Drucila is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Drucila (82580)"Sadness stains the heart which remains.."

Last Active: 2012-05-27 19:21:25
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,824
Karma+/Verve+1 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record5,183/45,975/92
Win %11%
Last KilledAlphalfa
Last Killed ByJohnny Bravo
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenTomb of the Old Guard
Coven Title (Rank)Fire Starter (45)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 76k+



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Boudica Night Tigress
VIP Member DarkAsh
Solitaire Huntress
Patience Artemis
Toushirou Hitsugaya
Theodore S. *Doc* Giesel
Guildy Nemo`s Panthera

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Race: Sensual Vampire.

Age: Turned at the age of 17 and under 2000 years of immortality.

Appearance: Enhanced from the turning of her from a mortal life to an immortal one, Drucila has pale skin with vibrant red hair and intense green eyes. Remnants of her mortal life remain in her form, unable to change and frozen in time for eternity... her height of 4’11 - which is not the most practical whether mortal or immortal, and her hourglass figure matched by her gentle muscle toned body allowing her to be agile and elegant.

Attire: Out of habit, it changes on her particular frame of mind but always remaining a dark colour. Normally, her garments usually consist of corsets with or without an attached dress, ranging from Victorian and gothic styles to the odd latex one, and the occasional ‘normal’ dress. On more formal occasions a gothic gown is preferred with the minimum of colour restrained to the stitching and ribbons if any attached, keeping the gown at its most contrasting towards her skin.

The evening air was cool and the moon’s light bright as she walked beneath it through a forest of silver birches; each shimmering under the radiant light. Illuminating her delicate skin also, a gentle glowing essence came about her as she passed through the clearing where the moon’s light was most effective and unshielded by the trees. She paused, and tilted her head up slightly as she basked in the pale luminosity that could only be found during the dark hours. As the beams fell upon her, the corners of her mouth pulled up slightly revealing a smooth smile from the familiarity of the warmth that could only be achieved every twelve hours. Her eyes shut and she fully embraced the power being emitted from the dark sky that is only felt this strong once a month. Slowly, the pale eyelids that rested perfectly over her eyes began to reopen to reveal dazzling green, almost emerald eyes that relit her face as she brought her head back down to its natural alignment. A slight wind picked up and gently caught her red hair; lifting it up softly off of her body and allowing it to blow playfully in the wind. As she began to walk forward, remnants of her graciousness could be felt in the grass that her feet had previously traced. The night was young, and so was she and blood could be smelt in the air…



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Drucila's average rating out of 37 rates is 6.95/10


Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2012-08-10 03:11:56

You have given Drucila a rating of 10. You are certainly missed dearest!
Hektor R.B Delano (572541)

2012-05-17 17:31:45

I am sure it will and thank you once again Drucila it has been a privalige to meet you
Hektor R.B Delano (572541)

2012-05-17 17:15:19

He bows and takes the lock of your hair and places it inside his ring..."It's a secret" he smiles
Hektor R.B Delano (572541)

2012-05-17 16:54:46

Yes Drucila it is an awful shame he smiles...could i have a lock of your hair as it is my lucky colour and girl do i need some luck
Hektor R.B Delano (572541)

2012-05-17 16:21:47

Thank you Drucila and here is a +10 winging its way to you..by the way i would give you an extra +10 for your hair if i could....
Peter Hale (432904)

2012-05-13 08:13:11

beautiful profile 10
Sirocco (441156)

2012-03-17 12:17:16

Thank you. It's quite peaceful isn't it? I usually just leave that page open so I have something nice and relaxing to listen to while I'm here.
Solitaire Huntress (368282)

2012-02-19 19:08:11

Demona (330687)

2012-01-30 14:50:27

Thank you! :)
Parasitic (242932)

2012-01-26 23:19:44

Thank you :)
Andarlas Aestus Belial (399945)

2012-01-15 23:14:37

much obliged. yours is pretty sweet as well
†Starr.Salvatore™† (511237)

2011-11-05 19:11:49

thank you urs is cool too
Lali Occuri (299782)

2010-09-09 00:31:53

im ok.. same wishes to you.
Lali Occuri (299782)

2010-09-08 18:06:57

hello auntie. sorry i havent visited very often. i loves your page .
Althena Melanthios (232814)

2010-09-03 04:47:29

hi darling, work is busy but otherwise am good ~hugs~
Althena Melanthios (232814)

2010-08-10 03:29:09

Awww, thank you darling.. i am going to be adding family to my slide show is there a pic you want me to use for you?
Althena Melanthios (232814)

2010-08-09 06:21:09

i love the new profile daughter its beautiful
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2010-07-08 01:08:27

Ur welcome! *smiles bk*
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2010-07-06 23:44:18

Gave a rating of 10. Nice taste in music.
Daniel Panthera-Corbeaux (197076)

2010-05-19 20:18:34

yupperz. it does .

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