River De Clairmont is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire River De Clairmont (749778)"Helping a family member in crisis and flying up from AUS to USA wont have access to discord for a bit while I prepare - and am adjusting to that jet lag ...."

Last Active: 2024/09/15 08:33
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VIP/VIP+ Days81 / 60
Game Age58
Karma+/Verve+161 / 390
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles5 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S113/1/24
Battle Record19,951/1,217/57
Win %95%
Last KilledIris Rose
Last Killed ByTobias Morde†h ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent11
Coven Tremere Domus
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Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 767k+



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Married to Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) for 42 days

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VIP Member Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire

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River De Clairmont's average rating out of 27 rates is 9.59/10


Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-09-04 18:08:05

[center][c=#600d26]I may not be as talented in writing poems as you are, mon mari-roi, which is why I tend to find already written poems by [i][b]others[/b][/i] in order to convey my feelings, but I decided to give it a shot...

(ashflame2) (ashflame2) (ashflame2)

[i][b]D'ici à la fin de l'éternité,
nous danserons dans les flammes et la glace de notre passion commune.

Nous serons la vie et la mort,
nous serons le début et la fin.

De cendres en cendres,
et de la poussière à la poussière,
nous reviendrons. Toujours.[/b][/i][/]

(ashflame2) (ashflame2) (ashflame2)[/center]

2024-08-20 02:15:37

[center](persepom) (persepom) (persepom) (persepom)

[c=#6d0606][i][b]"I'm addicted to your sweet smile and your bright laugh.

I'm addicted to your rough hands and your sudden kisses.

I'm addicted to your strong arms and your bad jokes.

I'm addicted to your stubborn will and your dark eyes.

I'm addicted to [u]you[/u]."[/b][/i][/]

(persepom) (persepom) (persepom) (persepom)[/center]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-09 20:53:40

[center](pentacle) (ashflame1) (pentacle) (ashflame1) (pentacle)

[c=#600d26][i][b]"And I'd choose you;
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd find you and
I'd choose you."[/b][/i][/]

(pentacle) (ashflame1) (pentacle) (ashflame1) (pentacle)[/center]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-05 20:16:59

[i]A tinkling laugh escaped the demon witch hybrid's lips at seeing how easily flustered and shy the male was, for it seemed to always happen when she was near.

Giving her head a slight shake and a small smile, she easily stepped amongst the pillows and settled down on one side of the table, sharp gaze immediately taking note of the demonic spellbook and rolled up scroll in the center of it, but not saying anything other than a quiet, [c=#600d26][b]"Thank you"[/b][/], for the compliments he had just given her.

It wasn't until she saw him go into the water and transform into half an octopus that she froze, eyes widening and mouth dropping open in surprise before she instantly snapped it shut. It's not like [b]she[/b] didn't have a demonic form herself...and one she would have to show him at some point, for it was drastically different to his.

In any case, Ashlinn continued to stay as still as a statue for the next set of minutes, even as her mind started to race with thoughts of what was about to happen and her slow-beating heart began to thump harder in anticipation; despite having the tiniest inkling for the past week or two.

But it was only when River had finished repeating what had been written on the scroll, did she finally understand what he was asking her: to have her hand in marriage...to give him a chance at simply spending time with her for the rest of their days...to respect her and to cherish her...and for her to return the same.

Thus, all the femme fatale could do in response was practically throw herself at him, wrap her arms about his neck and press the deepest kiss to his mouth, all the while exclaiming with a loud: [c=#600d26][b]"Yes, I'll marry you, River de Clairmont! Yes, yes, [u]yes[/u]!!"[/b][/]; utterly not caring if she was making a fool of herself or if she was getting immediately soaked by doing so...[/i]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-07-30 01:26:25

[center](pentacle) (726225) (pentacle) (726225) (pentacle)


[i]you want only what you want[/i]


[i]you will kill dogs, and betray any soul[/i]


[i]if it means having what you desire[/i]


[i]and that makes you wicked[/i]


[i]and that makes you a sinner[/i]


[i]and that makes you mine"[/i][/]

(pentacle) (726225) (pentacle) (726225) (pentacle)[/center]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-09-15 00:41:35

Thankyou and I'll make sure to do so. [3]

2024-09-07 00:15:36

[center](persepom) (persepom) (persepom)

[c=pink][i][b]"I am yours;

with every inch of flesh
and bone in my body;
and every ounce of love
in me, I belong to you.

with every subtle thought
that slips my mind;
and every void space in my
empty soul,
I belong to you."[/b][/i][/]

