Reign Of Blood

Reign Of Blood Terms Of Service

The Reign Of Blood Terms of Service, as outlined on this page, is subject to change at any time. You must agree to these terms before being able to login and play the game. These terms were last checked in July 2023.

Breaking The Terms Of Service
If you are found to have violated these Terms Of Service, or any of its addendums, Reign Of Blood staff may temporarily ban you from accessing parts of the game. Your account may also be completely banned, or "jailed", for an amount of time deemed necessary. Subsequent violations of the Terms of Service will carry increased penalties and restrictions.

1.1 Age
By creating an account, you agree that you are 16 years of age or older. We will remove highly offensive or illegal content, but some content may not be appropriate for minors (under 16 years of age). Stating you are 16 or over when you are not in-game (or vice versa) will result in immediate permajailing.

1.2 Multiple Accounts (Multis)
You are only permitted one Reign Of Blood account. If you are found with more than one account, all accounts will be jailed.

1.3 Illegal Transfers
Illegal Transfers (ITs) are transactions in which virtual currencies are traded between accounts on the same IP or network, accounts that are on Permissions, to or from a Multi, or any of these done via a third party. Any illegally gained funds/equipment will be removed from the game, and further actions, such as stat loss may occur, as deemed necessary. ITs do not include currencies bought directly from the game store (e.g. Plasma, Potion Credits, RED). You may purchase packs from the game store for any other account, even those sharing your network. For requesting Permissions to share a network or to report use of public networks, see the ADMIN-Rules forum.

1.4 Account Sharing & Transfers
Accounts may only be used and accessed by the user who originally signed up for the account. Violation may result in jailing. Accounts found to have been transferred or sold to another person will be permanently jailed. Do not give your login credentials and passwords to anyone.

1.5 Disruption and Trolling
Any player who engages in acts to disrupt an area of the game (such as profiles, chats, forums, etc) or to deliberately reduce other players' enjoyment of the game (including harassment, bullying, slander, or abuse) can be banned or jailed for an indeterminate time and may be deleted without warning. This includes discouraging and/or shaming anyone from financially supporting or playing the game, as well as threatening the physical safety of players or Staff.

1.6 Encouraging Cheating
Encouraging or willfully assisting another player to break any of these Terms will be considered and treated as if you broke the rule(s) yourself.

1.7 Your Link
You are not permitted to spam your link on any website. If the owner of a website complains of spam via your link, you will be jailed. You are not permitted to use proxies to gain link clicks; note that every link click is logged. You are also not permitted to advertise or post your link in game around Reign Of Blood. Violation may result in jailing and removal of referral rewards.

1.8 Accusations
Users have the right to report players who they think could be violating these Terms. Users found deliberately making false accusations of cheating by another player will be jailed from the game. Altering "evidence" against a player, such as editing chat logs, will be considered as making a deliberate false accusation.

2.1 Bug Abuse
Any users found to abuse a bug or glitch within the site will be jailed and advantages gained from the bug removed. If you come across a bug, please report it on the Bug Forum or by help ticket.

2.2 Automated Software
The use, promotion, or distribution of Automated Software (any software, program, or browser add-on that interacts with the website without manual activation for each interaction) is prohibited and will result in jailing. Any illegally gained advantages will be removed from the accounts involved, and further actions, such as stat loss may occur if deemed necessary.

2.3 Suspicious Activity
At the discretion of executive staff, you account may be jailed if you are suspected of violating any of these Terms or for engaging in unfair game play. If a final investigation determines your innocence, you will be reimbursed any loss of VIP. Any time served will count against a final sentence.

3.1 User Generated Content
Features of this site provide users with an opportunity to post and/or exchange information, ideas, and opinions in chat rooms, forums, blood letters and more. Please be advised that user-generated content and postings (including, but not limited to, any volunteer staff members) do not reflect the views of Reign Of Blood. No member (aside from the game owner) can speak in any official capacity regarding Reign Of Blood, its company, and official policies. Although we moderate public conversations, in no event does Reign Of Blood assume or have any responsibility or liability for any postings or any claims, damages or losses resulting from their use and/or appearance on or in conjunction with this site or elsewhere. Users remain solely responsible for the content of their messages and postings. However, Reign Of Blood reserves the right to edit, delete, or refuse to post any content that violates these Terms, as well as revoke the privileges of any user who does not comply with these Terms.

3.2 Profiles
You are given the option to edit your own profile. There are specific profile rules on the edit profile page which you must adhere to. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in you losing the ability to edit your profile, and you may be jailed. At any time can we edit your profile without notice.

3.3 Covens and Houses
Joining a Coven (a group of players banded together for in-game benefits) is not mandatory but highly encouraged to fully enjoy gameplay. Joining a House (a group of players banded together for social or roleplay interaction) is also not required. Please be advised that internal interactions within Covens and Houses are only moderated for safety of minors and may include mature content.

A Coven and all the items and currencies within belong solely to the Coven Owner. Players may be given special privileges to help manage the coven. Abuse of these privileges, including stealing Coven resources without Owner permission, is prohibited and all involved may be jailed without warning. Transacting with the coven is the same as transacting with the Owner. Use of the Coven as a third party to commit Illegal Transfers is prohibited.

3.4 Coven Invites/Spam
An in-game provided invitation system is the primary method to invite people to your Coven or House. If you are reported using other methods in game to send invites, you may be jailed. Do not spam user profiles or Blood Letters.

