Sebastian Devoncroix is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Sebastian Devoncroix (750400)"To be a vampire is to witness time slip through mortal fingers like grains of sand. While they squander their fleeting moments, we, the eternal, know the truth—time is a predator, relentless and unforgiving...."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 17:15
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days74 / 0
Game Age48
Karma+/Verve+35 / 25
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record6,801/301/5
Win %96%
Last KilledSabre d’Ange
Last Killed By<::Violet:: ...
Wins/Blood Today386/38,744
Avg. Blood100
WP Spent2
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum’s Resident Magician (10)
Coven VirtueLeaving The Nest (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 513k+



List 0.5

Rank 75+

5k+ Wins

500+ Power

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Married to Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284) for 41 days

1 Family Member

Vitality 140    Charm 9
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 0
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Sebastian Devoncroix 's average rating out of 12 rates is 6.92/10


Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-30 00:56:20

Minez! 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-27 13:00:53

You are my night; my luminous moon. Once upon a lifetime you thought yourself hidden, shining your light from the treetops before you move away from the sun. But once you found me, and I you, the opposite was apparent. You are no longer hidden from this world; for in my eyes, and in the light of my heart, I have found you.

And now... your moon is no longer lonely. It is now peppered with a sea of twinkling stars which illuminates my love for you. And along with the stars, tattered across the velvet canvas, are our constellations-- the connect-the-dot pictures that would immortalize the memories of how we've met, who we are, and what we will be in the forever and a lifetime of our future.

My love's for you, Cryphie. 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-25 11:51:22

You... lovely, goofy, completely and utterly [i]memorizing[/i] refried bean you! 🫘 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-05 13:02:15

Dearest rook, no amount of words can match nor better all the warmth, kindness, and sweetness that you have given me. Other than a smile on my face, I think there is one emote that would sum up my response all too perfectly.

Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-18 16:36:33

Wheat Beasts 4 lyfe! 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-16 13:04:09

Good morning, Cryphie.

The blessing of your immortality walking amongst the creatures of this third rock from the sun is that you finally found your one.

Even though you have no need for air, a need for a beating heart, nor a need to worry about the chronological flow of aging, you know that I know that I can be that for you.

I can be the winds in your sails as I take your breath away.

I can be the pulse of your heart; the warmth that courses through those cold, ancient veins.

I can show you what time looks like, feels like, and how precious it is by the millisecond you are around me.

That is the blessing of my mortality. 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-14 11:27:12

I got you, babe. 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-12 11:19:13

Oh, my darling, we don't. 💚

*Raises those dual plasma guns to the sky and starts blazing bullets into the air while making machine gun noises.*

Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-09 11:01:43

Forever and a lifetime. 💚
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-09-08 14:42:14

You have given Sebastian Devoncroix a rating of 10.

Forgot to leave this here. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-09-08 14:41:35

Your sense of humor is on point! qq
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-08 00:06:52

Happy one month of dealing with *points at herself with both hands* [i]this gal![/i] 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-06 15:20:07

[i]Sheeeesh![/i] You look bussin', on God on God. Respectfully! [roll] 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-05 12:02:53

You can talk about your refried beans and your John 3:16's. Well Sylvie 3:16 says that I love your ass! 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-02 13:32:57

[b]Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) has just completed achievements list 0.5.[/b]

Look at you, my eternal. Flexing them muscles as you complete your first of many achievements. Keep on keeping on while the moon is up!

In the meanwhile, though... I'll still have your back. :P

*Twirls her plasma six-shooters with both pointer fingers and blasts a 10 on your profile before Yosemite Sam-ming out of there!* 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-01 13:09:19

[i]But I knew exactly where I was.
And I knew the meaning of it all.
And I knew the distance to the sun.
And I knew the echo that is love.[/i]
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-29 11:00:29

[i]Ma pleine lune.[/i] 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-26 11:20:51

Thank to the good Lord Himself that I am a sweet angel. [angel] :D
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-23 12:12:03

[i]Could I be one for you?
Could I be one for you?
Could I be one for you?
If you're the one for me.[/i] 💚
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-08-20 18:23:31

Always in my thoughts, my Cryphie. 💚

Sebastian Devoncroix (750400) sent Lifetime Supply of Dr. Pepper.
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284) - Deal with it, boo! &#128154;
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284) - Here are your gifts.
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284) - Violets are blue.
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284) - Roses are red.
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) - The love I have for you, it repeats eternally.
I Love you from Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) - A few guffaws one Google translation later! MDR, indeed! :D
Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) sent my heart; which is priceless. <3.
Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) sent An ice cold can of Dr. Pepper..

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