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RoB Mobile Update

Posted on 29-Aug-2019

Reign Of Blood was built to be played on a desktop computer browser. As time went on, mobile devices became much more popular and overtook the traffic of that of a desktop browser. I couldn't ignore the trend any longer and created the mobile version of Reign Of Blood we have today.

While the mobile version can never match the desktop version (due to much smaller screen sizes) I think I've done a good job at nailing the important aspects.

I've been asked many times about creating an iOS/Android app for the game, and I've always said it's not feasible. I am educated in web development, not native mobile development. So for me to go off and learn that, it would take time away from game development, which simply cannot happen. To outsource the project to another company would cost thousands and thousands. I have been doing some research on and off, and there are some services that sort of take your mobile version and make a native mobile app for a small fee. While this looks tempting just to get the functionality, I've concluded that it'll cause more problems than it'll solve. I can update a website easier than I can an app, plus I don't have to play by Apple's and Google's rules every time they decide to change something.

Another obstacle is one of Apple's rules:

"Guideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality
Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari."

So the probability of any mobile app getting approved is low anyway.

I want to continue to make Reign Of Blood mobile as good as possible. I know there are parts people don't like - some of which just are the limitation of the screen size - but I'd like to know more details. I've started up a poll, and you'll be rewarded with 3 QP if you share your thoughts.

Earn 3 QP by giving your feedback on the Reign Of Blood mobile poll.

Also, the Blood Thirst Teams have been assembled. Best of luck this weekend.


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