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Activity Feed Lottery + Coven Surge

Posted on 04-Jun-2024

Activity Feed Lottery

This month the Activity Feed hit a major milestone - one million entries! It's shocking to comprehend looking down through the Activity Feed that we've now had over 1 million entries into it. To celebrate, we're going to have an Activity Feed Lottery. On Saturday 7th June through Monday 9th June every time you have activity that goes into the Activity Feed you'll be automatically granted a free ticket into the lottery. The top 25 vampires will be showered in prizes.

Coven Surge

It's time for another Coven Surge this month! At the end of the month, on Friday 28th June and Saturday 29th June the Coven Surge will be active. During a Coven Surge event, all covens are put through a gruelling fight that lasts up to 48 hours. A Surge takes place over 48 hourly rounds, and in each round covens can score points over different categories. Covens will then be ranked by their total score based on their hourly performance throughout the entire Surge and then rewarded handsomely.


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