Mayne Bellator is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Mayne Bellator (97377)""My profile for the last like 5 years, you fuck, omg. I need a new brother.""

Last Active: 2024/09/16 01:07
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,771
Karma+/Verve+2,426 / 260
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationCanada
Collectibles45 (+1%) See All
Missions R/P/S249/1/16
StatusDead (28779437 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779437 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record257,351/153,621/9
Win %63%
Last KilledAlphalfa
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent77
Coven Crimson Arcana
Coven Title (Rank)Beast (40)
Coven VirtueCentaur (6)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 21mil+



List 3

Rank 500+

100k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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4 Family Members

Vitality 555    Charm 11
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 1
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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VIP Member Sinara Bellator Dominor
VIP Member Valterra Dominor

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   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Mayne Bellator 's average rating out of 485 rates is 7.50/10


Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2024-02-25 18:17:55

Thank you. [3]
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2024-02-25 18:01:49

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10. Since we’re friends now. :p
Zin Acwellan (79044)

2023-09-01 02:05:15

Stinkin' bard.
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-06-29 16:21:17

Luna Xerses Ivy Stryker (744804)

2023-05-25 08:26:17

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10.

I can't decide if I rated your profile due to it's artistic talent or because your FC is simply hot .
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2023-05-08 01:14:24

I don't bug you like a family member should, but I hope you're well, Uncle Mayne.

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10.
Olivia Morris (744650)

2023-02-04 03:49:57

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10.
Kitty Kat (94459)

2022-07-27 19:43:04

That would imply I was well behaved to begin with…but I haven’t needed bail money [i]yet[/i] so I’m calling it a win.
Kitty Kat (94459)

2022-07-27 19:27:04

LoL clearly some things never change… xx
Kitty Kat (94459)

2022-07-27 19:20:14

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10.

You looked like you needed an ego stroke. ;)
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2022-07-12 21:59:20

You have given Mayne Bellator a rating of 10.
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2022-07-05 01:22:46

Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-02 05:43:09

Damn, going to have to up my game here. [hm]
*Gets a pressure hose and fills it with all colours of the rainbow, then blasts your house so that the paint sets deep within the stone*
You live in a rainbow castle now, sucker. (vampygrin)
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 21:10:34

Oh, it's on! -k-
*Grabs the girliest things I can get my hands on, like glitter and unicorn plushies, and throws them around*
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 17:08:01

Oh, no, you did not just accept my challenge that I have previously forgotten. -k-
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 15:49:24

Ah, we're not supposed to get along, but the system is rigged. I get along with Cancer's just fine thank you very much. -k-
Then I will happily be a challenge for you. [hehe]
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 14:02:05

Heeeeeeeee why does that sound like a challenge? (ff)
I'm an Aries, so everything sounds like a challenge. Damn.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 13:51:43

*Grins from ear to ear* I'm not shy. I [i]am[/i] a colossal pain in the ass, though.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 13:08:35

Oh, god damn it. At least that's an easy fix for the writing. I'll have to fix it on the images too. That's going to be more of a headache. (cry)
Thanks for pointing that out, else I would have left it.
And thank you for the high rating. [hehe]
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2022-07-01 11:36:26

Well, appropriate that I chose the phoenix emote as a "gift" then. I think it's lonely so I'm going to just... (phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)(phoenix2)

Release this whole flock to keep him company. You now have phoenixes flying all over your profile. You're welcome. qq

Aurora E. Renelle (163098) sent Birthday Spankings.
Aurora E. Renelle (163098) sent Mythic Rare MtG Cards.
Aurora E. Renelle (163098) sent Paper MtG Deck.
Aurora E. Renelle (163098) sent Chocolate Milk.

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