Arcanus Krylancelo is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Arcanus Krylancelo (93406)"Save me if I become my demons..."

Last Active: 2024/04/10 05:29
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,789
Karma+/Verve+5 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780026 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780026 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,601/41,961/150
Win %12%
Last KilledDark
Last Killed ByLady Death
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenThe Den Of Debauchery
Coven Title (Rank)Debauchery`s Sexy Kry-Baby (75)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 3k+



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Once a talented human sorcerer, Arcanus was turned by a powerful vampire. It was not his choice, and it was out of spite. Seeing the overconfident youth that Arcanus was drove her to forcefully embrace the man and change him. Knowing he would lose his ability to control human magicks in his undeath, he was then abandoned in the wilderness to suffer and eventually meet final death. However, he survived. But, often, life takes its toll.

The ordeals he endured over the last 500 years have shattered his psyche. His personality split between the kind but prideful man he once was and the instinct driven beast that is his vampiric side, he sought revenge for many years. Anger and hatred can only drive someone for so long. Eventually he decided to make the best of his situation. Always feeling like an outsider, having very few worldly possessions, and shying from others has left him often out-of-place in society (vampiric or otherwise). He often keeps to himself but forges powerful friendships with those he chooses. Those that are chosen are special to him, as they are certainly few in number. They would be a perfect weakness to exploit.

Being powerless for many years (as he lost his previous magickal power and also was unfamiliar with his vampiric nature), he eventually was able to create a form of blood magic that mimicked his previous abilities. Using his vampiric blood as others use it to enhance their physical abilities, he can tap into the powers of the aether. By unlocking the secrets of the runes, he draws them with his fingers before casting a spell. He used to have to draw the runes in blood. Nearly endless study and practice have given Arcanus the ability to utilize his blood while still within his body for his conjurings. It was this ability that first interested the Tower in him. None before have developed such powers. Once recruitment attempts failed, it was determined he was far too dangerous to leave loose in the world.

Krylancelo, the name given to his vampiric beast, will occasionally take over as the "host". When he does, he often flies into an uncontrollable rage. Unable to use magick, he instead channels all of the vampiric fury and power into improving his physical abilities granting super strength, super speed, enhanced senses, and the large fangs and claws associated with the more bestial vampiric forms. Unlike Arcanus, Krylancelo is not much more than a beast driven by instinct and the need to kill. Caution should certainly be exercised when dealing with him. This being is far more predictable than his magick wielding counterpart. Treat him like a wild animal but do not underestimate him.

There have been reports that it is possible for the two personalities known as Arcanus and Krylancelo to join together to form a single coherent being of immense power, able to wield both magickal and vampiric abilities simultaneously. This has not been confirmed officially, but it is a possibility all agents should be aware of and prepared for.

Current location: Unknown.

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   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Arcanus Krylancelo's average rating out of 35 rates is 8.74/10


Mia bellator (91819)

2016-09-19 22:59:07

come backand play :D
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2016-09-05 06:52:50

Rate of 10. qq
Anthea ~LS~ Forte (116654)

2016-01-08 06:36:38

I see you!!
Lucia Villanueva Satanic (690837)

2015-05-08 17:09:46

No problem at all. I'm about to do mine qq
Lucia Villanueva Satanic (690837)

2015-05-08 17:07:03

You have given Arcanus Krylancelo a rating of 10.

Nice profile qq
Eddy (435946)

2015-03-21 01:23:31

You have given Arcanus Krylancelo a rating of 10. Accidentally clicked your profile saw the status, and the music video and that's all I needed to give you a ten. Seen Starset live, they were pretty good. Lol
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2014-07-31 06:37:30

Rate of 10. :)
Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2014-06-02 22:51:26

You have given Arcanus Krylancelo a rating of 10. Love your background.
Quest (289510)

2013-06-27 06:51:52

Heard it's your birthday... Have a fun one!
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-06-26 21:20:49

Paddles his sexy ass repeatedly while singing " Happy Birthday ". <3333333333333333
Celestia (76090)

2013-06-23 00:50:33

Just stopping in to say a quick hello! Hope to chat with you soon! ~Tasha~
Sherie Milan (215213)

2013-06-20 23:09:59

Sherie Milan (215213)

2013-06-20 22:07:29

-Smirked- Do I?
Sherie Milan (215213)

2013-06-20 22:05:28

Hard and rough. ;)
Sherie Milan (215213)

2013-06-20 22:01:15

Harder next time. I didn't feel it. Teehee.
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-05-21 06:30:30

Would grin slowly while easing her knuckles along his jaw with a whispered. As am I darling
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-04-18 16:29:17

Slathers the man with affection <33
Devlynn DS LS Eternal (107796)

2013-04-08 16:36:44

Kry-baby <33
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2012-11-09 13:17:36

31 days down, and only 69 more to go. Then it's 100 and you can rid yourself of my crazy antics and multiple name changes
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2012-10-25 19:05:15


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