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Sirius (75484)"dealing with 99 problems. But not one of those is your crap."

Last Active: 2022/03/21 00:46
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Game Age5,858
Karma+/Verve+2 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S6/0/1
Battle Record7,657/45,285/38
Win %15%
Last KilledPetr
Last Killed ByHecate
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Coven Title (Rank)Sirius (80)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 215k+



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Operation: Black Sun

As he sat inside the hot, dry Blackhawk he thought to himself "Finally! I thought they`d trained us for nothing". He had been apart of the program since its early days. It was the military`s way of using what it called "Leeches" to win a war. They were the ones that went in and did the dirty work that even Marine Corps Infantry and Special Forces couldn`t, or wouldn`t, do.

Being a Vampire in the Army wasn`t so bad. All the blood you wanted (AFTER the fight), good protection from the people in the US that hate you, and nice pay. He missed many things, like freedom, the hunt, the feel of warm blood----He was shaken from his daydream by a sharp yank to the left. The pilot had barely avoided an RPG from 2 o` clock. "15 seconds out!". Here we go again, he thought, at least were going out at dusk. As he pushed the fastrope out he signaled the go ahead, PFC.McCracken was the first down, followed by SPC. Finnigan, CPL. Meena, and all the PVT.s in the platoon, allowing him to be the last out of the helicopter. Today they would be assaulting a hotel somewhere in Cape Town, South Africa. There was a meeting of high-ranking officials and would-be pirates. This isn`t the first time they`ve gone out, but at least it wasn`t at high noon as many of the previous times. Today began Operation: Black Sun.

Operation: Black Sun was the first large scale operation being completed by these leeches in the US Army. It was the flagship operation that was either going to open the door to a whole new view of Vampires or absolutely shut the door to all human/vampire relations. It was this reason that the selection process was so stringent.



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Sirius's average rating out of 19 rates is 5.42/10


Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2019-11-13 09:26:34

It happens. What brought you back again?
Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2019-11-13 09:23:17

Looking at your game age and your power somehow I doubt that but you can try your little heart off
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2014-09-25 02:15:39

Im ok..still breathing :D
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2014-09-24 03:10:19

Like your status. Lol
Blood Shard (230245)

2011-07-10 22:20:59

Hi there,,, Sirius ,,,Welcome back to buds,,,:) call me shardy please,,,, If you should need some starter equipment Please BL me,,, Please stop by the coven chat if you need any help or just wont to talk, it is a good place to make some new friends or talk to some old friends,,,, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page,,, We all are here to Have Fun so go Play,,,Happy hunting,,:)..~Hugs~
~*Åbb!gâlꆧhâdøwBløøð*~ (239266)

2010-08-10 20:36:48

Long Time No Talk
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2010-07-06 06:09:54

hahaha...dont worry.. there will be other battles for serenity to fight. some you may win...and some you may will lose...its really not that big a deal....*grins* but it sure doesn't suck to
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2010-07-04 23:54:04

ohh yes...things are scarce because you guys are in 2 every little bit counts : )=
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2010-07-03 22:46:41

gottcha!!!! : )=

2010-06-22 01:43:48

I don't mind being attacked, I just mind being singled out by one person and attacked so often that I can't DO anything. It's irritating.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 19:25:44

I am used to be killed to. I say more the merry. hahaha
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 19:22:32

I see that I am stronger. MMMMmmm I do like that. lol
Indigo James (331649)

2010-06-21 19:12:21

im fine,
Indigo James (331649)

2010-06-21 19:07:41

k u?
Indigo James (331649)

2010-06-21 19:00:39

Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 06:23:22

you are still older in age
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 06:20:36

hahahahaha yea i am weak. Help help me. lol
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 06:18:28

Thats better, You might have left a mark on me.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 06:16:13

Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2010-06-21 06:13:49

You are a wise one then. *bows to greatness*

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