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A Couple Stripe EU Payment/Subscription Tweaks

Posted on 07-Sep-2019

Stripe is default payment and top method on the Reign Of Blood Store. This is because of their developer friendly attitude, great service, and a refreshing change from the bloat of companies like WorldPay and Paypal.

Before, each of your purchases acts as a single payment, but now I can create a "customer profile", which is links all your purchases into one tidy lump. So now some of your details will be pre-filled out for you. Things won't appear too different your end, but it'll be a lot tidier my end. Don't worry, I still do not store any credit card details on RoB servers.

EU Changes

Due to EU credit card changes coming into force on 14th September, I've had to make a couple tweaks. Basically all payments above a certain threshold, and some payments in the lower amounts will be subject to an extra step of verification. This will be in the form of a SMS message code. All the payment methods RoB uses is ready for this (as far as I can see, but I'll guess we'll find out this month), however subscriptions is where this is going to get a little hairy. All current subscriptions might fail when this goes into effect, due to you not carrying out that step of verification.

The good news is that all new subscriptions have been upgraded to new the API to allow you to do the verification for the first payment, thus validating all future payments. So for the vampires located in the EU with subscriptions, your next payment after 14th September might fail. If it does, the best thing to do is start a new subscription and I'll cancel the old one. Get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Subscription Tweaks

The new Stripe API now allows you to have multiple Reign Of Blood subscriptions. Which can include multiple subscriptions for different people. For example, you can could have a potion credits sub, with a VIP Max sub, and a VIP Max sub for your IG spouse, all neatly grouped together. You can have just 1 Paypal subscription, which will remain an option. If you want to subscribe to a pack for someone else, subscribe to the pack you want, then Blood Letter me and I can adjust your subscription.

For Mac/iPhone users, you can now subscribe to a pack using Apple pay. It's super quick and easy.

I have updated the subscription control panel to better manage your subs. Each sub is displayed individually. So if you do have multiple subs, you can decide to have the RED value one month for one sub and not the other, depending on your needs for that month.

Vampires on the older legacy Paypal subs, don't worry if you don't see anything on your subscription list, you'll still get your packs and rewards as normal. If you have any queries feel free to Blood Letter me.

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