Véñòm is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Véñòm (748781)"Ming Lee has purchased you a ring to represent your marriage."

Last Active: 2024/08/16 12:26
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days45 / 0
Game Age83
Karma+/Verve+175 / 505
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles9 (+2%) See All
Missions R/P/S114/0/0
Battle Record6,065/938/4
Win %87%
Last KilledCount Archibal ...
Last Killed ByLacey ~Vykos S ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent2
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Fresh Meat (5)
Coven VirtuePorter (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 194k+



List 0.5

Rank 100+

5k+ Wins

1k+ Power

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Married to Ming Lee (749967) for 40 days

1 Family Member

Vitality 115    Charm 4
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 0
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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VIP Member Hel Sainte
VIP Member Tobias Morde†h-Sainte
VIP Member Raine Orrina Blacksoul™
Ming Lee
VIP Member Breila Celosia Bellator
VIP Member Sleibhin
VIP Member Meona Draecei
VIP Member Xixilma
VIP Member Dizzi ****kin` Sainte
VIP Member Erra Sainte

Véñòm has 10 friends View All Friends




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Véñòm's average rating out of 21 rates is 6.57/10


Ming Lee (749967)

2024-09-15 04:03:08

You have given Véñòm a rating of 10.

[c=pink]36 days.

What a wonderful time.

Much closer to 100.[/][3]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2024-08-14 14:15:58

Thank you
CeCe (245220)

2024-08-13 11:05:19

hit a 10 on the way out!
CeCe (245220)

2024-08-13 11:04:26

congrats on your marriage!
Raine Orrina Blacksoul™ (720815)

2024-08-11 16:39:25

Congratulations on your marriage. I hope its a long and happy one. :)
Ming Lee (749967)

2024-08-10 17:04:35

You have given Véñòm a rating of 10.

[c=#8E4D4D]"If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights." [i]—The West Wing[/i][/]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2024-08-10 12:03:51

Honestly, I've said maybe 10 whole words to them they sent me 3 proposals so I said fukk it. I'll help him get his 100 while I look for my forever spouse
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2024-08-10 12:01:29

Just helping Archi get their 100 days in! Thank you, tho!
Dragoonia Fujimoto (748300)

2024-08-05 08:14:05

You have given Véñòm a rating of 10.
Dragoonia Fujimoto (748300)

2024-08-05 08:13:29

Love the profile 😀
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-08-05 00:32:25

You have given Krieg a rating of 10

Happy August! qq
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2024-08-05 00:07:31

You have given Krieg a rating of 10. Love the profile!
CeCe (245220)

2024-08-04 15:23:53

good luck! you will be missed!
Acid Sainte (744883)

2024-08-04 14:10:16

Welcome aboard!
Meona Draecei (745071)

2024-08-04 05:08:41

Oh of course! [3]
Meona Draecei (745071)

2024-08-04 04:59:30

Welcome to Hotel 404!!
Savannah (736305)

2024-07-27 07:42:22

Gives brother in law a rating of 10
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2024-07-27 05:12:42

[i][c=tan]Married to Dahlia LeFleur (444089) for 7 days.
Married to Krieg (748781) for 7 days.[/]

[c=#ff9999]You tore out Krieg's heart. [3]

27 July 2024
... And I have every intention of owning, claiming and safekeeping it, Krieg.

Every chunk, every bit and pieces, every heartbeat.

Thank you for putting up with me for 1 entire week and counting.

Know that I'm constantly thinking about you, missing you, appreciating you and all that you do. The rest and sleep that you sacrificed for us, the in-betweens and sneaky sneaky that you slip in between work hours, to check in on me, on us.

Know that I love you, hubs. [3]

[3] Penned by Dahlia LeFleur. [/i][/]
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-07-26 15:41:59

You have given Krieg a rating of 10.

Dang, you already collected a lot of low ratings. :D

Also, love the song. It's one of my favorites to sport. ;)

How's the game treating ya? qq
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2024-07-20 14:06:49

[i][c=tan] Here's to Second Chances and the Reset Button. Take Two. [/][/i] [3]

[i][c=#ff9999] 20 July 2024.
Hear ye! Hear ye! Let it be known that as of this date henceforth, Kreig (748781) has laid his stake and claim of Dahlia LeFleur (444089).
[s]Gorgeous and womanly arse included.[/s] Oops.

It takes a man with a beautiful and kind soul, to set aside his and her differences,
To step up for a woman who needed him the most.

To make time for her, to be the first kiss in the morning for her and the last lips to touch hers before those eyelids would close.

To check on her, in times where even she herself, wanted to hide away from herself and the world.
Sleepy zombie, Narcoleptic beauty, Epileptic twitchy witchy, Leukemia fucked.

... And yet he stayed. [3]

Simply for all the reasons above,
Krieg is my defibrillator.
Krieg is my hubs.

[3] Penned by Dahlia LeFleur

Happy Anniversary from Dahlia LeFleur Amadeus (444089) - Half a Month of Being Yours, Mr Krieg Amadeus.
I Love you from Dahlia LeFleur Amadeus (444089) - Just Because.
Get well soon from Dahlia LeFleur (444089) - Rest Well and Recuperate, Hubs. Thinking of you.
I Love you from Dahlia LeFleur (444089) - The Highest Stake. So Worth The Gamble. All In, Hubs.
Thinking of you from Dahlia LeFleur (444089) - Smirkingly Yours. Always.

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