Mestophocles Night is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Mestophocles Night (75698)"Wherewolves! They're what's for dinner! *licking fingers* They're so delicious!"

Last Active: 2016-10-26 05:13:34
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,855
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780019 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780019 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,702/79,136/227
Win %7%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed ByLady Death
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
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Coven Title (Rank)Mestophocles Night (80)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 28k+



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Elijah Night
Aelfric Night~Jeeves
VIP Member DarkAsh
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw
Ophelia Lovarian
Shannah DeLaRosa
Scarlett Moon Night
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Ember of Wolfsblood
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Mestophocles Night's average rating out of 31 rates is 7.16/10


-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-11-30 05:06:55

I still miss you. (Night)
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-12-26 17:08:43

Happy Holidays Mestoph.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2014-07-07 21:26:52

Ah, still no sign of the wandering minstrel. How sad. You must come back. Life goes on, and blooms anew.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-12-25 11:19:04

A very Merry Christmas Mestoph, and a prosperous New Year to you and yours.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-10-05 15:33:04

Having finished certain business, Blackwidow was on her way back to Asuras Manor. Heavy thoughts on her mind, she moved through the last bit of twilight, enjoying the lovely early fall night. Not truly paying attention to the path she meandered along, she soon found herself near a place she remembered. It had been awhile since she had gone in this direction, coming out onto a hilltop overlooking the Dead City. A night breeze lifted the coiled strands that danced around her face, and she remembered meeting a friend in almost this very spot. It brought a smile to her lips, and she whispered into the wind, "Blessed be, Mestophocles." Then with a glance towards the stars winking out as daybreak approached, she turned and in a moment, a fine myst occupied the space where a woman once stood. Then streamed away quickly to her home, and a well deserved days rest.
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2013-08-30 12:05:05

Fluffy Phuri Dae (539789)

2013-06-09 22:29:49

Ahh thank you
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-02-07 17:48:46

Blackwidow had risen from her bed, and was looking out of the window in the door of her personal garden entrance to her quarters, wishing Spring would hurry and come again. She had an innate dislike for the Winter months, leftover from her human years. The cold had no effect upon her now, yet she yearned for temperate breezes and the scent of garden blooms. The loveseat under the magnolia tree on her small terrace wore a coating of frost thereon. "Bah!" she said softly in disgust. Then she noted a glimmer upon the small table next to the tree. Though she was loathed to go out in the cold, she opened the door, and went to investigate, the turquoise silk peignoir, and tousled golden brown coiling strands floating around her form. "Oh my!" she exclaimed softly as she picked up a dozen gold-dipped roses, the stems wrapped in white tissue. She looked, but there was no note. Bringing the bundle to her nose, she took in the faint scent that lingered upon the wrapping. "Ah, Mestophocles. Thank you for this bit of beauty to brighten my Winter nights." This she whispered into the wind, knowing it would find him, as she made her way back into her room, to savor a glass of wine before the fireplace. His gift, would be placed in a crystal vase next to her bed.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2012-12-18 14:58:04

The frost coats the branches of the forest with crystals sparkling in the cold light of the moon. On her way along familiar paths, she catches the notes of a scent that she knows well. With a mischievous gleam within golden hues, she takes up two handfuls of show, then follows the scent as it grows stronger. Spotting a shadow, she calls out. "Happy Holidays Mestoph!" Then fires off two rounds, ---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! She runs swiftly back down the path, her laughter left afloat upon the winter winds.
Blood Shard (230245)

2012-10-22 18:44:52

Hi there,,,Mestophocles Night ,,,Welcome to buds,,,:) call me shardy please,,,, If you should need some starter equipment Please BL me,,, Please stop by the coven chat if you need any help or just wont to talk, it is a good place to make some new friends or talk to some old friends,,,, Please read the Buds Guide and Buds FAQ, found on the main coven page,,, We all are here to Have Fun so go Play,,,Happy hunting,,:)..~Hugs~
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2012-09-26 22:04:14

You are missed my friend. I hope your shows are spectacular, and wildly successful.
Jada Jeeves (109564)

2012-06-01 18:57:12

Good to see you
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2012-02-09 04:37:16

I want you to know, that when I think of people who still embody all that it means to be Night...I think of you. Miss you dearly. Hope to see you around more<3
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2012-02-01 20:44:07

Ahh! *smiles* How lovely to hear that you will soon grace us with your presence once more. Things have been in constant change here, which you will find out when you arrive. I look forward to being regaled with tales of your travels, and some fresh talent, and wit for RP. Adieu, until then my friend. ~BW~
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-12-27 14:23:03

Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year to you my friend. May this one, be better than the last.
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2011-10-25 17:09:47

You ripped out Mestophocles Night (75698)'s spine. -Hands his spine back to him with a wry grin.- Love you, uncle mine. <3
Valentine (95136)

2011-10-25 14:21:30

It seems I haven't spoken to you in some time, Uncle Mine. How have you faired these past months? *Smiles warmly* I hope to here from you soon.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-10-25 00:09:39

*smiles* Go, with my good wishes. Be the rock that your mortal family needs. This place, and your friends will all be here when your presence is no longer a requirement for for the successful continuation of your bloodline.
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2011-08-20 18:58:09

I will love you always, brother mine. No matter how much time passes.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2011-08-16 03:33:53

Having some time on her hands, Blackwidow wanders the halls of Avalon noting the changes in progress. Walking past a certain door, she encounters a familiar scent...his. However it is somewhat faded. He had'nt been there in awhile. She decides to leave a note, and pulls a scrap of parchment, and pen from her pouch. Leaning against the door she writes; Sir Mestophocles, coming upon your abode, I see that you have been away for awhile. Rushing about once more no doubt.*smiles* May you return to us soon, your journey fruitful, and burdens light. In Friendship ~Blackwidow~ Folding the note, she slipped it under his door, and continued on her way. The faint trace of honeysuckle left scenting the air behind her. (anticipating part 2 of our Rp my lord. Good Hunting!)

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