DarkMessiah is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

DarkMessiah (9908)"Let it rain, let it rain, let your love rain down on me. Raaain..... Raaain. <3"

Last Active: 2019-01-15 08:33:28
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age6,570
Karma+/Verve+2,696 / 25
Game LocationVadenhill
Home LocationSeychelles
Collectibles101 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S501/82/19
StatusDead (28779765 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779765 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record1,156,985/229,945/47
Win %84%
Last KilledMakduh
Last Killed ByPrincess PhD V ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent1891
Coven Tremere Domus
Coven Title (Rank)Owner (98)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 765mil+



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DarkMessiah's average rating out of 967 rates is 8.61/10


~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2024-06-08 08:08:23

My friend I always wanted to catch up to your power, it's taken years and now I have past you the victory is empty. Still in my thoughts, keep giving them hell [rockon]
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2024-05-10 12:53:18

Just dropping by my ol friend,I hope your giving them hell [rockon]
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2024-01-11 06:47:58

Happy Otherworldly New Year. Missing U . *kicks some dirt somber feelings flow (todos)
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2024-01-05 12:50:07

Your missed deeply,I hope your still giving them and us hell [rockon]
Falkenrath Diederich (574071)

2023-10-29 03:43:56

Rank 4701

Another sad achievement my friend. Only 2 more ranks. No more triple blood from you. [cry] Missing you my old friend!!!!!!!
Nyx Ivy Stryker (169149)

2023-03-25 20:38:21

Hope you are flying high and giving them a run for their money up there pppqqqppp
Falkenrath Diederich (574071)

2022-12-30 04:00:47

Power 99,833

I am slowly but surely catching you. I know if you were here I would not be this close to you, you would still be pulling away from me! [lmfao] Missing you my friend, hope you are giving them hell up here for me!
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2022-10-10 21:39:27

One more year without you and still missing you [3]
~Mad~ Vlad ~LaVey ~ (463334)

2022-09-30 08:57:58

You have given DarkMessiah a rating of 10.
I know il overtake you oneday, but it wont feel right. I hope the party is still going when i get there DM [beer]
Nero Ironbourne (716947)

2022-08-17 12:48:44

Walks in when all were out and sat down by the stone..* hi old man... just coming here to talk.... I know you might be watching me and all the others... I just wanted to say thank you for letting me in TD and allowing me to have that as my first home when my power was lower than dirt... for teaching me how to be stronger and move among shadows and take my shot... thank you.. I miss you alot... and so does everyone... I will be coming home soon.... cheers.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-08-04 20:56:52

I miss you so very very much. I miss how happy I was to see a BL from you. I always knew there would something there to make me laugh and smile.

They broke the mold DM. You will always be one of a kind.[3]
CeCe (245220)

2021-12-31 19:10:01

I miss you my friend..you were always kind pppqqqppp
rating you a 10 as well
Falkenrath Diederich (574071)

2021-11-02 18:45:43

You have given DarkMessiah a rating of 10.

Here's a 10 for you my old friend. [beer]
Anara (720042)

2021-10-10 20:49:50

Miss you [hug]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-08-19 07:55:01

Last Killed By LetThemEatCake

I am crying. My first time. I imagine you telling me something witty and outrageous to make me laugh.

But I can't. Missing you so much. [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-05-28 21:49:16

You’d be happy for him, and say something witty no doubt, but most of all you’d be proud to know that WC passed you in rank this week. [3] For me it’s another excuse to let you know, I’m remembering [hug] you even as I celebrate him.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-05-04 19:58:13

~leaves May posies, wildflowers and ribbons here for her friend. Thinking about you and smiling at the many memories and laughter~
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2020-12-01 19:28:30

The holidays are here once again, but you are not here to share it with us. You are greatly missed my old friend.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2020-12-01 02:01:07

Your snowballs are on their way to DarkMessiah (9908). [3]
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2020-05-19 14:08:49

I LOVE YOU!!!! Whatever it says here. And that...won´t change ever!!! [3]

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