Reign Of Blood

Reign Of Blood News Blog

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2017 In Review

Posted on 01-Jan-2018

Happy new year! As 2018 begins, lets start by looking back over the past year.

Top Players of 2017

The top players of 2017 have been revealed! Here's a little extra for those at the top. The top 5 players of each of the 4 categories (pvp wins, blood, wheel spins & coven exp) will be rewarded with:

1st Place Prize: 500 RED, 20 WP, 50 QP, 10 Plasma, #1 2017 Collectible
2nd Place Prize: 250 RED, 15 WP, 30 QP, 8 Plasma, #2 2017 Collectible
3rd Place Prize: 100 RED, 10 WP, 20 QP, 6 Plasma, #3 2017 Collectible
4th Place Prize: 75 RED, 5 WP, 15 QP, 5 Plasma, #4 2017 Collectible
5th Place Prize: 50 RED, 3 WP, 10 QP, 4 Plasma, #5 2017 Collectible

Top 30 players wins and blood players will also get 10 RED, 2WP, 10 QP, 2 Potion Credits (remember, these rewards stack, and if you're on multiple top 2016 leaderboard, you'll get these multiple times). Thanks for playing this year, and enjoy the rewards!

The leaderboard has been updated and ready for a fresh new year. You can view the full 2017 player list by clicking here.

Top Features

467 reported updates were made to the game last year, and here are a few highlights.

  • New location for this game blog

  • Updated referral system and rewards

  • Conflicts revisited including the new Brawls

  • "Battle Word Of The Day" added

  • Three part project incorporating more RP into the game

  • RP Boot Camp

  • All new Plasma Boons

  • NPC werewolf arena overhaul

  • All new Lore Panel & Phantom Press

  • Entire game encrypted in SSL

  • Minion system overhaul with new types

  • You can also enjoy Promo Code 18begins

    Enjoy, and I look forward to 2018!

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