3.5 Content Theft
Players own any intellectual content that they fully create themselves. Outlines and organization of content is not protected within RoB. You will not steal or copy other player's created content, including but not limited to, blogs, profile writings, and RP characters. Violation may result in removal of content, loss of posting privileges, such as profile editing, blog posting, restriction of RP features. Repeated violation of this rule can result in jail time. Staff decision is final on any conflict or opposition of the contents origin, and staff will decide on a case by case basis on what action to take if required. Please use proper channels (such as submitting a ticket with screenshots) to report if you feel your content has been stolen.

3.6 Abuse & Blocking
Being abusive to other players and staff is strictly prohibited. Violation may result in being banned from community sections of the game or jailed entirely. If another player is harassing you, you have the option to BLOCK them. If you are still being harassed by other means AFTER you've blocked them, then please submit a ticket. Trying to circumvent a block through either third parties or public areas of the game will result in your account being jailed. Creating statuses or blogs naming or otherwise definitively identifying someone that has blocked you or that you have blocked will be considered block circumvention.

3.7 Solicitation
The solicitation or transaction of real life funds via any Reign of Blood medium (e.g. Blood Letters, forums, coven forums, chat) will not be permitted. Attempting to acquire real life currency by request, or for the sale of in-game or actual items is prohibited and may result in forum or chat bans, account jailing or permanent account deletion/restriction. You are not permitted to sell any in game currency or items for real cash and/or cash purchases made for you or for others, except for the trade of VIP upgrades for Reign of Blood accounts. This includes all in-game currencies, covens, and full accounts.

3.8 Personal Information
Attempting to obtain personal information (such as email, phone number, address, full name, etc) that could allow "offline contact" is strictly forbidden. Any users found attempting to obtain (or give) personal information, or account information (such as signup email and password), may be banned indefinitely from the site. You are not permitted to post any personal contact information about you or others on publicly viewable features (chat/forums/profiles/blogs) of the game.

3.9 Advertising Other Sites
It is against the rules to advertise, promote, or post links to any competing website (any online games, communities, etc).

3.10 External Sites
Reign Of Blood is not held responsible for the content of any external sites. Users can link to other sites; a confirmation page is displayed before a user continues. Any site that is hosted outside the domain is not associated with us. On profiles and coven pages it is possible to embed content from certain sites like YouTube. Reign Of Blood is not held responsible for the content of these external sites. If you have any problems with the external content, please contact that site support; we cannot help with any external site issues.

4.1 VIP
All accounts are free and the game is free to play. However there is an optional VIP upgrade, which gives you some in-game extras. Most packs are one-time payments only; there are 'recurring subscriptions', and they are clearly marked. Packs are not refundable, but it is possible for you to buy packs for another account. VIP packs cannot be transferred or removed once added to an account.

4.2 Agreements
Purchasing any of the packs from our in-game store does not put you into any agreement with us. Please see our in-game payment terms.

4.3 Refunds
Refunds are not offered on any Reign Of Blood packs. If a pack was purchased in error, we can give you in-game credit (RED) to purchase something else. Please see our in-game payment terms..

4.4 Chargebacks
Users agree if any payment transaction tied to their account is charged back or refunded (e.g. due to using a stolen credit card), your account will be jailed until the full amount of money is returned as well as any occurred fees.

4.5 Immunity
We are grateful to who players who help support the game financially. However, buying any of our packs does not make you immune to these Terms of Service.

5.1 Connectivity
Reign Of Blood does not guarantee connectivity, though we do our best to keep the servers online 24/7.

5.2 Staff Policy & Impersonating
Staff have a final say on everything, if you are abusive to staff or do not obey their rules then your account can be jailed or banned without warning. Impersonating a member of Reign Of Blood staff or impersonating a representative of Reign Of Blood is strictly forbidden. Any users caught doing so can be banned or jailed.

5.3 Account Rights
All Accounts remain the property of Reign Of Blood and members are simply given rights to access them.

5.4 Intellectual Rights
Any individual who attempts to reverse engineer, hack, gain unauthorised entry into or undermine the system integrity of Reign Of Blood (including attempting to access any internal part of the game from an offsite location) will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.

5.5 This Agreement
Reign Of Blood shall be not responsible for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement (Connectivity, loss of account information) if such failure is caused by events or conditions beyond Reign Of Blood's reasonable control.

5.6 Addendum
Other sections of the game may have its own rules (such as the chat rooms.) These rules are an addition to the ToS, not a replacement. Violation of these rules is considered to be a violation of the ToS and will be dealt with accordingly. Please familiarize yourself with all game rules before playing. Failure to be familiar with the game rules is not an excuse for breaking them and will not be accepted as a defence of your account.

5.7 Warranty
We make no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted, secure or error free. Although we do our best. You agree that no information obtained from us, whether it is oral or written, will create any warranty.

5.8 Adverts
This site contains advertisements for non-VIP players, Reign Of Blood is not held responsible for what is shown, or the content on the ads or the sites they link too. We do monitor the content but cannot be held responsible for it. If you have any complaints or queries, contact us.

5.9 Language
Reign Of Blood is a game written in English. All public content (including forum & chat) must be posted in the English language so it can be properly moderated.

6. Disclaimers
Your account can be banned, jailed, or otherwise have gameplay limited by executive Staff for any reason without warning or explanation if we feel you are disrupting the game or other players. At no point does buying VIP or in-game purchases with real money bind you into an outside agreement with us or make you immune from any of these Terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Reign Of Blood have any liability to you for any claims, damages, losses, or causes of action for accessing this site..

Further Reading
Parts of the game, like forum and chat, will have their own rules. These rules are in addition to the terms set out in this document. There is a dedicated forum board full of information expanding on these rules, as well as general community guidelines.
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