(persepom) (persepom) (persepom)[/center]
Vivien Vixen

2024-09-04 01:51:51

[c=red]You have given River De Clairmont a rating of 10 Happy September my dear cousin.[/]
Vivien Vixen

2024-08-29 16:31:27

[c=#FF4500] "Thank you for supporting me since day one of you singing up. You mean the world to me." [/]
CeCe (245220)

2024-08-28 09:19:05

Welcome to Tremere!
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-08-26 12:24:58

Welcome to TD! qq
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-18 20:41:06

[c=#600d26][i][b]I don't really have any words except for "Thank you", my demon of the waters. It's really and truly appreciated.[/b][/i][/] [3]
Vivien Vixen

2024-08-18 05:11:22

[c=tomato]Vivien was quite cynical as she tore up a french fry in bits and ends and tossed the bread on the grave they sat and ate at.[b] " Here you go Matty have a snack." [/b] She said teasingly before going to drink from a blood packet she brought. Ahmes settled in next to her leaning her head on her mothers shoulder and she snacked on some chocolates. She sighed out and laughed a little as Mick joined his mother tossing on a french-fry at the ground.

Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-15 17:39:32

Vivien Vixen

2024-08-15 17:05:23


Vivien with her daughter holding her arm trailed behind her cousin, as well as her older sons. The dusty path to the site where her brother Mattine's grave had been since 2020. There was a subtle grief in the air. The outback sun beat down relentlessly still it was worth it for her to be out. " I should have brought my sunhat." She whispered. Vivien directed them with a firm yet gentle hand, instructing where to set up the flag-hanging station. The old gum tree nearby provided some shade as they began their task, carefully positioning the poles and securing the ropes, ready to raise the flag in honor of Mattine’s memory. The air sweetly, thick with the scent of wild Illawara tree and the quiet murmur of respect as they worked, each movement a tribute to the man they all held dear.

Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2024-08-15 02:36:33

You have given River De Clairmont a rating of 10. What a stunning new profile!
Vivien Vixen

2024-08-14 19:07:04

[c=#CD5C5C]All of Vivien's children had gathered at her place for the occasion. Mick, and Felix were her two oldest. Boys in their 20's now with life ambitions. Felix was set to get married next month ( though the wedding had been pushed back a bit) His brother on the other hand Mick, was still at home and studying. The two could not be further from one another even if identical. Ahmes her little moon was off in France painting with God knew who most of the time, and even she had made it home.

All three children looked more like Vivien than Author. Though the boys still carried that mopey way about them when interacting. She greeted him down the drive waving him on exited to see him come inside , them all plan and leave together. Despite the way he died... Mattine still needed a little love every now and again. At least she thought so. [/]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-14 03:52:28

[i]Nearing the tail end of her cold, or whatever the Hell it had been that she had caught almost right after their honeymoon, Ashlinn could not help but be grateful for her new husband - especially in the way of bringing her soup and bread; so much so that she offered him a small, but still beatific smile.

However, it was his words - the underlying meaning beneath them - and even his small touches that had what could only be called sparks of electricity running through her veins...through her blood. Thus, even as Ash spooned the soup into her mouth a few times before simply placing it aside in order to drink straight from the container as well as nibbled on torn off pieces of the jalapeno bread, she kept her unwavering - albeit somewhat bright - crimson gaze on him. She also knew that there was an underlying current of insatiable desire, want as well as need between them...and had been ever since their honeymoon.

When she was done eating, she moved to one side of the couch, the blanket slipping down in order to show off shoulder that was only covered by the thin, red strap of her silken night top as she did so, and patted the other cushion; wanting him to be near...and perhaps in more ways than one.

[c=#600d26][b]"Thank you for taking care of me, mon mari,"[/b][/] she then whispered, an edge of teasing laced through the words, even as she gave another of those beatific smiles.[/i]
Syndel Fuego (739771)

2024-08-14 03:17:53

You have given River De Clairmont a rating of 10.

A stunning new look for you! A beautifil shade of blue suits you very well, my friend. :)
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-08-13 08:02:52

You have given River De Clairmont a rating of 10. [3] A beautiful new look for a beautiful soul!

Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent 40 kisses to celebrate 40 days.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent 30 oyster pearls to celebrate 1 month of marriage.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent pearls of ice and flame to show her gratitude.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent 22 watermelon pieces to celebrate 22 days.
Persephone [WIP] sent a flower wreath.
I Love you from Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) - ...and happy two weeks of wedded bliss!!!
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent a small globe filled w/ fire and water.
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent 7 tiny flame candles to celebrate one week.
Congratulations from Vivien Vixen - Lule Sámi Wedding Joik
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) sent an onyx/ruby-encrusted wedding band.

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