Diesirae Amhailteach is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Diesirae Amhailteach (76634)"is the Little Mouse that could ... and is :)"

Last Active: 2023/01/28 03:17
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Game Age5,844
Karma+/Verve+-2 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles6 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record4,777/33,854/133
Win %13%
Last KilledVampir
Last Killed BySage Rozenkran ...
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Avg. BloodSlacking
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Married to Morti-Wa Amhailteach® ™ (496551) for 4844 days
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Corvinus Myst
Solitaire Huntress
Morti-Wa Amhailteach® ™
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Like raven wings, dark snippets of memory flash in and out. A rustling of cloth here, a flash of dark hair and grey eyes there. The mix of pleasure and pain. Heart beats slowing to a halt. Soft caresses and a metallic taste on the tongue.


Blue eyes open to the pitch blackness. Well, pitch black to the normal person. Diesirae hadn`t actually been "normal" for the past 50 years. Cuddled up under the fluffy white and grey comforter and black sheets with her husband, Morti, she peeked out through the sheer black curtains of the canopy bed, peering around the room. Seeing all the nuances hidden within the shadows that most people never saw, Diesirae sighed and decided if she really wanted to vacate the cool fluffy cloud and the curve of strong male arms she was cradled by. The hunger that was slowly flowing through her veins made the final decision, and she slid out from under the covers to start her "day". Morti still snoring softly into his black cased pillow. His dark hair mussed by sleep. Diesirae smiled softly at her handsome husband. They had only been married a year, but to Diesirae, it was nice to share her life with someone like her. Someone who knew what she dealt with night to night.
The power and thirst.

She was finally really getting used to the idea that the stories of creatures that seemed so unbelievable were really true and she was one of them. That she was technically almost 80 years old but looked like she was in her 20`s. In relative terms, she was still a fledgeling. An inexperienced newly turned. When she thought about her age, it sounded weird to be called that, but when it came to her ability, she truly understood. She was still trying to perfect things, and every time she thought she was getting there, a new ability would crop up. One of which was the ability to change into an animal form: a mouse. At first Diesirae thought it was so unfair. Why couldn`t she have something cool, powerful, intimidating, and maybe.....bigger? A mouse? Really? As time rolled on she began to really appreciate it. She was small enough to not be noticed and could get into almost anywhere she wanted. Cats could be a problem but changing back into her regular form took care of that easily. If she was too conspicuous then she could hide in a hole until either the cat or whoever was lurking around left. She wondered if her abilities came from her sire. Diesirae didn`t know who he was. The following morning after her change she awoke in a mausoleum and had to wait out the day, realizing what she was when her skin started to sting standing in the shaded doorway. She was glad that she found out before she was out in direct sunlight. Diesirae ran into others of her kind that were able to clue her into the ins and outs of her new lifestyle.

Outside the blackout curtains that were secured to the wall so that no inkling of daylight could wiggle it`s way through, full night was quickly approaching. Diesirae dressed her 5`4", newly athletic frame in the quiet movements that all vampires seemed to have. It didn`t matter how quiet she was, though. The change cause a vampire`s hearing to be extraordinary and Morti stirred at the sound of her quiet rustling. Pulling her blonde hair into a simple ponytail, she turned to the mirror to check how she looked. That was something else she was learning; that not all the myths to her kind were true. The mirror thing was something that she was glad was false. Not that she was one that spent hours in the mirror perfecting herself, but no one wanted to go out looking like a goon either. Especially if you needed your appearance to attract your next meal. Happy that everything was where it was suppose to be and that no buttons were eschew, she turned back to the bed to lay a feather-light kiss on Morti`s temple. Sleepy brown eyes opened and a smile tweaked the corner of his mouth. Diesirae whispered, "You getting up, Sleepy Head? It`s dinner time."




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Diesirae Amhailteach's average rating out of 36 rates is 8.67/10


Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2013-07-31 22:44:24

AUNTIE!!!! Miss you!!
Ariah (75682)

2013-06-17 05:30:46

Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2013-05-01 11:01:23

You have given Diesirae Amhailteach a rating of 10. How could you be anything else but a 10 or better :). Love you Auntie.
Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2013-01-01 09:58:16

Happy New Year Auntie Mouse ! Love you totally and missing you .
†Šeamon Whispers† (163379)

2012-12-14 18:37:21

--===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-22 21:37:14

*leaves some big paw prints upon her profile* Happy Thanksgiving darling dies! Hope your day is filled with , laughter and joy! Also, lots and lots of my food!
Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2012-11-15 05:46:22

I miss you too! Things are hopping around here lately!
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-09 21:37:36

... you just made my day sweetie!
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-08 17:42:46

Here as per usual darling. Sorry you is having to work so much! Would love to see you more often ... that's for sure! I mmmiiissssss you! And I lovers you too! lol * and gles*
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-05 01:45:16

Me too darling! Hope all is well with you today; anything exciting going on?
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-04 01:11:32

You just made my day!!! ;) Anytime I can put a smile on a loved one's face, then my day is complete.
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-04 00:58:20

I'll look forward to that darling! I do miss you so; it will happen when it's supposed to as we both know! *Boudica smiled as she saw with her mind's eye that Dies was enjoying her chocolates ... something which always brought warmth to her dead heart*
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-11-03 16:27:33

Dies mine darling!!! So glad you dropped by, and am sorry for being remiss in mine visits! *Hands her a box of her signature burgundy wrapped blood chocolates* I return the love and gles sweetie and hope to see you in the House soon!
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-10-08 07:14:57

I do too ... it's the best Frankenstein movie ever! So funny and so great! I'm so happy you got your hands on a copy darling! Now whenever I watch it I'll think of you ... and hope that the feeling is ... mutual! *giggling profusely*
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-10-08 06:53:46

*blushes* Well sweetness, all I can say is ditto! The feeling is mutual (she says in her best voice from Young Frankenstein ..
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-10-08 06:42:49

Bou saw the tiny mouse prints in the shape of a heart and it warmed her through and through! A smile crept across her face as she knew who'd been there and she headed to the kitchens to make some blood chocolate* Thank you so much darling!
BloodSpell G. Nightlord (274806)

2012-08-13 16:11:07

I was just profile hopping and saw your name. It reminded me of a massive Imperator-class Emperor Battle Titan, Dies Irae and I was surprised to see that it's a little yet deadly mouse in Dead City. *chuckles* I can't help but leave a comment. Oh and a 10 for your profile. May you have a bloody kill fest. ;)
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-08-08 06:15:41

You're more than welcome darling. It covers the gamut I can assure you ... from prehistory (as we presume it to have been) to present, A to Z ... I think I need a Dewey decimal system!
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-08-08 05:04:03

No worries darling! I'm still doing the same when it comes to "settling in." Still haven't gotten everything unpacked! Books ... [facepalm] Oh the books that I have! Anytime you stop by is a joy! *Bou handed Dies a small box of blood chocolates*
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-07-31 12:58:53

Hey Sweetie! [poke]s back. Welcome to HotFR!!! :) Good to see you here! Hope you're gearing up with the 'Lympics and getting your stats ready ... we is a bloodthirsty bunch, and a wee bit nuts too! [roll] *gles her tight*

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