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Layout & Brawl Banter

Posted on 11-Sep-2020

New Looks & Layout

As I have previously announced, I am slowly over time developing a new modern and updated look for Reign Of Blood. You can see some of that start to shine through on a few pages that I have updated recently. Dead City, Battle Arena, and Coven Conflict. Those pages have been updated to the new, let's call it, design language. So far the feedback has been positive. Also, keep in mind what you're seeing isn't the new look in its full glory, due to it not being wrapped around the new layout with the new font, etc.

While this isn't a project I am dedicating a huge amount of time to in one go, it's something I am slowly working on over time as I navigate the game each day. It's still in its very early stage (dont be shocked by the notes and awful colours), and I'm treating the top portion of the page as a blank canvas. You can see by the image below where I'm at so far brainstorming ideas and positions of features to find a home for what is already there, and for what is to come.

(Click to enlarge)

On a more personal note, I have been asked if I plan to coven tour again. I have been sitting in Crimson Arcana for a little while now, partially due to the fact they use all the conflicts and it gives me a good opportunity to monitor and tweak things in a coven that uses everything without me needing to dot around to see who's doing what. They've been very welcoming and even though I very much doubt they're intimated by me, they have let me watch over their shoulder with little complaint. I will be making my way around to other covens in due course again.

Brawl Tweak Discussion

Speaking of conflicts, there is one more tweak I think people want me to make in Brawls. While I have said I do not intend to be messing around with the Brawl scoring very often, there is one aspect that enough people have spoken up to me about in various covens, and that's the half hour (00-29, 30-59) +1 bonus.

So, I have started this forum discussion for ideas on what to replace it with. It does need to be replaced, as that +1 score is baked in and needs to remain. Click here to view the forum thread to post your ideas and to view a couple of ideas I am throwing forward.

Community Mods Wanted

There is still some time to apply to the open Community Moderator position. Full details are shared on this forum thread.


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