, her slender hand reaches out and removes a black envelope, each glint of its gold lettering catching the scarce light around her, hinting at the secrets it holds within.
Fatal Wrath (208487)

2024-06-23 05:26:30

Thank you. Yes I have returned after a long hiatus. I hope everyone is well there.
Raine Orrina Blacksoul™ (720815)

2024-06-21 15:18:07

Welcome to RoB. I hope you enjoy your time here and you have quite the beautiful profile.

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