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Black Friday Pack, New Missions & More

Posted on 23-Nov-2017

Blood Thirst Teams

The Thanksgiving themed Blood Thirst teams have now been assembled! Head over to Dead City to see what team you are on if you entered. Good luck to all teams.

New Missions

We are getting to the point where people are completing the mission categories. Today I have extended the tonic vials and motivation claimed missions, what else do you need to extended? Click here to post on the thread.


Although many of you may be away for your Thanksgiving goodness, I have posted a promo code: tg2017

Image Uploading

The server guys are still investigating the struggles of the uploads, so today I will take the file uploads off https for the time being until they figure out what's going on, as this is taking longer than expected.

Black Friday Vial Explosion Packs

Click here to check them out, available until Sunday.


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