chippy is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

chippy (9794)"sucking bux dry"

Last Active: 2013-10-25 00:31:52
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age6,573
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779707 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779707 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record591,089/229,621/72
Win %73%
Last KilledHecate
Last Killed ByLexie
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)CoOwner (98)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 39mil+



List 2

Rank 500+

500k+ Wins

10k+ Power

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Married to Bux (8544) for 6456 days

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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

Cast Analyze ($85,300)
Cast Life ($85,300)
Cast Zap ($0)
Cast Break Out ($85,300)

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VIP Member DarkAsh
VIP Member CeCe

chippy has 2 friends View All Friends


buds crowning achievements up to date:

* unseated Tremere from #1 spot
* created several new rules for the stock market
* got the 8 minute max increased to 15
* stock cap of 50,000
* stocks from 1 hr changed to 2 to 6
* biggest coven in the game (over 3000 members)
* grew to the richest coven
* top vampires
* highest number of kills
* interest cap of 50000 a day

chippys goal in the near future (updated 4/23/09):
* 500 rank (yeaaa!!)
* 400th level coven (go buds!!)
* 3500 coven members
* 100000 profile views
* 400000 kills
* 200 million coven cash
* top 5 strongest vampires

Bux (8544) I can safely say no one owes her more than I do ... why she`s
stuck with me all this time is the 8th wonder of the
world LOL ... literally the sweetest and most tenacious and
charming gamer girl Ive ever ran into across my travels!
and did I mention ... sexxxxxxxyyyyyyyy !! woooooooooo

From : Bux(8544) - [Reply] [Delete]
Subject : None
u can tell how sum1 loves just by the way they treat other
people ... expecially those who are weaker or poorer than
themseleves ... and thats sumthin u got every1 in spades
sweetheart ... u dont rule by power ... u rule by sweetness and
endearment ... in the end when we all die and everyone loses
all their power ... u will still have urs *kiss* .... those that rule
by fear or $$$ will find themselves alone

From : Bux(8544) - [Reply] [Delete]
Subject : None
u dont wanna rule ... thats why ud make such a great ruler LOL
... ironic isnt it? haha ... those that want the power are the ones
that shouldnt have it ... life is so full of irony ... and baby ... u
captured my heart a long time ago ... a permanent etching that
will be there even after i die lol ... if the world was full of more
chippy`s ... the world would be a much better place

how lucky is chippy to be married to such a great man?
*clutches her heart and twirls around*>



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











chippy's average rating out of 1,006 rates is 8.54/10


Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2023-08-19 15:07:58

hey Chippy
You know you are greatly missed here
come back 10
Lady Death (5)

2021-03-22 16:43:15

Miss you Chippy, 8 years is a long time to be gone.
Dewb~SLeighin (719401)

2019-06-29 08:29:34

Awesome And Amazing You Two Together qq :-)[y][cheers]
LadyBlood (81728)

2016-04-26 14:02:43

Chippy haven't see you grace us with your presence in awhile hope all is well with you xxoxo
reset (126801)

2016-01-05 23:06:05

Hello Chippy long time no see how have you been?
Jessica Rabbit (135259)

2015-12-01 12:04:04

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2015! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
MyndKryme™ (20252)

2013-10-25 01:59:03

Bux (8544)

2013-10-25 01:12:05

The living legend ... whatta sighting!!! :) *lights his lighter and holds it in the air*
Vlad Nosferatu (583012)

2013-10-25 00:41:46

omg! and the queen of the house is back! u dont know me bur dosent matter welcme the fuck back!! we ve been our asses hard to become the 1 again. welcome back bux will surely be glad to see u :)
Vlad Nosferatu (583012)

2013-10-03 23:38:49

We need the queen bee back :)
Amber (96150)

2013-10-01 05:01:31

Miss you! :)
Kïñg_Zåmörê_Lövêñêšš (228017)

2013-09-16 15:07:16

Chippy your so beautiful, and awesome :)
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2012-12-24 13:22:41

Hey chippy I've returned to buds
Blake (177659)

2012-11-27 13:04:49

Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2012-06-21 04:54:51

misses you chippy.. even though I can talk to you irl, I miss you on here <3
Aidric Turalthirum (204694)

2012-05-24 16:03:42

I come back... N there is nu chippy :c
Ylenia Dalca (60993)

2012-03-21 15:04:56

*Lovers the chipmunk* Don't work too hard woman ;) <3
Lee Hawke (542437)

2011-09-28 17:50:28

nice stats i hope one day to have a winning level that high :)

2011-09-17 14:53:47

hi i just joined your coven.I also gave you a rate 10 on your profile.
Patron (213631)

2011-09-16 07:23:26

Now where did the renowned Chippy go?

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